
Showing posts from April 17, 2022

Sverige är katastrofalt dåligt, på många plan

Så när jag kommer hem ifrån Jamaica, kommer sjukhuset säkerligen vilja ta urinprov, blodprov eller salivprov. Jag kommer att vägra, för vad fan tror dom? Det finns ingen människa som har rätt att ta någon annans kroppsvätska. Men dom tror att dom har rätt att bestämma över någon annan. Så de kommer att få plågas i helvetet för evigt.  På vilket sätt har dom rätt att bestämma över någon annan? Det har dom inte. Only God can judge me... Om man tittar på förra sommaren, så låste de in mig för att jag vägrade lämna urinprov och för att en läkare skrivit massa lögner om mig, baserat på feltolkningar och fel information. Människor i Sverige har inget liv, utan gör samma saker som deras föräldrar har gjort, utan att ifrågasätta. Deras information kommer ifrån vad andra har påstått för många många år sedan :S Att jag anser att doktorer som kommer till slutsatser, efter att ha läst en bok som andra skrivit. Utan att reflektera över "patienten" i frågas liv, är dumma i huvudet. Varje m...

Det är så enkelt att "laga" mat

Jag Sköljde en förpackning kikärtor och la dem på min tallrik. Sen hällde jag på lite olivolja och balsamvinäger. Kryddade med svartpeppar och örtsalt. Sen tog jag auberginen som var kvar sen lunch och hällde på citron. Äter allt kallt och det är jätte gott. (La på lite naturlig lök och gurka också 🙂) Till lunch lagade jag det här, men jag slängde mitt ägg (som gick ut den 25 februari 😁). Så jag la bara en pressad vitlök och kokosolja och försökte få ströbrödet att fästa på auberginen. Men det gick inte så bra. Det smakade helt ok varjefall.. Men om jag själv får bestämma äter jag helst maten rå. Ordet rå har ju en äcklig känsla i sig för jag tänker på rått kött. Kanske borde säga naturlig mat istället. Det blir jätte billigt att äta mat hemma. Tror jag ska skära en halv rå lök till det här också. Då blir det ännu godare 😀. Jag har bara en vitlök kvar, men det är ju ganska billigt. Speciellt om man inte köper den ekologiska varianten som jag i vanligafall gör... Har vari...

billig mat idag igen 😀. Super gott 🥰

Det här var jätte gott och enkelt att laga. Vet inte vad det skulle kosta att köpa, för jag hade allt hemma. Men vegan/vegetarisk mat är jätte billigt. Så man har råd att köpa de ekologiska alternativen. För vem vill äta gifter? Jag kokade linser i kanske 11 minuter, sen kokade jag ris, I kokosmjölk och lite vatten. Vattnet var onödigt och det är jamaicanerna som lärt mig att göra så med riset 💜 Hackade en lök och vitlök och la I kastrullen på sluter. Sen kryddade jag med gurkmeja och basilika. La lite örtsalt på linserna också... Give thanks and praise ❤

Jamaican Ital food is wonderful 💚💛❤

InI would have to go there. Matthew used to live in Portmore and I has been there like 10 times. Love Hellshire, because you could eat freshly catched fish on the beach. I rarely eat fish now. But they catch one fish only so I guess I could eat it. As long as they take of the head, organes, bones and the fins... But I ate just the middle part and ignored the rest before. So I would just have to get used to it... In idustrialized countries there is way to much problems. Here people commit crimes and live wrong. They are really wasting their lives on stupidity. In Jamaica they live for real. You have not lived, unless you have been living in Jamrock... I just came back from a walk in the sumshine 😍. Now I will eat my second breakfast. The first one was hardbread with cheese and tea, from the Mountain in Greek :) I also have the leaves. It taste perfectly fine and has been drunken of the Greek filosofera 🙂

The greater civilisation of Egypt..

I think that they where living so much better back then. They where able to do much greater things than what we can do now, with machines. However I've seen other white folks going to Egypt and they had a terrible experience, because of the airport ataff and the egyptian police. They even had to undo their bagage in the hotel once agqin. And because of them having walkie talkies or some other tecnical things, they had to leave it... So I don't think I'm going to Egypt any time soon. Plus I think that the mummies, artifacts and places could be cursed. In Jamaica they have Obeah whitches and they could cast spells, so I will not go to them. Beside the house that Matthew live, there is a church. Where they drink blood and do unnatural things. So I don't think that I will go into that... His father also deal with obeah so they don't have any contact... And his mother is in America. So it's nice I'm going to him and his children..

Nice cheap food

Haha today is the first time in several months I ate twice in a day... It was very easy to boil pasta, drain it and put on some oliveoil. Fry some onion in oliveoil some while, then put in the veggiemeat. After a while I added paprikapouder and thyme. Cut some sallad, cucumber and sqeesed half a lemon. Finally I added pesto, because I love that. I only used what I found at home. It's way cheaper than buying food outdoors 😋. Bless This is my lunch today. Took the left over pasta from yesterday, used the finishly boild chickpeas I had in the fridge. With some lemon and olives... Oh I also cut half a raw onion in it. See vegetarian food very cheap and it's not like you loose some nutrients animal products give you. I am alive and well. Have been eating this way for 16 years. I have one egg tjat has been in my fridge now for months. Because I don't want to eat it. It don't taste nice. And they lie about your needing alot of protein it is simply not ...

Took some pictures in the forest with my new camera 😀

The first picture is from the fruitstore just beside my house... I am very happy about the quality of the pictures, but I cant operate it yet. But I tried to zoom and it works fine. To bad you can not hear how much the birds them sang :P... I sat in the forest on the ground a while :D.. Walked outside this afternoon, sat in the sun and ate the sallad from yesterday :) this picture is taken with my cellphone I really want a nicotine patch. Mine done this morning, now its afternoon haha. But I have walked a whole lot today, for like 2 hourdem. So I'm good. Then I have counted also because I want to save as much money as possible to Jamaica 😀 This month my rent and bills is 13 118kr 🤨. I really should move from here. Jag har kunnat spara en hel del pengar också, så jag har bara 1600 kr kvar att köpa mat för. Men jag har ju massa linser, ris och lök. Det klarar man sig fint på 😀. Tänk om jag kunde gå en hel månad utan att köpa mat från affären? Fast nikotin och frukt kostar ...

Good morning 😀 Happy Birthday to me 🥰

So yesterday I took the buss to my closrst nabourhood. The place I went to upperhighschool, Lundellska. There I bought a reused systemcamera, from a man that was very nice. He had a wife from Zambia :). I felt a little bit worried whem I had to follow him inzide of his apartment, because he was way older than me, normally built (like a strong man) and you had to walk quite a distance inside of the building to reach it. Because I've watched youtube shows with cannibals in Russia etc. And Matthew told me to be careful. But everything was very nice. I took my shoes of and joined him in the coutch. There he showed me the camera and let me take pictures. After that I went home, on that Sunday. The problem is that my computer stopped working yesterday, so I would have to find a new way to upload my pictures to the net 🙂. Yoo I'm going to my home 😀. You don't know how wonderful that make me feel. The only thing that make me a little bit worried is the 3 flight there. because ...