ALHAMDULILA AChBAR alhamdu-lilla acbar
See I know, that I know arabit. Since it was I who created arabic. I might not have done that by myself. I probably had accomplichmenists. See Allh, is the God of death. Aka Hades and I love hinm alot since it was us. It was we that brew poison, to kill all those little devils with. See there is absolutely nothing I hate as much on this planet, as tea. It make me puke. It make me feel bad. See tea it that bush that I told my children not to eat from. Back in time. Why do you think it taste so bitter? Because that it make you show yiu that you musnt drink it. They did not listen to me anyway. So I let them mis it with water. So that the water got impoisoned. That is the reason why anybody ever hurt or died. Because of a fucking stupid child´s brewed poison drink. A tea it only drinked by the english and the interbread Jamaicans. They are not pure. They are not clean. They are nothing but stupid in Jamaica. If you have a real Jamaican, one with pure genes aka roots. Then he...