
Showing posts from March 12, 2023

Vilken fin bebis :)

Jag har haft feber i natt, så Em har blivit så varm att hon svettades. För vi låg hud mot hud. Så jag tog av bodyn och hon har bara haft blöja på sig.. Hon har inte varit gnällig och hennes allmäntillstånd är bra... Har ingen feber... Haha, hon har börjat stirra sådär lite varje dag.. Hon vill inte ligga i babynestet oftast. Försöker lägga ner henne där, när hon somnat vid bröstet. Men allt som oftast börjar hon protestera, efter någon minut.     Hon brukar sparka båda benen upp och ner, tills jag lägger henne på min mage igen... Byter ju bröst, så hon inte ska svettas fast med mig :P. Inatt lät jag henne även ligga med ryggen över min mage och huvudet i samma riktning som mig. Lät täcket sluta vid hennes bröst. Så det var ju ganska kallt för febriga mig, som frös.. Men men. Sen lät jag henne ligga med huvudet på min axel och på en ihopvikt filt, mellan min arm och mage. Hon vill bara vara nära, då är hon nöjd..  Sen när hon somnat en längre stund, kunde jag försi...

Lutan great same weay

Great I've gotten sick. Feverish and headake. It was a little girl yesterday that have had a sick sister very recently, that stood very close and petted my babys head. For maby 10 minutes... Em doesn't have any fever, thank God. 37,2... I don't know if it's because my breasts are filled with milk. She breastfeed every hour. So I don't really get any sleep. When she is sleeping I just want to watch her. It's nice to see how alive she is :)... However, we, mainly she have alot of gases. So I should probably cut out the onion... Have to try untill I see what gives her undeveloped intestines issues... Because once or twice a day, she sounds and look, as if she experience pain in her belly. for like 1 minute.. Give Thanks n Praise we fi sleep she a dweet already

My Super Mario ❤️Wonderful tune…

  I'm not really the one to be held responsible, for making my brain, able to find these similarities and connections all the time. Others do not really make the same associations, as I do. So they have regarded me as sick, just because they are too slow to follow my reasonings. Facts .  Emanuella, make the sweetest sounds.  I love it when I hold her close to my nipple. Because then I see her thinking, she opens her mouth and after a while. Either I bring her closer, or she diggs in. And when she do that, she sound so cute. Like eemmm.. Then she can sound like a bird/mouse at times, when she just want to talk. Like eii.. She have a nice voice and sounds more while, hard to copy it... Now she woke, so we'll gwaan..   This man this man... Shawn Storm is cute too :P See I don't really have time to sleep with the baby. Because I always find things to do. But now I'll try to sleep again. I could link di daddy still? Jah kno 


I love him. He is great.  Listening to the song now. . They don't fix the roads, in Jamaica. Only those leading between bigger cities, to transport workers and tourist. So they can earn money... The streets in the rural areas are absolute shit. They have no lights beside, all thoe it gets very dark in the evenings in Jamaica. And it's not like everyone is following some traffic rules. They could buy a driverlicense, without passning any test. They do what they want and you are only required to wear a seatbelt if it's available. Don't remember which exact words the book used. Breastfeeding now. Eating dates n cheesecake in bed 😅. Suh u no dun kno InI affi wear 42/44 pan mi underwear fi suit mi now n dat a CRAZY..     Before I got pregnant I wore 36 as a top but through mi tallness n hips, I had 38 most often...  I still look slim through mi highness, but I can't be viewed as slim again, since...      I never ever wanted to become fysically bigg ...

When Emanuella was 26 days 😀

I have never seen such a beautiful person before... I didn't really felt mother instincts, before I gave birth, to this child..  To stressed last time.. Because of others.. This thing is great. Because you fill it with water and put the amount of milk used, on the settings... When the formula is warm enough, the whole circle shines light :).  Like this: So it's very easy to use and much better than having to heat it in microwave, or in hot water zeen ... Because the ersättning gets the perfect temperature.. . I breastfeed her all the time. But since she wasn't back to her birthweight after 14 days I gave her extra. So after 17 days she weighed 100grammes more, than when she was born.  Emanuella loves music, like I do. Friday we ago to the doctor, to see if everything is proceeding, like it should.  And I think it would, so I could probably stop with the animal?milk then.. Nothing has never been wrong with her. She is quiet and calm all the time, maby she got ...