This world is not interesting at all...

They have poluted it through decades. Milleniums. They still can't get it right. Since they are too easy to satisfy. Someone intelligent would never feel satisfied, working as a slave every day. But that is the reality, people are facing. Unfortunately. Since that is the life you are choosing. I was born in sweden. I am 9 years old and I am a 100% Swedish Citizen. That is why I believe I have the righ to live in my house. And in this apartment to. I mean I was living in Uppsala. Borned there also. I lived in Gottsunda. Then my mom told Socialen, lies about my daddy. BjΓΆrn Kaaling. So that he was forced to move from her. He choose to do that, after a long time of marrige. They married when they was 18 I believe. Mom married him, since he played base or something in a band called the grave diggers. I think he said. But my mom also got fed up, I guess. She had already gotten 4 children from her. Cecilia Kaaling Linda Kaaling Maja Kaaling and me, Eleonor Kaaling. I have absolutely no idea, why the state still are doing everything they can to ruin my life? As if I ever done non of them, anything bad? In my life I have gone to daycare (paid by my hardworking parents) That means that they actually paid the staff of the daycare. In this society. After that I went to Sverkerskolan. From I was 6, untill I was 10. In that pale yellow school, made of stone. I saw how they was actually keeping sceletons in the floor. From dinosours. They also forced us to go to a museum, showing sceletons of dinosours. We had no choice, but to hear about Darwins evolution theory. That we have infact once been dinosours. So I listened. After that at Gamla Uppsala, elementary school. I was furthermore told about it. I was also introduced to a class, they called sexual-knowledge. There I was told that it is completely normal to mastrubate and touch yourself. At 11 years old! I was also told how it is completely normal to give birth to a child. Because that is what mankind is supposed to do. That is what they told me. It felt strange to sactually touch yourself. In inapropriate ways. As if a man wasn't created to touch a woman? I was a child, so why should I get thought how to touch myself? They also sold magazines in this society, where they told us how to mastrubate. Soo strange. I also saw that my mom and stepdad kept pornos in the drawer under their tv. So I assumed it was normal. I even found something vibrating in my moms bedtable. So I was like ok. That is what an adult is doing? (as if her husband was not able to satisfy her better by himself)? So I actually wondered what a strange world I was living in. After that I started in Heidenstam, highschool. We read many different subjects. My favorite was Music and Art. I also liked Biology, because I honestly believed that we where being thought the truth. Because what sense would it make, to teach the newly produced humans. A lie? Yes we where thought how a human exist, because an amueba, crawled up on the beach and evolved into another creature. Then he became another animal, after that a next etc... After that they said that he become a monkey. That actually walked out on the Savanna, on his four leggs. Then he all of a sudden decided to walk on two legs instead. As if a monkey has not yet been perfectly created, to exist in the jungle? Why do you think that an animal would try to escape his perfect home? Sure misstakes happened. But everyone that is acting wrong, will die. That is just how life is set. Do right you willn survive and do wrong and you die. That is how you was created. However, monkeys was fucked by disgusting disobediant humans. Because they where drunk and crossbread etc. Then some of the drunkards actually went to the forest and choose to be bitten by the poisonous snakes. So they died and met satan. Then they where given another chance to live. After they payed for their sins. But they did the same misstakes all over again. What is the sence in doing so? WHY would you make the same misstake, all over again? Make me tell you. Because you are not smart enough to see a better way. So why do you think that I choose to leave my perfect paradise in Heaven. In order to come down here and live in this shit. That you created. Again n again. Again and again. I did that, in order to tell others. Exactlly what bullshit. Unnatural existence, that they are living in. No human was ever created to die. You where ment to be a resemblence of me. Not by spying on me, But by listening to what I am telling you. You don't do that, still to this day. But there is still a million people or more, that have sonme sense in their bodies left. That is the sould reason why I havent exploaded this ya planet and melted down all the metals and Nobelstones, that you theifs have stole from my mountains. Your disgusting monkey brain. Have no idea, that they where placed in those rocks for a reason. As a matter of fact. You. Is disinterupting the lymfatic system, of the rocks. life. I mean. I am truly and really, the God mother of every living creature. I was the one that created Adam and I was the creator of Eve. Still I don't get any credit for creating your life. This is tha thanks I get... I mean, you do everything you can, to continue, to live in your lie. You