
Showing posts from March 17, 2024

ALHAMDULILA AChBAR alhamdu-lilla acbar

See I know, that I know arabit. Since it was I who created arabic. I might not have done that by myself. I probably had accomplichmenists. See Allh, is the God of death. Aka Hades and I love hinm alot since it was us. It was we that brew poison, to kill all those little devils with. See there is absolutely nothing I hate as much on this planet, as tea. It make me puke. It make me feel bad. See tea it that bush that I told my children not to eat from. Back in time. Why do you think it taste so bitter? Because that it make you show yiu that you musnt drink it. They did not listen to me anyway. So I let them mis it with water. So that the water got impoisoned. That is the reason why anybody ever hurt or died. Because of a fucking stupid child´s brewed poison drink. A tea it only drinked by the english and the interbread Jamaicans. They are not pure. They are not clean. They are nothing but stupid in Jamaica. If you have a real Jamaican, one with pure genes aka roots. Then he...


See everything is so very easy to understand. All you have to do is think sensible. Cris Chris Brown is NOT American. Neither African, those monkey. That walked out on the Savannah and left their natural habitat, which is the jungle. They are completely crazy. They are crossbread and burned in the sun, since they left their natural habitat. Under the threes. But those dearranged creatures, actually take the cannabis plant aka Marijuana and they compress it, like some drunk fools. That actually stepped on the winegrapes and put it into bottles, after it rottenef and formed all types of feelings. Then those drunkards, she white people actually fucked the monkeys. That was able to stand on two legs and crossbread the real human. That is the reason, your you turning out so dearranged. Seriously. You eat poo and dead bodies, some of you drink utube and look on the tv. Because you still don’t have any sense. Because you are not pure. Chris Brown is I son. Because non of us, or our relat...

Just wrote the New SHAR-IA law

Image Honestly, you are just a waste of time. If you steal, you should get your hand chopped of. If you hate, you shall be hated. If you ever did anything bad to anybody other than you. You must ask for forgivness or face the consequenses. Simply put. If you are afraid you will be afraid, in your grave. Stand up like a man and face the consequenses of your acctionS. if you are a shamed you are created by Shame. I do'nT know Satan he. I left him in my teenage yearS. Why do you think that he killed me? It was the Uppsala police officers that briebed a poor little wom-man, with their drugs and medications. So she simply just followed orderS. Like a fool. I speak truth and nothing but truth. Only a FooI, try to trick others. Only a insecure little girl wears make up. Only a weak little slut, wears tight and revealing clothes. you could also call them Snakes. you know that a snake could peal his skin of? A snake can ...

Just got a message in Swedish from my ”sister” Linda

you know she that lied and told my mom that my dad had tried to have sex with me. Björn Kaaling, have NEVER touched me inappeopriatly. But mom believed her, so she contacted Babylon. So the doctors in Uppsala, actually looked in my pussy, but they found no signs of penetration. And believe me, if that would have happened. It would have shown, because a 4 years old girl and a 45 year old man can not have sex! Fucking awful, disgusting people. That actually would go to the police, (the decendans of them that killed Jesus Christ) them that actually have gotten caught with child pornografy on their computer, in Uppsala. They that started by building the Tower of Babylon. The police have also went into my house in Gamla Uppsala and taken pictures of my blood, splattered on my wardrobe. :/ They are completely sick in their heads. Because they are barberiC iNdIVIdUallS. (SatanJahGOD1you, that came first, Devils Eye (look on a dollar bill to see the all seeing eTe, a million times) ...

Right now the hospital in Nigeria

is refusing to let Chris Browns Manager, leave the hospital. Because they want Chris Brown to give them money, for the unnecesery treatment they are giving the man... They give him drugs every day. So that Criss. who has no money or food now, actually could not pay them money. To release the healthy man. the manager name is Promise chukwuebuka chukwuma. But they are keeping him, in hospital. because they want more money for the, unessecery treatment. That they are giving him. I asked Shokryme, if you could survive, with a bullet. Inside the body and he said yes.. Jason Pinnock is no criminal, he is a real Artist. That the government of Jamaica locked up. Since I lend him out money, to start our business, in May 2021. See they are doing everything they possibly can, to keep God, from getting his earth back. They want to kill everybody and tourment you in Hell. That is why they are feeding you with propaganda, from the day you where borned. They give you a "personal idifi...

This is what I wrote in English, to my Lawyar.

