
Showing posts from October 16, 2022

I will never go back to Jamaica! 🤮

I mean, why would I willingly make life difficult? Sure Kingston and the bigger cities, are quite modernized. They have some food to buy and some resturants.They even sold a deodorant without aluminium. But I still don't want to go there because it is too warm nowdays. So that you have trouble moving around,  you sweat :S. The other thing that really make me not want to go back, is the mosqitos! I mean I'm not talking about one bite a week, because I guess that's quite barable. But 20 bites a day! In Sweden I haven't got any bite in a year.. Everything is so much harder to do in Jamaica than in an industrialized country. I mean the busses run maby once an hour in the bigger cities. It's like they wait untill a car fill up with passangers before they drive and if they have their own It's broken and many have made them sound really loud! And to fix normal things, like a birthcertificate, passport, carpart or anything is really hard. You might have to go to the oth...