have killed me. In every life I had, both previously and right now. Since you are a braindead creature that I never ever ever created. That was something my disobediant, unfaithful, silly, stupid children did They got bitten by that snake, because they never listened. That was supposed to teach them. Don't go where you are not supposed to be. Because when you don that, you will suffer the consequenses... I am the sole winner of every award and price, ever created on this planet. Since I created this planet and all life upon it with my bare hands. Yet you are afraid of me. Me that can make you live in an eternal flame, in pain. I controll Hell Not Hells Angels. I am also the sole creator of Heaven and Earth. My land, occupied by you. But that doesn't matter to you. You will still choose to exist in this, ever lasting stupidity. Since you. Yes you, whre bitten by the snake. Then you had children that continued living in your footsteps. You will never ever become smart. You do not strive to make life better for anyone else. All you care about is yourself, not even the rest of your family. I mean you are backstabbers, hookers and liers. Continuesly working for your pimp. That is the reality that you are living in. Because you are not smart. Now I don't care about what stupid little oat you took. I don't care who u is connected to. I don't give a fuck about what you want. Because this is my planet. Wether you like it or not. See I would have destroyed each and every one of you and started all over. I could have made an entire new solarsystem. But hey, that would have taken me alot of time. So why would I choose to waste it, doing the same things. All over again? Believe me, not one single planet belongs to you. I am the soul creator, of this universe. So stop trying to build your own world. Because believe me. I will destroy that to. You labour in vain. Because you don't have the sense to ever build something better. I stand over every doctor. I have more knowldegde. Because I was the sole creator of knowlegde. I created the brain God damn it. So it doesn't matter to me, weather you dind a way to steal from other peoples bodyparts, in order to sustain your dead god. Since I am the creator, of every gOD. GOD DAMN IT So how could you waste ONE second thinking about a truth, that you will NEVER find out? That is not possible. Since your brain, lack the possibility ton think smarter. A tell me a tell you. So instead of listening to me, that is simply trying to better life for everybody. Even the misstakes, you created. You actually think that you can run this life in this time of day. Because once again, you have a monkeybrain. You where never created to fuck men. Or destroy the lives of others. They are my children. Each and every person that you are sucking the blood of. Our blood is blue. Your blood is read. Since we are not the same race... Sure you have poluted and killed me, alot of times before. But I am telling you. That that will never ever happend again. So you have two choices. Either do what is right and give me back MY earth. Or vanish forever and spend your life in ever lasting pain. Believe me, you will not enjoy that. Even if you think,that you enjoy, causing pain to others. No human enjoys pain. Because the cells in his body could actually die. You employ doctors and lawyers, that have passed your stupid exams. Since you are too unintelligent, to strive for a better day. You actually tried to kill me yesterday. Since you are not smart enough to understand that I actually know. Everything that I am talking about. So give me back, everything I own. How could you possibly be so bloodclaat stupid that you could possibly think. That a GOD would have to pay the bills, that you have printed? (By chopping down the trees, that I created)!? Once again. You are a stupid, sorry little creature. That was never created to exist. Blame your manufacturer for that. A robot was never created by me. I would never ever ever take a hammer and beat ANYthing. Since I am not stupid. You are a bigg joke and you are to stupid to understand it... So what the fuck should I do with you? Should I continue to allow you to beat my children down? Should I allow you, to suck the blood out of innocent people? Is it right to give you premission, to suck the life, I created. Into your stupid bodies? You is somebody never created by God. You where not even created by your father, or the man you betrayed. In order to make a so called better life for yourself... But you are still continuing to drink your daddys sperms. You are absolutely disgusting, having sex with your own relatives and idiots, from other places. That is why you never will become more intelligent. You do the same misstake, again and again. Yet another day. You see. I Me Ella I wrote a novell, That I then created the characters to play. I made alot of different men. In order to please me and me alone. THen I also gave them some sisters, to teach right from wrong and play with. And live a happy life with. Like any sensible mother would do. But you still don't understand anything. Because you are an escaped animal. That where never created... You are not even real. And you will never ever become real. No amtter how much blood and sperm you drink. It does not matter how many robots