
Showing posts from January 29, 2023

mmm 😃 good night

Very nice porridge... See the strawberries come from Spain and they wasn't ecologicaly grown, so sure I hessitated about buying them. But obviously I did, because they smelled so wonderful. They had blueberries right next to them, but they didn't smell anything, so I put them away again. I know that things produced in the european union follow some types of rules anyway and really poisonuss things are forbidden. (Notice that I did not use cow milk, but peamilk and some oat-cream. Because there is iron in the fiberoats, flaxseeds and sesame seeds) So I ate them with C-vitamin, so that my body better could absorb the iron) Understand that it is an absolute enjoyment to walk through the fruit and vegetable Isle 😃.  I mean they have natural flavours, smells, vitamins and colours. So I get happier when I'm there... Then I see the rest of the store and vex. It is almost without nutrients, in canned or produced goods and I feel horrible walking past the fridge with me...

Give Thanks 🧡 Noo plastic! Taste wonderful 😃

Finished eating breakfast around 7. I'm eating way more than I'm used to,  even than when I was working out.  Well for starters I lived on much less money then, so buying vegetables and things to make the food that I ate taste better, was not a priority.      Back then I focused on getting protein, to build musscles. But I ate 1 or 2 fruits every day still and only vegetarian food during that period, and I drank proteinshakes, same time. So I became stronger than most other girls, when I lived, during that period of time.  I weighed 71 at most= 156,5 pounds.  My starting weight was 61kg=134,48 pounds.  So most call me underweight here normally, crazy since I eat all the time. In Jamaica I am concidered to have a normal weight. A majority of them is skinnier than me...  As I been growing up. I never ate more than two sandwiches at the time and I have not been eating desserts, most of my weeks. That is quite interesting, because ove...

Hehe I must look crazy

I mean if I myself would read how someone thanked God all the time and was happy. I wouldn't be interested in continuing. God, I don't even know what type of language I want to talk. Or who I want to write for? It's been for me myself, that I have been writing, since I learned how to put my thoughts on a paper. But I know of so many people now, that are thinking in an unfavorable way. And since I have done that too for too many years and lived through absolute hell, it seems to be destined that I should help others. All thoe it would take more than one individual to solve the world crisis u zeet hehehe.. (I just laughed at the way I am expressing myself) But u kno, my own thoughts and mind, are all over the place. I'm just like that. I realize why others discuss one subject at a time, but that seems strange to me. Whatever, I must top up my internet. Since it's not time, for living in the same way that I'm used to. I mean I normally am spontaniouse and do anyth...

Thank you God for teaching me how to free myself.

Wow, look at the amazingness of reality... It all, is so very perfect. Thank God. This tasted nice, all when it was cooked in the micro and it was very cheap 🙂. Spinage and cheese lasagne.. I eat with my mouth, so no need to put it in the oven... I can't believe them that live to impress others or themself. I marvel at what is... Done with the washing and I am too tierd, so I'm resting and writing 😀. I don't understand them that drink or do drugs. I've done that too but it's not only unecessery and destructive, there is another more beneficial way to spend your life. Enjoying every day and praising reality... Imagine being happy all the time and loving life, just how it is. Not hurting anywhere...    I honestly didn't think that was possible, when I was young. Then I thought that life became more fun and better, when you drank, and fixed yourself etc and followed everybody else... I didn't even question others behaviours. Because normal was the...

Awoh truth b told

One evening, when I was 31 years old I was walking to the store, to buy some tobacco.  It was not possible for me to take the buss, from my busstop in the dark. Because it had no lights at all. And when I shined with my phone, the busses still passed me, since they didn't see I was a human. So I got fed up with trying and decided to walk. Then I saw a fence and started to record myself, talking Patois. I had fake nails, painted like the Jamaican flag.. Haha. Why??   Anyway, or should I say anywaaey😋     See Cassava Piece is very pretty, especially that bridge and the grafitti-painting, that was there pan di wall the summer of 2011. I took a picture of it, but unfortunately technology lost about 1000 pictures I have taken in Jamaica đŸ˜Ș😮. Remember how I walked on Mannings Hill Rd, from Havendale, to Cassava. Since I volontaired at Help Jamaica, some days :P.. As I was walking there, I started to sing the song above with Movado. I walked past Gaza and I really s...

