
Showing posts from March 5, 2023

If I could crown this man one more time I would…

   I mean everything about him is perfect. Refering to his lyrics and looks alone, since I don't know him. The texts he writes is waay better than any other person on this earth. That I heard of.     Sure Bob Marleys lyrics and music, touch my heart and soul more, because it is Roots..  Still Addi makes more clever rhymes and is (too:P) modernized at times..  But you know, when Vybz touches on reality, instead of Dancehall fuckery. I love it...  I really really have love for real people.  Those that are smart and make a difference in others life. To live to earn money for yourself, is a waste of everybodies time and goes against the purpose of life. Zeen. Emanuella would not exist, if it wasn't for Vybz Kartel. He is not the father (thank God :P). But I would have left Jamaica, after I divorced a Jamaican. Sure my next man was also Jamaican, same age as Vybz Kartel haha. But then I've had some other nationalities as men :P..    ...

Hate is too strong of a word. I ment dislike..

A few girls will unfortunately never mature and become a woman. Kind of funny still, that she gwaan lyk she all dat, at the same time as she is wearing the same clothes a teenager would wear and reason in the same way. I don't know if it is the weed capturing her thought process, no I think it is the Dancehall culture in Jamaica. Making many Jamaican females so dunce... I mean some white trash girls gwaan da same way. So I guess it's the poverty, causing people to reason stupid.. A real person would understand that it no bloodclaat matta how u look. It was before my mind could think as bigg, and I was a teenager I lived to make others appriciate me.  Now I have a really hard time to like any girl, because they can't reason. Too insecure people. They are like look at me, I am cool, because I wear expensive clothes and have my own money.     A rich person have realized, that money ain't shit. "my richness is life, forever more" Now I will dress me and Emanuell...

Well I like this yute. Well I love this man n tune

I love this "dutty maga piece of bread". All Fleek served it's purpose ina mi life haha zeen... Mi no kno how ol im be but I guess im younga still.. Great a suh mi feel bout true . Nice Nice. I reason in the same way. I guess mu brain is Roots...

Well u kno 😀 I love him 😋

  I mean I'm living my life, so I do other things than thinking about Adidja too :P. But Vybz Kartel are way prettier than a model mi feel 😃  Yesterday Matthew called me and I told him that I love him. Because I do. I mean he is my idea of a perfect man. Mainly because of his looks. Never met a slimmer and taller man than me, with dreadlocks and brown skin. :P I found him, in January 2022 😀. "Suh u no dun kno mi affi av dat zeen"...   About the song. Well, that is the lifestyle of ghetto people in Jamaica. It is viewed as completely normal to have more than one partner. I'm quite concerned about Vybz saying that it is wrong to be in the girls partners house. But nothing about his own common law wife... But apparently Tanesha was ok with Vybz cheating. I would never accept such behaviour, because to have a relationship with somebody that you are betraying, is pointless and a waste of everybodies time... Jah kno :P.  According to my previouse years in JA, the people...


Today I fed my baby plenty, she is deep sleeping now.. So I have been able to pay my last bills, vaccume every room, eat alot, clean the zink, toilet, trashcan, kitchen n wash the plates etc..  Honestly, to have my baby is so very easy. To be pregnant was absolutely awful. I mean now I can bend down like I normally could and I will start to exersise very soon.. I can eat plenty without feeling sick and that's great.   I must buy period protection in cotton, because my skin get irritated of the plastic. Plus it is very stupid and evil to use plastic, when it is completely unecessery. Another thing that I want to get is Hemp protein, since that make me very strong. My back is hurting, since I lost all my muscles during the pregnancy..  I will walk to the store and buy salmon now and cook all of it, so that I can have healthy, finished food.. Emanuella sat in her baby K'tan last night, when I cooked this:  Vegetarian n it tasted alright.  The pasta is made ...

Gravid, förlossning och dadlar…

Jag har Ă€tit dadlar vid bĂ„da mina graviditeter. Men vid den första Ă„t jag bara tvĂ„ paket dadlar pĂ„ slutet. Medans jag vid sista Ă„t minst 6 dadlar, varje dag. FrĂ„n typ fjĂ€rde mĂ„naden, till förlossningen.  Jag var öppen sju cm nĂ€r jag kom till sjukhuset. Barnmorskan hann bara undersöka mig och förklara hur man skulle andas in syrgasen, sen frĂ„gade hon vart jag bodde och jag fick en krystvĂ€rk, sĂ„ jag gnydde ut staden.. :P Jag försökte andas i den dĂ€r lustgasmasken och andas ut den i nĂ„gon annan mask, men jag kĂ€nde att det bara var krĂ„ngligt och var onödigt. Jag ville inte ha Epidural, eftersom förra förlossningen gjorde sĂ„ sjukt ont och tog sĂ„ lĂ„ng tid. Trotts bĂ„de Epidural och lustgas. Men jag fick prova att anvĂ€nda elstötar nĂ€r jag fick krystvĂ€rkar tror det heter typ tens? Det kĂ€ndes lite pirrigt vibrerande i nedre ryggen och det var ganska skönt. Men det var samma sak dĂ€r, kĂ€ndes onödigt. Efter tvĂ„, tre vĂ€rkar sa hon att hon sĂ„g huvudet. Det gick extremt fort. SĂ„ dĂ„ la jag bara bor...