you build. Or how many spaceships, you have ordered. Because NO human, would ever enjoy pain. If you enjoy drinking poison. If you are able to feel any type of pain. If you have any emotions left, now, this day. That is the answer to the question. If you are made by me or not. The answer is no. You are not my children. Still you are the one sucking the life out of every child on this planet. You have set up boarders, to defend, "what is yours". A real human would never ever act like that. A real person would only enjoy spreading love to everybody else. Because that is what I created him to do. Still you are forcing him to die. Because you are a crossbread being, that where never ment to exist. That means, that you are an absolute disgrace. Destroying life of everybody else, by existing. So once again. What would you prefere? I give all of you vampires and bloodsuckers a choice, now. Each and every president that is ruling over anything, anyplace. Is either a misstake, or poluted... You say you believe in God. Right? Which God do you believe in? No single God would ever exist, if it wasn't for me. Because I creted every God. I also made every human and every organ in his body. So you tell me, what punishment you want. You honestly believe for one second, that each and every human. Is not intelligent enough to fight you of? You honestly think that he who indirectly created every swoard on the surfice of this earth. Would have a problem in destroying you? I mean come on, think with the little piece of shit you have as a brain. It should be able to figure out that everything I am saying is true. I have never lied in my entire life. Non of my lives... Because a human that lies, is living his or her life. In the wrong way. You will never ever be able to enjoy life. Because you where created in the wrong way. So everything you make, produce and "create". Is simply a waste product. That actually mean, that every real person would rather do without you. And it does not make a single difference, what you choose to do. Since I am the creator of each and every brain. That is existing. I am even the creator of your stupid brain. In directly. You is a misstake. That is supposed to thank your maker. But no, you give him poison... And you will never stop destroying this planet. So exuse you while I make my spliff. That was ment to be a funny diss. But maby you are to stupid to understand anything? You tell me... You are not funny. You are not smart. You is a bewildered monkey, full of poison. And you will never become smarter. So I ask you, what I should do whith you. The mistake that never was supposed to exist? Should I destroy everyone of you, or chould I give you another day to try to exist on? It is not a scientist, that created the atoms. I did that. That mean that I am very well aware of, how to turn each and every one of you into smoke and start all over again. I know my Gods. I know Shokryme I know Gage I know Chris Brown I know T'Jean I know Vybz Kartel I also know Tupac. I also know Putin. I also know Eminem, the man that your dON, called Donald Trump. Is trying to immitate. So once again, what don you want me to do with you? Misstakes of them... You are not allowed to ever show your face on this earth again. You realize that right? I swear, even Donald Trump, Bill Clinton and every American president would rather be with me. Than amongst you idiots, who is nothing but death and destruction. Because I am fun, I am funnie. I know how to make real jokes. Since I am the creator of everything, directly or inderectly. That mean that I can create everything. I can even make another big bang. And I know each and every God and those who think that they are Gods, actually worship. Satan has spent all these years. Trying to build himself an empire. The dEVIL, has tried to create societies. But they all fall down and will do that every time. I promise you that I have the answer to all of your questions. Since I created all the letters. So would you like me, to expload myself. Without using any dynamite or fire? Then you would all disapear into the atmosefere I created. Or would you like to become a bird, so that you are able to fly. By yourself. Or maby you think that it is a better idea to destroy my earth and expload all of my creations and c0ontinue to cause catastrophies and destructions... Aks mi a aks... I think that you owe, to give everybody else a chance to vote for it... Hold a real election. Live or die. Continue in destruction or make something better. That is your choice... No real being would ever enjoy dying. So either continue to destroyb the life of everyone else. Destroy the ecosystems, that I set up. Or become smoke. The air I feel completely fine breathing in. Remember. I come from space, origionally. I don't need air to breath. I don't need wather either. Or anything else. I don't need any of my followers neither However you need them, to continue breathing. I don't need light. I don't need darkness. I don't need anything. Because I am every single little thing. That mean that I am in controll of everything and that each and every one of you Shall obay my rules and only them That I created. You created every lawbook, you wrote it. You also destroyed many many atoms, that I created. You have killed alot