This is insanity.

I’ve had a horrible day. Actually my own country. That I have gave everybody a possibility to live in and use. All turned against me. And my children. They would never even have taken one breath, if it wasn’t for me. Creating a big Bang. They use my rocks and actually build houses for themselves to live in. They use their own hands. That I gave them. And build their stupidity. Nothing that they made. Has ever been any use to this planet. They don’t even look at the pyramid, in the right way. They think that they are on top. When even an ant is bigger than them. He works more effectivly. And it exist, no animal. That is a lower creature than a human. Humans are the absolute last creature, that is worth anything. Because they are destroying everything. Today, one of the people that I’m renting my apartment from. Came to this house. He never spoke to me and didnt even look on me. When he was talking to me. As a matter of fact another one of them went to the apartment above and started the firealarm. So I opened my Windows and asked if she could call the fire fighters. But she didn’t even respond. So I asked the by passing people to please call the fire fighters. Because I have bean breathing in smoke, all night. They also sent me a package some days ago. Thank I thankfully threw out the window yesterday. Because I realized it was full of chemicals. The package came from Germany and I would never buy anything from Hitler and his relatives. I would not even hire an immigrant. Because I am not lazy. I can do anything by myself. So they, my own so called family. Have all turned against me. They call the cops, in order to get me locked up in the hospital. In the hospital they tell me to sleep there one day. Then they tell me to go home, because they see that I am not sick in any way. Not even the doctors that I first meat at the psyciatry emergency, thinks that I am sick. But they tell me to go up and sleep there one day. Because they wish to observe me. So I told them ok, but I don’t want to eat any form of drugs. So they said ofcourse not. Then when I went up there, To the third flor. That they call the 3 flor. Then they all greeted me with a smile and gave me food to eat. So I went to their painting room. In order to have something to do. But since I actually found a friend, that time there. They moved me to the first flor, instead. There in that dark place, two new nurses came and told me to eat some drugs. So I said that the doctors who first met me, told me that I didn’t have to eat any. So I asked them what was in those three pills? They said; Olanzapin, Alememazin and Sobril. Then I explained: I don’t have to eat Olanzapin since I am not the slightest Psycotic. I neither need Alememazin, because I don’t need to calm down, or slow my thoughts down. And I don’t need Sobril since I sleep very well every day. But they stood there and threathened me for like 30 minutes. So I finally gave in and ate the Sobril. After I told them what would happened to me if I ate the two other pills. I will become dizzy and groggy. So that the doctor they promised that I could have a meating with the next day. Would write in his papers. That I was sick and needed to stay there. (So that they could observe me some more) This society is completely sick. Those that know something, is actually forced to work for them. That don’t know anything about the reality that they are living in. It is sad and depressing to live in a society, that are doing everything they can. In order to kill me, every day. They lack a life. So they try and take it, from them. That have one and is happy. It’s like they can’t even mind their own buisnesses. As a matter of fact. They do everything they can to get me evicted from my apartment. Even when I pay them every month, on time. I also follow their rules. I don’t play loud music and I don’t make a sound after ten. They have made 3 of my bankcard stopped working this year. Two of my simcards to my phone, also. What is the sense in all of this. When all I do is help everyone that I talk to, get a better life. That is the problem. They think that since they have spent all their lives. Building this society. That I was borned in. That’s the reason, that I should not be able to live here, I don’t really understand what they are thinking? They stole my two daughters from me at birth. Because they wanted them. They killed two of my men, with drugs. Because they don’t want me to have a man. God gave me a house. But they got me evicted from it. Because they don’t want me in ”their country”. Apperently. Every real person that I meet, talks to me and have a nice conversation with me. We laugh and smile. Only the persons, that can’t think in a proper way. They tell me that I’m wrong. They say how things are. Because they where schooled to think so. I have went to school, for many more years. Than them, so I actually know what I am saying. That is the reason why, every sensible person leave me alone. Why is it so hard to live your life, in a constrictove way? Why do you live in a way, that force everybody to suffer? Every educated person could actually hold a proper conversation with me. But you don’t want me to better anybodies life. I speak, Swedish, English and Patois. Fluently. Because I am smart. Then I also know Spanish, some Arabic and Persian. Because