What was it? Haha

One thought I had earlier was that this green colour look really good. so I started to wonder why they paint hospital rooms white. Since you just lay there for a long long time, so wouldn't it be smarter to paint the walls in some type of colour? To stimulate a reccovery and make the patient feel better? I thought about a lot of things before I fell asleep, but I should drink n eat my fika now.  I love surten ways of Gs, like the way they pree. "mi head hotta than a microwave" đŸ€Ł. But mi cyaa stand dem ways inna real lyfe, again, hehehe..   It is not my fault, that this is like the cutest thing ever... Lyrics maad 😄. I love when men put on a realistic show...   I will walk past a gas-station called something like st1? No it wasn't that but something similar and I think that they had that type of station in Jamaica same way, it looked yellow anyway...  Addi Addi Addi 😃. I mean he is an artist God damn it, so of course he will gwaan.. But it's not many that ap...

Shane O- Instigate... 😀

Efter frukosten, blev det lite vatten och blĂ„bĂ€rssoppa 😀. Minns inte vad den dĂ€r blomman heter, men den behöver inte vattnas sĂ„ ofta och jag har haft den stĂ„endes en bra bit in i rummet förut, utan problem. En klasskompis pĂ„ högstadiet, blev faktiskt florist. SĂ„ jag kanske kan kontakta henne. För jag Ă€lskar vĂ€xter.. Hyacinten luktar ljuvligt đŸ€©đŸ˜... Nu Ă€ter jag, gĂ„r och kollar tvĂ€ttid, sen fattar jag beslut dĂ€rifrĂ„n :P. Det fanns tid nu (mellan 9-11), men jag orkar inte stressa. Speciellt inte eftersom jag mĂ„ste promenera i över en halvtimme idag. SĂ„ jag bokade imorgon mellan 11 och 15, istĂ€llet 😀 Det blir ju en vĂ€ldig oreda pĂ„ köksbĂ€nken, varje gĂ„ng man lagar mat. Det var faktiskt en utav anledningarna till att jag inte alltid orkade laga mat förr. Men om du inte Ă€ter blir du Ă€nnu tröttare. Tycker Ă€ndĂ„ att det har varit spĂ€nnande att hitta en balansgĂ„ng dĂ€r 🙂. Skulle kunna sitta hĂ€r hela "dan" och lukta pĂ„ blommorna 😀. Men det gĂ„r inte 😋     I ...


IgĂ„r kvĂ€ll planerade jag hur jag skulle gĂ„ till Lidl, för att köpa nĂ„got idag. Skrev upp det i kalendern, sĂ„ jag kommer ju komma ihĂ„g det. Men det Ă€r inte sĂ„ akut. Jag behöver egentligen inte nĂ„got, men Lidl har en grej att om du handlat för över 500, sĂ„ fĂ„r du nĂ„gon gratis sak. Kunde vĂ€lja mellan en lime, wienerbröd och sesamkakor denna gĂ„ng. Sen har dom faktiskt billigare mat. Tex skulle jag fĂ„ köpa fairtrade bananer 20% billigare i tvĂ„ dagar till och 20% billigare mandariner om nĂ„gra dagar. Det vore i för sig gott med banan"glass", (att mixa banan med kokosmjölk och frysa in det) Men jag kĂ€nner mig inte pigg nu.  TĂ€nkte ocksĂ„ att jag mĂ„ste köpa en semla pĂ„ ett cafĂ©, för Coop hade inte fĂ€rdiga sist jag var dĂ€r. Cafet fanns 15 minuter bort... Sen stod det att sjukhuset bara var 30 minuters gĂ„ngvĂ€g bort, sĂ„ det skulle kanske fungera att gĂ„ dit. Vid förlossningen. Men jag ska till barnmorskan imorgon och jag borde boka tvĂ€tt tid, sĂ„ jag vet inte vad jag orkar med. Kanske Ă€r du...