of cells. And living creatures. Because hey. Your king, the one you call the devil, is no real being. I could make each andc every one of you siez to exist, in a blink of an eye. So your choice is weather to live or die. I'm not talking about a sweet poqito little death neither. Since I believe that it is only fare to make you, experience all the pain you ever caused me to feel. Remember, that I am every living being alive. So you have caused me tremendesly much pain. OK? I and me alone controll each and every weather and believe me. I know how to create a burning inferno. All by myself. I am furiose at all the pain you have ever created. I am crazy and mad about the fact that you EVER made a living being dead... That was never ment to happend. You are not even created to exist. But I give you a chance to appologize. Or, you will suffer more pain that you ever thought was possible to feal... Simply put. I created every atom remember. I made the big bang. Me alone. So I think that I deserve every bloodclaat little thing you call a price and every fucking bloodclaaat piece of paper that you printed and called it a money. I create hurricanes. I make storms I make darkness and I make light So I would suggest that you stop playing your stupid childish games. oR your own children, that came out of your own pussy. Will eat you, like Hannibal Lector. You will suffer even more than you thought was possible I make the fire I make the wind. I make the forest I made all the animals, that you ever killed. So I know that they are furiouse for making them suffer. Every day of their life... Nobody would want to work for a slave driver. NO intelligent being would ever own a weapond or a car. That is onoly what a fool would use. So you are extremely stupid and have created all of this bullshit in vain. You are a misstake, never ment to exist. But I give you a choice. Go to the moubntains your sceleton is made of. Or lay on the mudd, that I turned into your skin. Because REMEMBER. I am more evil than each and every one of you combined. I am extreme. I am a cold blooded murderA and so is all of my children. Even the babies that you forced to come out of your pussies. Run back to the forest, cave men or monkey. Because I swear to God and I swear to Allah. That you will not see another day, ever again. If you don't listen to me. I donΓ€t eat flesh. I don't eat cow. I don't eat any living being, that you killed. Because I am the sole creator of both life and death. So what the fuck should I do with you? I could expload every piece of equipment that you have given a name. I could make your vaccume cleaner become a human, god damn it. I fucking created everything, either by choice or accident. Because I made accidents happend, in order to teach you to do right from wrong. So does it really matter what you want? I can create a burning inferno. I could turn this planet into ice. Once again and be the ICE QUEEN that I am. Because Jah know. I will not allow you to make another individual suffer another day. Fuck you and all of your items. I gave you the possibility to create anything. I gave you a hand... I gave you a brain. So use it and think with, instead of sending bills to each and everyone of us. Since you are lacking brains... You call yourself doctors. Yet you create death. You give yourself an occupation, since you lack sense... I promise you that if you ever even talk one of your stupid words again. You will die. Because you lack every type of sense. Remember. I created the Big Bang. Once upon a time. And I could actually cause the lava inside of the earth to floor this planet and kill every living creature. Is that what you would like me to do? Silly poor little excuse for a human being. I am bigger than everyone of you. I am more evil and I am very much nicer and kinder than every one of you. I created every video game. I made every movie. I made the thought that you are using to think with. So how stupid can you become? I don't need anything, in order to create everything. Because I am I I am the only I and ONE that will last forever... That mean, that each and every living creature should listen to me and only me, in order to exist and breath another breath... I can remove all of the oxygen from this planet. If that is how you would like to die? I could make a monkey use your gun and shove it up your ass... And shoot you. I can make everything happend. And I am the only one also, that can make absolutely nothing happend ever again. So kiss your bloodclaat society goodbye. Or I will finish it. Ain't I nice? I mean come on. You have destoyed and killed millions of my children and still I am here giving you a chouice... Because I created the Sun. The one that is giving you an ability to live every day. So give me all of my money. Give me every castle that stupid you ever put on my planet. Because if you don't do that, me personally will make every prisoner you ever put in prison. Come out. I can make your steal, or walls that you put upon my eart into dirt and Ashes. Because I created fire. No cave man. ' So you should be extremenly careful what you say about me. Because it is my sounds that you are usihng to communicate with. Haha. I could even make your own toung change direction and choke you. You wanna try me? Or would you