
Showing posts from June 12, 2022


Living my life ❤

Stay with you 💙

Love you Man Matthew a gwaan... InI jus cook  spinage/garlic/onion/tomato n salt. Plus brown lentils and rice... It tasted alright n Matthew liked it... According to his ex, he is a hard person to please. But I will turn him into a vegan/vegetarian/Rastafarian tr888...

Ella Somerset Falls videos 💋 Raasclaat

 This is the most beautiful place on this earth, I swear! God Unbelievable this place exist in reality and not only in movies... In Negril at Xtabi they had the shower outside, with some walls covering your body. But from our forehead it was open :)...  Could look if I took a picture. But that I love about Jamaica, that you have a window to outside when you are showering and that you can have the windows and door open all day 😀

Så frisk som man kan bli. Myggsprej 😀

Så nu för tiden vaknar jag vid fem. Somnar runt nio, så det är åtta timmar. Jag gillar inte hur många mygg, de har här I Jamaica. Matthew sa någonting om att politikerna betalat för att få myggor utsläppta, som skulle döda de som fanns, men nu har de dubbelt så många.    Tidigare har myggorna knappt bitit mig, men då rökte jag ju varje timme jag var vaken. Nu röker jag nästan aldrig, för det finns ingen anledning tilldet. Så jag ser ut som en finnig tonåring i pannan, tack vare de tiotal myggbett jag fick där igår :S. De har sprayer här som inte innehåller kemikalier, utan mint eller eukalyptus. De har myggnät och ljus med lukter som myggor inte gillar. Jamaica är som ett industrialiserat land, så länge man har pengar. Förutom att det här landet är så mycket bättre, vackrare och mer underbart att vara i. Igår körde vi först till mataffären, sen körde vi till den vackraste floden jag har sett. Killen på andra sidan vägen sa ju att, det tog 5 minuter att gå till den. Det var opt...

Today I have been cleaning

This apartment was so dirty. That's horrible, since we have to pay 500kr a day to stay here. For that price you could stay at a hotel, where them clean for you. But she don't charge anything extra for his children and she let us live here for free untill the 20eth, when I get money and will have to pay her over 3000kr. The water in Montego Bay was of for more than 24 hours. So today I have wiped the floor, washed and hung our clothes outside, clean the table and wash the plates. Etc. Matthew has been fixing the car, cooked porridge this morning and are cooking now. So I lay infront of the fan chilling. Because you have no idea how much my face and body were sweating... It is soo warm in Jamaica now. It is 30 celcius but it feels like 36.. They don't have any vaccume here, they just have brooms. I love how you could have all the windows open all through the day, so you can breath air. The door also have to be open.  Give thanks n praise......