
Showing posts from January 8, 2023

Nu ser det ut som att jag bott hรคr ett tag ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Wonderful ๐Ÿฅฐ. Give Thanks.. I love colours. And I think it will be good for the baby to, to not live in a prison room. With white walls and straight lines. Having a modernized, adult, rich style of apartment.  Is so very ugly ๐Ÿคฎ. Unuh lack sense. "A suh mi feel zeen" ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 24 days left ๐Ÿฅฐ Great. Everything is finished now. After monday and I fix my tooth ❤. My mom and 2 of my sisters helped me. I have 6 siblings.. I would soo love this apartment if I was a child also. I got things to put in the sockets, so nobody can get electrisicuted too. ๐Ÿ˜‡. Thank you God... I just lived here 1 month... Fi true

"Tandlรคkaren" I Frรถvi! Hur kontaktar jag nรฅgon som kan hjรคlpa mig?

Har skrivit till deras receptionist pรฅ 1177 med tvรฅ mail tidigare. Och fรฅtt till svar att jag blivit informerad om att det var en temporรคr-lagning de fixade till mig. (Fick betala dem 1150, utan anledning +380 fรถr att de sa att jag inte behรถvde รฅtgรคrda det jag kom dit fรถr att fixa, en gรฅng tidigare. Plus att de anvรคnde mina tandvรฅrdsbidrag. Hade 600 nรฅnting... Sรฅ jag skrev dem igen. Undrar om det inte finns nรฅgot som typ IVO man kan kontakta? Jag tรคnker inte finna mig i det hรคr... Skรคmtar ni? Tror ni inte att jag uppsรถkte tandlรคkaren fรถr att fixa det som gjorde ont? Nu har jag gรฅtt till en riktig tandlรคkare. Tvรฅ av mina lagningar pรฅ de bakre tรคnderna hade lossnat. Halva tanden var nรคstan trasig. Det tror jag att er tandlรคkare รคven kunde se. ร„ndรฅ lurar han mig, sรคtter pรฅ en plastbit pรฅ utsidan av ena tanden och pรฅstรฅr pรฅ fullaste allvar att den รฅtgรคrden skulle fixa min smรคrta! Vilket det aldrig gjorde. ร„ndรฅ tycker du att jag ska betala fรถr en felaktig รฅtgรคrd, frรฅn er sida?  Pรฅ mรฅ...

Awoh ๐Ÿ™‚

I agree with what they are saying. After I died at 19, I remember thinking to myself, when I was in hospital. That I've started to reason like an eighty year old.. Truth is that most young people act without thinking. And the biggest change between when I was a teenager and now, is that I absolutely love life. When I was younger I was so insecure and wondered a whole lot. Things didn't make sense to me, I didn't see the whole picture.

Hahaha ๐Ÿ˜€ Oh shit

I mean when I stand up, I start to hurt bad between my legs. Mainly on one side. But it's totally managable. It feels like the baby is preparing to come down. She moves around alot in my belly, same time. So I guess she is trying to figure out, how to leave :)... Hihi. The app say that it is 25 days, to my expected delivery. And I started to use it in May, before my expected period, because I already knew that I was pregnant. I felt it. I don't understand why most people take pregnancy tests? This time I just went to the midwife after 5 months and asked if they could check so that everything seemed ok. Because I worried, since I ate little, the last two months in Jamaica. It's not like I drink, take drugs or consume anything that is not healthy anyway. So I don't see the rush in going to the midwife. Started to eat pregnancy vitamins in June, since I didn't eat enough nutrients. It's like alot of people read and think, that other humans should guide this. But it...

My own personal guess about my tierdness

Ost รคr typ det godaste jag vet :).. But my guess is that I eat too little calories n carbs. I don't really eat alot of protein neither. Not because I'm on a diet, but since I don't really love food, right now... But since both me and the baby is growing like we should, the midwife never expressed a concern.     I guess it goes in periods, some times I eat alot. I do eat extra iron all the time and sometimes vitamins, when I know that I've eaten way to little.    From what I've understood the child takes everything he needs from my body, so I'm the one left without energy... So I shouldn't worry. You know, I'm kind of sure that I would feel alot more awake if I ate more. Because that's how it normally works too. I mean sure you get more energy, when you are a little hungry and less when you just ate. (Since the blood goes to melt the food, instead of your brain and you get more alert, when you are looking for food). But it can be a little ...

๐Ÿ˜€ Good Morning Everybody ๐Ÿ’•

As I woke up at 7 something, I went to the kitchen... It was still dark outside but I looked out the window, on the fairly empty parkinglot and saw a puddle of water on the ground. In it you could see the reflections from the lampposts. It was so calm and beautiful. Then I saw all the plates I'll have to wash and just felt wonderful. Because I know it will be a fast and easy thing to fix :). All people don't even have water. I'm so greatful for the possibilities I have. I will deal with that when I have time. (The rugg I bought in my twenties for me and my ex husband. Then I gave it to my dead ex and now I have it again :) Most of the plates etc I bought second hand or used for over 10 years :) The only thing new is to clean the plates. But the washing-up liquid my other ex gave me ๐Ÿคฃ. He who saves, he has ๐Ÿ˜€. That's a saying in Swedish, or the words goes= Den som spar, han har.. So for breakfast I drank coffey and ate the other half of the bread I had last ...


Mi Im jus appy enuh ๐Ÿ™‚. First n foremost caaah I have felt the baby moving now. Well when mi a walk roun mi seh ajajaj, ojojoj. Like di pain mi a feel very prevalent... Especially now, because of the vaccine hurting my arm, and my upper back. Hahaha, even when I turn around in bed I just have to shout aaooowww. But I guess that is just because I am alone here... Normally these days I say aaj, every time I turn around. It is quite interesting how I was completely silent, when I've been beaten. Well, first n foremost I guess that was because I didn't want to die. Because I had the feeling that it got worse, if I would sound. It's like I didn't want to give the evilness power. I figured that he enjoyed hurting me and that he eventually would stop if I did not react. Then I didn't want his nabour to like call the cops. But I remember one time, when he was violent and stopping me from leaving. I was in the hallway trying to get out. Then I heard somebody walking in the ...


I just took the covidvaccin and the flueshot, for my babys sake ๐Ÿ˜€. Because I've realized that's the best thing I could do. Since the baby will be protected during the first months of her life... (See February is full of diseases over here and a newborn is extra sensitive) Earlier I've honestly had the feeling that the medical care, exist to poison us, based on us selfishly believing in ourselves.  Hence leave God and nature. I've thought that the society, or Babylon, as I called it, was evil and just believed in themself (praising satan). I based what I thought on the bible, peoples acctions and opinions.  I was "praising nature" and saw Adam and Eves decission, as having destroyed the human kind. Even in 2022 ๐Ÿ˜…. I thought that "weed made me question everything", when the truth is that I just focused on surtan things and saw a smaller reality, when I smoked.    I thought that them that used natural drugs actually had a better ability to see the tru...