I study the surroundings I’m living in. I actually look on others and try to figure out why they do things, the way they do it. That is how I learn. Because hey. I have already studied in basic school, highschool, upper highschool and at the university. But your schools are too easy for me. That is the reason for me handling out with friends. Then one day before the exam. I read everything in the text, you are having a text on. So I have gotten good grades, in every subjekt I ever studied. So instead of using me. In order to better your company, you actually try to get ridd of me. To keep living in your bullshit. Now what is the sense in that? Why do you do that? Aparently. Sweden is a grave yard, that is supposed to stink of garbage. They keep their sceletons in their closets. They build their churches, where they digged pits, they put coffins, with bones in. Also, they chopp of people’s heads. And let them roll down the streets. They did that because King Eric, walked out of Uppsala Domkryka. And over in Stockholm, they used this French thing. To put in humans heads in. Then they used a blade, to cut of their heads. What is the sense in doing that? Sure it was a long time ago. But you are still doing the same thing. Because you never learn, from your misstakes. 2004, they drilled a hole in my head. My cranium. They also kept me in a coma for 3 weeks, in order to be able to get salary. ”Taking care of me”. After that they drilled a Hole in my throat, because they claimed. That I would or could stop breathing, when they turned of the respirator. That they have forced me to breath in, for 3 weeks. They gave me extra oxygen, because they claimed, that my lunga would stop breathing. (They gave me alot of Morfin, since a car hit me. I flew ten meters in the air. Then I hit my head on the pavement and died directly on the same spot). But no, they would not accept. The consequenses of their own choices. Them that choose to drive cars. So they actually called the Albulance, they had put on a gasstation, say 300 meters away. I was dead, remember. Still I was the first person they took in their albulance. My best friend Malina (who had a mother, that worked at Akademiska Sjukhuset). They left there screaming. Because she had just broke one legg. The other 3 persons, the car drove over. Outside of Kvarnen (a mall beside Vaksala torg). They had to wait. Since they figured, that they could earn more money and recognizion. By ”saying me”, so they actually kept me in hospital for 13 months. This was all payed by the Swedish Government. That ”actually care about the recidents”. So I had to return to earth, with a broken hip. A broken head and a damaged brain. Man I was 19 years and fice months. When this happened. But I still wasn’t able to utter, one word. I didn’t even understand that I was back on earth. I was in so much pain that I just wanted to go back sleeping. But no. Those greedy bastards actually revived me and claim to have saved my life. This was ofcourse after God, in Heaven asked me to go back into this Hell, that they have turned out this world to be. So I had no choice. I tried to pill out the tubes with oxygen they have put up my nose, because I did not want to live. I was completely braindamaged and drugged down. But I still managed to do that. Haha. You wanna know, what these devils, then did me? They actually mummified my hands and arms and put plastic cusions. All around me. So I shouldn’t be able to move. They also drilled a hole in my belly, in order to force feed me. (They wanted a patient, to earn money from). One that have survived all the previouse times, that they had tried to kill me. When I was under 19. Yeah and then that feedingtube got inflamated, since they did not clean the open belly properly. They had also split my entire belly opened, because they claimed that they had to look for internalisera bleadings. All thoe the doctors at that hospital should have been able to see that I just hit my head, on the concrete and broke my hip, that I landed on. But no they are not that smart, over here in this country. So they just follow the same procedures some person wrote a 100 years ago. Because I mean. They actually believe Darwins crazy theories and still do the same misstakes that they have always done. They have no wish for a better life. But actually enjoy watching people die. I don’t have time to hold a diskussion about all the horrible things they do in this country. So back to the story, I was writing. Yeah, they brought me back to Akademiska. And drilled another hole in my belly and forcefed me through that instead. After that they put me in a weehchair and put on a belt. Drove me to another room. Where they had nurses, bending my limbs in different directions. Me that could not talk, even managed to scream and try to pull me back to the room. They kept me in. Because I just wanted to die in peace. I didnt wanna hurt. But oh no. They drove me back to the room. When they had spent some 35 minutes, hurting me. Let me rest for some hours. Remember they gave me Morfin, to make me sleepy. Then they also decided, that it would be better for me, to stand up. Instead of laying down, untill my body was healed. So they roller the wheelchair to a bigger room, where a ”gym therapist” worked. There they actually put me on another bed, where they strapped me