
Showing posts from March 10, 2024

Apparently I am illegal :S

Image i can't believe how much fuckery people, that are trying to controll this world. (your rights) They claim that they want what's best for you. So I wonder why they remove everything, that they can not controll. I made a new blog, since Youtube erased 2 of my accounts. Because apparently, they where a violation of their tights. I did not do anything that is illegal, in any country. On this earth. I was simply reposting my favorite Artist. The problem was that I was laying down on my coutch, fully dressed. Singing, waay better. Than the dirty devil-worshipers, that they share on their site every day. I poked fun at them and showed them that I really think that they are pussies, all of them. But it's not illegal to be satcastic or a comedian. The problem they had with me, in this reality was that I refuse, to become a victim. Youtube is probably led by illuminati, because they wish to get a platform. To spread their ...

Ok today I will tell you the truth

And show the evidence. I mean you must know a crimescene? Didn't your tv, show you? I mean you look on tv, so you should know. What reality looks like. But no, I guess you skip the real part and watch cartoons n soap opera. I am very clean, but all I do is use water, oil and ecological soap. Don't try that at home. Because you are not smart enough to do that. InI have been working hard all day, so now at six pm. I will start my fun day. Zeen? I have killed two men, but 3. If you count in Ravi. And four, if you include my ex-husband. He was Jamaican, yeah. But he had to die, because he never treated me right. U zeet? I don't kno weh Cleon deh now, last time I chatted to him I was on the train to my home, from Uppsala. Where I was all day, because I needed to do something. At first I ate nuff on the Indiant resturant, next to Malinas upper Highschool. I used to be there alot, those years. Because she had some nice youths in it. And she was my best friend. She n mi was lik...

One cup of coffee n I’ll go

Haha, my wedding flowers actually looked like that, the summer of 2007... First year Eleonor traveled to Jamaica I yaad... Chris Brown really mean that he loves me, and I really mean that I live him too. See the evidence in the picture above, from my last words.. these last days, I have healed myself. How much more evidence would you need? It is taking so long for me to do everything, since I am moving and changing the entire winter galaxy. I want it to become summer and spring. Because I love it more. Chris Brown was borned the 6 of April, I think. He told me he was borned in April. Just like I. 18 of April. So I am an Aries. Hee too. Or a-ri-E-s. You still stUpid or what? Say A-r(are)-I (I am)-E(eleonor)-s or S.. (Satan or Sex or Sabbotage or Snake or everything bad. Think yourself, because I will go and put some butter on my swedish made bread now. Today I will make a bread also I think, because I have all the ingrediens needed. You dont need no messurments, salt, sugar or tim...

Mr Chris Brown 🖤💚❤️

inI love him, untill the Sun stoppes Shining. And that is a never ending thing, so I mean forever. Jesus Chris-T, Chris Brown. He is the baddest nigga I ever been in a relationship with. I mean he is my Man, now. Also Ryme ShOokRyme. Because those two Black man there, actually died for me. Because I died for them. On new Years Eve. So they could see that I'm not just talking. I actually, do the OO. 殺. I am a Man of my word. I promise to love you guys, untill after, all time. Because guess what? InInI all proved, that our love for Jah. Is stronger, than the love of everything else. We don't fear death. Some days ago Shokryme, called me brave. And that was like the biggest compliment, I ever gotten. I mean a Jamaican Gangster, told me that I was brave. Haha, as a matter of fact, both he and Chris. ALWAYS ask me what I ate. They are both very concerned for me. They want to make sure that I survive this. My own "family" however. They don't give a fuck ab...