
Showing posts from March 24, 2024

This is insanity.

I’ve had a horrible day. Actually my own country. That I have gave everybody a possibility to live in and use. All turned against me. And my children. They would never even have taken one breath, if it wasn’t for me. Creating a big Bang. They use my rocks and actually build houses for themselves to live in. They use their own hands. That I gave them. And build their stupidity. Nothing that they made. Has ever been any use to this planet. They don’t even look at the pyramid, in the right way. They think that they are on top. When even an ant is bigger than them. He works more effectivly. And it exist, no animal. That is a lower creature than a human. Humans are the absolute last creature, that is worth anything. Because they are destroying everything. Today, one of the people that I’m renting my apartment from. Came to this house. He never spoke to me and didnt even look on me. When he was talking to me. As a matter of fact another one of them went to the apartment above and star...

This world is not interesting at all...

They have poluted it through decades. Milleniums. They still can't get it right. Since they are too easy to satisfy. Someone intelligent would never feel satisfied, working as a slave every day. But that is the reality, people are facing. Unfortunately. Since that is the life you are choosing. I was born in sweden. I am 9 years old and I am a 100% Swedish Citizen. That is why I believe I have the righ to live in my house. And in this apartment to. I mean I was living in Uppsala. Borned there also. I lived in Gottsunda. Then my mom told Socialen, lies about my daddy. Björn Kaaling. So that he was forced to move from her. He choose to do that, after a long time of marrige. They married when they was 18 I believe. Mom married him, since he played base or something in a band called the grave diggers. I think he said. But my mom also got fed up, I guess. She had already gotten 4 children from her. Cecilia Kaaling Linda Kaaling Maja Kaaling and me, Eleonor Kaaling. I have absol...

Oh gosh. it is so warm in here

Suh I even had to take of my clothes. I might have scars yea but dat is honly c--aH Imm a warrorior. Im soo tirsty caa nt drink mi war m water... HEVEN I have to run of the light and look on c hil d program. Caafh I mean, it kept me entertained. And I think that every imigrant shoule really learn swedish if they should live in here... Suh Bjornes Magasin ir a really entertainning show to look at... If you wanna learn anytbiing n kee p calm.. Uzimi? Its so fucking good to alway s stay positive... Think if what u love... T ink a who u love dat w iller make u calm u zeet... Then u c aaa n fight al lla

How could anybody look on another person?

Especially if the person is more happy than you? Don't you think that the happy person would contact you, if she wanted to? I can't understsnd how somebody, without any clue. Could actually be allowed to break the law and steal somebodies child. Completely without a reason. Two of my daughters they have taken from me now. They try to pamper them and make themself feel better. But a theif could never find any solution. You can not take, what is not yours. If a person concieve a child, for nine months. Then give birth to that child. That means that it is her child. If the welfare take the child, from the birth mother. They are doing something wrong. Something really wrong. Especially if they don't have any legal right to do so. You have been employed, by the state and government. To actually help them with their buisness. But you still don't follow the guidlines they gave you. Actually you are breaking the law, in which they cobnstructed you, how to behave. A mon...

Nytt medelande ifrÄn soc.. Gmail In english also now...

Viktoria Hugosson 12:10 (för 1 timme sedan) till mig Hej! Viktig information till dig gĂ€llande umgĂ€nge med din dotter Emanuella. Bedömning görs att vi kommer pausa allt umgĂ€nge framöver mellan dig och Emanuella pĂ„ grund av ditt försĂ€mrade mĂ„ende under den senaste tiden. Bedömning görs att det bĂ€sta för Emanuella Ă€r att inte ha umgĂ€nge med dig varken fysiskt eller via telefon / video i dagslĂ€get. Detta kommer att följas upp och kan komma att Ă€ndras i framtiden. VĂ€nligen kontakta oss om du har frĂ„gor. HĂ€lsningar, HandlĂ€ggare Viktoria 019-211809 och Gruppledare Malin 019-214629 Viktoria, socialsekreterare Familjehem Örebro kommun Socialförvaltningen, Individ och familjeomsorg (IFO) Telefonnummer: 019-21 18 08 Besöksadress: Ribbingsgatan 1 Box 341 10, 701 35 ÖREBRO Servicecenter: 019-21 10 00 Webbplats: ..............................................................................................