up. Then they took that madrass and flipped it so that I could stand up. They have recorded, all of this. Or many days of tortyrinstrument me. I tried to unstrap me and lay down. Because it hurt so much to stand with a broken hip, cut up belly and a broken head. But they did not release me to the end of october 2005. Those disgusting creatures actually took me to a shower room and showered me naked body. I was sober mentally the entire time, so I saw what they where doing to me. But I could not speak and they did not even listen to the signals I was making. They also shaved of my long Brown hair. Right after the accident happened. I was 19, so why did they expect that I would rather live, without hair. And any body fat left? I weighed 63, when the accident happened. But my weight dropped to 58, since I wasn’t fed properly neither. I mean I was living in hell. Then they tried to bribe me and one insurancecompany actually came and told me that they would give me like 100 000kr. (They also pay the prisoners, to buy what they want. When they are locked up, or what they have in prison. Anyway) After that they told me that I was braindamaged now. So I must eat antidepressants, all my life. Because the doctor Claus Siegel said, that my brain would not be able to create Seretonin from now on. So I believed him. After one year, with like Cipramil. I realized that the antidepressants actually just put a lidd, over my emotions. I could not fel sad. True, but I couldn’t become truly happy neither. And that is not a state I wish to live in. So I stopped eating them. After that my oldes sister told me to go to the gym with her, so I went because I didnt have anything else to do. Anyway. On the legg press I started with like 110lbs, almost two years after the accident had occured. I assume it was. I worked out there for years. So at last I took 280 lbs on the legg press. That is more than most other girls, could manage. But I stopped going to that gym, because I did not like the smell of other peoples sweat. Or that everybody in there, looked at me. As if they had any right in doing so. A man from Uppsala Nya Tidning, also came and took photos of me while I was working out. One time. I said ok, why not. But in the artickle, they wrote next to the picture they said that I had been hit by a car and now had to work myself back into shape. Försäkringskassan also forbidd me from getting a job, because they actually pay people, for not working. (They need a job to go to, in order to pay their bills). Then I decided to fly to Jamaica instead. Because over there they are so much nicer, then here in Sweden. There I met a man 2007, that I married 5 months later. His name was Cleon Woodstock, 19830325-6773. He could just be here for 3 weeks, when we married. Then he had to return to Jamaica. So I started to read English at the university. English A. We read about the politisk system in America and England. And I passed their exams. However it was so very uninteresting when they started to teach us about the grammar, that built the English language. They also gave us novels to read and they where so dull. I have been able to speak English fluently, since I was in highschool. Because I was listening to hiphop. So I learned their language by listening to then, speaking English. (Ghetto American). I also heard, Chris Brown, Christina Aguilera etc. So I know their language. I am not stupid, but actually extremely intelligent. I also learned how to speak Spanish, in school. At the same time as I got an A in Filosofy and Swedish. Only A and B is necessery to read, but I love languages. So I read Swedish C also. I also got an A, in marketing. After being forced to ”start a company” with two of my classmates. I told them, lets record a video in Domkyrkan. Where I can walk in my tight up jeans skirt and a top. Plus coloured hair. Then I can ’acidentaly’ drop a package of Weet hair removal sax on the ground. Then you Carolina could sit there, praying and notice that I dropped it on the ground. Then you could run out of the church, with waxed leggs, nice clothes, smiling. Pussyclaat. I had everything going for me, but that September, just some months, after I graduated. You hit me with the car. Since you knew that I would run your companies better. What ever bla bla. Who gives a fuck? Aparently, you still do. Since all you do is talking shit about me, because I don’t work. You are the ones paying me. Because you are obligated to do so according to the Swedish law. But since I have money left, after I payed my bills and bought my food. I choose to send money to those that can not afford to eat. But that make you angry. And you forbidd me from doing that. You say that I am not allowed to send money to my real family in Jamaica. Them that have kept me alive, when I have been forced to live here and suffer in your fuckery.


  1. Varför skulle. Chris Brown behöva just din hjälp om han hade problem? Vad är det som är så svårt att förstå? Det ÄR inte Chris Brown. Vad påstår personen är anledningen till att just du ska hjälpa honom? Av jordens alla människor? Av alla han känner, ett helt gäng miljonärer bland annat?

  2. Möjligen för att han ville se om jag var en riktig kvinna eller en back stabber. Men det var någon snäll djävul som lånade mina pengar..


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