I understand they don't believe me, but I have our entire conversation saved. It has taken place both on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, via imessage on the iPhone and via an app called Zangi. We have talked every day, from morning to night. Since New Year's Eve. Sometimes one of us also wants to write at night. Both he and I and Shokryme, make videos, we put on Youtube. Where we sing to each other. Me and Shokryme had our first phone communication, via Whatsapp in May 2021. Then I helped him with SEK 7000, so that he could record a music video, there in Jamaica. After that, he bought weapons to have in the music video, which many other artists also have there. But then the police caught him and gave him 3 years in prison. Where he got to work as a cook. They locked me up in the psych ward and claimed I was manic. claimed that and because it had a computer system, which claimed that I was psychotic in 2016. It also said that he was brain damaged, since 2004. (those who are not e...

Det hÀr mailade jag Soc nyss!

Nej. Jag fick brevet pĂ„ torsdagen, inte innan umgĂ€nget redan varit! Jag vill göra en Hemtagnings-begĂ€ran. För alla som förstĂ„r nĂ„gonting, som till exempel de Emanuella bor hos och all personal pĂ„ USÖ. Vet att jag Ă€r helt frisk. Om ni alla hade kunnat lĂ€sa skrev Gergios Makris redan ut mig ifrĂ„n psykiatrin Ă„r 2021. Han sa Ă„t mig att jag inte behövde ha nĂ„gon kontakt med psykiatrin. Men de dĂ€r fĂ„rskallarna, som jobbar pĂ„ nĂ„got ni anstĂ€ller som utredningshem. Är fullt utav outbildade 20-Ă„ringar. De förstĂ„r ingenting jag sĂ€ger till dem och har kokat ihop en rapport utav osanningar. Ni tror pĂ„. Men det var ju ni som bestĂ€llde bevis pĂ„ att jag inte kan ta hand om ett barn. SĂ„ det Ă€r ju inte sĂ„ konstigt att ni, trodde pĂ„ de uppenbara lögnerna. IstĂ€llet för att utreda papperna och lĂ€sa, de faktiska journalerna. Jag kommer att stĂ€lla er inför rĂ€tta. NĂ€r jag inte har nĂ„got annat för mig. Men ifrĂ„n 2024, började har jag pratat med Chris Brown och Shokryme Seysoh, varje dag. All min vakna ...

This I wrote USÖ, just now.

got a mail from somebody claiming to be Lisa Axelson. At the open psykiatric care. Why the fuck should I freewillingly, go to a person, that are only. Teying to make me sick? The mail I wrote in Swedish: Varför? Ni skrev ut medicin till mig och jag mĂ„r bra och tar hand om mig sjĂ€lv. SĂ„ varför skulle jag gĂ„ till USÖ, som inte fungerar korrekt? Polisen körde mig dit, helt utan att jag gjort nĂ„got fel. Dagen efter, fĂ„r jag reda pĂ„ att det var nĂ„gon pĂ„ USÖ, som ljugit och sagt att jag var psykiskt sjuk. Det Ă€r mycket mĂ€rkligt och underligt, eftersom att alla som jag trĂ€ffar dĂ€r pĂ„ sjukhuset. MĂ€rker att jag inte Ă€r sjuk pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt. Du förstĂ„r, de skickar Ă€ndĂ„ upp mig pĂ„ ”observation”. För de vill ge mig era sketna mediciner. De vill jag inte ta, dĂ„ de enbart fĂ„r mig trött. Nu sist, fick jag inte ens vara kvar pĂ„ avdelning 2, utan blev förflyttad till avdelning 3. PĂ„ första vĂ„ningen. För att de hĂ€vdade att de fĂ„tt platsbrist. Jag hade redan fĂ„tt ett rum, men de förflyttade mi...

Det hÀr skrev jag till min Advokat, alldeles nyss:

Jag förstÄr att de inte tror pÄ mig, men jag har hela vÄr komversation sparad. Den har skett bÄde pÄ Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, via imessage pÄ iPhonen och via en app som heter Zangi. Vi har pratat varje dag, frÄn morgon till kvÀll. Sedan nyÄrsafton. Ibland vill nÄgon utav oss Àven skriva pÄ natten. BÄde han och jag och Shokryme, gör videor, vi sÀtter pÄ Youtube. DÀr vi sjunger till varandra. Jag och Shokryme hade vÄran första telefonkommunikation, via Whatsapp i maj 2021. DÄ hjÀlpte jag honom med 7000kr, sÄ att han skulle kunna spela in en musikvideo, dÀr i Jamaica. Efter det köpte han vapen att ha i musikvideon, som mÄnga andra artister ocksÄ har dÀr. Men dÄ tog polisen honom och gav honom 3 Är i fÀngelset. DÀr han fick arbeta som kock. Mig lÄste de in pÄ psyket och pÄstod att jag var manisk. Enbart för att min mamma, hÀvdade det och för att det hade ett data system, som hÀvdade att jag varit psykotisk 2016. DÀr stod Àven att hag var hjÀrnskadad, sedan 2004. (de som inte Àr...