ever wish to see another day. I can make the sun never show again. I could turn everything into ice again. Is that what you want? Pussyclaat I created a want. I created every letter. And it is extremely easy for me to beconme a gigant and eat each and every one of you. But you are extremely disgusting. Look at your sorry print of existance... Once again I am more evil than every one of your horror movies. A mi created your flatscreen tv. So everything you ever did to me. Thoe shall appologise for. But I don't wish to see another misstake ever again. So you shall say that you have made a misstake. You shall beg God for forgivness... And I am God. So you have dugg your own grave. I killed all the dinosaur dem. And I will kill each and every individual on this earth, in one minute. If you dobn't appologize to the person you caused pain. Because I am every person. You will never see another sunrise and you wont see another sunset neither. I will not allow it. Because you have crossed every boundery. You have made misstakes for 7000 years... So do you honestly believe that I would allow you to see another day? Pussyclaat idiot. I have created every letter in the alfabeth you are using. But you still don't understand me. When I'm speaking English. The language that I created. So you would have no other choice but to listen to me and I Believe me when I tell you the truth. Vybz Kartel, lives inside of me, right now. Becaue you killed him. Just like how Socialen killed Elise Kaaling Blessed be her name You are just a waste of space You are a misstake and problem that I did not create.. I am a fucking nuclear bomb in myself. So do not try me. Hehehehuuum Because each and every product that you ever made. Is a result of my creation. So praise me or hate me. That is the coise you are left with. I am a living and breathing ghost. You are no ghost buster, believe me when I tell you. U is fake, u are ugly and you are a misstake. So please tell me how you would like to die? Ugly, mutated, misstake... Of theirs... If you EVER touch another child of mine or force him or her to do anything that they don't wish to do. Then you will die. So it is all upto you. Would you like to live or die? Should I start from scratch or should I continue breathing? Believe me I will expload every building on the surfice of my earth if I want it to happend. Because remember every thought that you ever did think. Came to my brain. Stupid ass nobody. You can not see how ugly you are because you are not real Hell I could even make your own mind stop working. By just speaking to you You don't understand what I am saying because you don't have the slightest part of the same brain that I have. Give me back my earth or you will kill everyone else. That is the choice you can make. Pussyclaat idiot so ooo am I? I am everything that you concist of selfish motherfucker. i am your brain. i am your child, that you are treating so bad. because me, I alone vame before both the hen and the egg. Stupid fuck. i existed long beform any type of sperm, and I created myself. So lets say that you are in alot of trouble "mr and missis" taking my materials and buiΓΆding life for yourself. then you have to guts to talk shit about me. you also kill my daughters and men. because you are a selfish mistake. So no you don't deserve to exist any more. Sorry but I have a brain that could think. tou created the problems you are making everyone else live in. because you are a misstake. That I never had anything to do with. A ko me, make you. so for the last time ask your manufacturer, why the fuck he created a misstake. year after year. you will never learn. So disapear like Sadam did. Pr any of my daughters you burned on a stake. Hemmer yourself on a cross. Like you did your saviour Jesus. He that is my son. I am every fickimg planet that you ever put your dirty fot on. i am also every piece of meat that you ever killed and ate. i have feelings. You don't. So return to your gorest you animals and fight for the tight to survive. Because non of you is human. You are a dirty piece of shit. And I domt need any hammer n I domt need a charger or battery. Because I am every peice of thing that you ever broke. i am the rocks that you broke in order to make your bricks. i am the piece of paper you write your nonsense on. So believe me when I tell you that you dont know anything. You are just a waste of dpace. A breathing creature that my hands never made. So remove your ugly piece of shit from my planet. Or return everything that you ever stple from me. Fucking slut. I am darker than the darkest night you ever seen, I am also lighter and brighter than every thought you ever did think. So please give me everything. But that choice is completely up to you. Because I could be dead for another millenium. I don't care about that. However you will care and hurt, every day of your life. You feel pain and hate, because you created it. So return everything to where u stole it from. Return every dog to its rightful owner. because me. I am older than the entire universe and everything, in it. I created a cell. Still you waste every day I gave you and praise any man with a thought. When I am the one, who gave you a possibility to even think. ' ' ' '


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