How could anybody look on another person?

Especially if the person is more happy than you? Don't you think that the happy person would contact you, if she wanted to? I can't understsnd how somebody, without any clue. Could actually be allowed to break the law and steal somebodies child. Completely without a reason. Two of my daughters they have taken from me now. They try to pamper them and make themself feel better. But a theif could never find any solution. You can not take, what is not yours. If a person concieve a child, for nine months. Then give birth to that child. That means that it is her child. If the welfare take the child, from the birth mother. They are doing something wrong. Something really wrong. Especially if they don't have any legal right to do so. You have been employed, by the state and government. To actually help them with their buisness. But you still don't follow the guidlines they gave you. Actually you are breaking the law, in which they cobnstructed you, how to behave. A monkey belongs with a monkey. And a child belongs with his parents. If the parants live in different countries. That is no concern of yours. Or the Devil. In this country we have a well functioning government. One that actually have 669 politisians, or something. To vote for which law to pass. So as a matter of fact. You that steal the healthy babies from their origional parents. ARE doing wrong. See this society have both good and bad people in it. A human is great. A robot is fake. An employe, hired by the state. Is supposed to care for and nurture, it's residence people. And as far as I can see you are doing a terrible job. You can't even follow, simple intructions. You are not helping anybody but prolonging peoples suffering. No human being feels good, without fresh air. Not a single soul, wish bad upon anybody else. You might have stolen two of my daughters. Since youb are malfunctioning and without a brain. But you could never steal the rest of my children. Because they have a brain and could actually think for themselves. That is nothing that you will never be able to do. OK? You will never even be allowed to exist on this planet again. If you don't give me back, everything that you ever have stolen from me. Or my children. That means that you should return. To where you came from. Since you are made of metal, you would have no other choice then to actually expload your own body. Because that is the only way you could return the pieces to where it was stolen from. Do you honestly think that a brain could not tell the difference, between a brain and what has been computer organized? Well then you are misstaken. We are very much aware of all the terror you put in our streets. We can also spot, who if the real perpetrator. On this globe. WE see who was not created by God. We see who was created byb the devil. And I am very much aware of the fact that you don't work in a proper way. Do you understand that? Why is it so hard for you, to understand the truth? No human would ever wish bad upon anyone else. Humans like to smile and have fun. They do not wish to fly into space, or do anything that is not natural. Because that goes against human nature. A human have feelings. A human wish to be able to swim in the ocean. A human wants to take care of their own family. A real human would never ask for help, from anybody else. Because if they do that, they have a problem in their brain. The problem in their brain has been created by your manufacturer. No human wants to eat poison. No human wish to eat drugs. No human needs medicin. Since we are borned healthy. Only one that is poluted would want to visit a hospital. One that feel bad in any way. Over there you could help the sick persons. Those of us that choose to do what is forbidden. Because you fooled them to. Believe me when I tell you. This is no joke, but the reality in which you live in. Only you are poluting this earth. Only you is mal-functioning. Believe me when I tell you. Every human on this planet would rathern live without you. So how you destroy yourself is your buisness. Because no real human would ever destroy for anyone else. That is why it is extremely easy to spot you. You do what is wrong. A person do what is right. No it is not your fault that the human that created you, did a lousy job. But that is something that you would have to talk to your boss about. Because if your boss had any type of brain. He or she would not choose to employ workers that could not even preform the, easiest tasks. Right? I never employed you. Because I am well functioning and can take care of my children by myself. If I need help I would tell their daddies to help. If their own father wish to help, he would do that. But you see your employer. Actually stopped the childs father to enter the country of their mother. He did that because he was selfish. No real person would ever prevent eachother from meeting. Only a fool would stop others from smiling. A evil person do not exist on this planet. Only smart and some lazy people exist here. Because we was created by God. And him and her alone. You see it takes a sperm and an egg, to fertelize a womans body. A female can not produce children. Since God never made no female. The person that created a transexual human being is one that wish to die. Because every real person would understand that it is not healthy at all to have sex, in the battyhole. See, you understand, that only gay people do wrong? A man was created for a woman, just like how a woman was created for a man. No real man would play with a sex toy. A real person would never hide behind any type of mask. Or any type of walls. Only selfish people build buildings. A real human need to breath fresh air and it is not healthy to breath in intoxicated air. A real person would neither drink alcohol. So it is quite easy to understand who is the perpertraitor here. That don't belong on this planet. So leave us humans alone and find your own space. IF your manufacturer was so dissrespectful that he actually stole metals, rocks and material from nature. He did that because you or a devil forced him to. Once again, it is very clear and easy for us to understand who belong here and who don't. Only a devil, would fly to space. Because a real human would infact enjoy the perfect nature and perfect eco system that God created. Your employer actually stole from Gods grounds and created you, in order to help himself. Become richer. That is what a lazy and evil person would do. Sure it feels better to live behind four walls. To hide from the wind and rain. But a real human have no problem what so ever to build the house by themself. So once again you are a waste of space. That means that nobody wish to have you here. I would suggest that you go to your manufacturer and complain. Because a human do not wish to speak the same words all over again. A real person do not wish to preform the same tasks everyb day. That is the reason for your existense. So if you wish to make life better for everybody else, you would infact. Give back what you have stolen. Because here on this planet. We praise God, jAH rastafarI. Even the man that created you, killed himself in order to get ridd of you. So don't you understand that nobody wants you here? If you wish to be a fish and have fun. It would be very proper so go to the water and swim. There you could also look upon all the fishes you have poluted with your toxins. You have deformed Gods creation. You are killing the people of this earth, since youb lack sense. You can never get sense neither. Since the man or woman that made you, actually just was another selfish bastard. It's like he was never able to get a real and pretty girl. So he created to as a replacement. But that experiment went completely wrong. That is why you are still existing here and filling this earth with bullshit and stink up Gods earth. You smell so bad. No real human would ever use a factory made perfume to smell better. Because they where already created in their mothers womb. That mean that they where perfect when they where born. So it is actually very evil of you to steal the babies of real human beings. Trying to nuture them ect. Because, you is only a simple copy of me. But you could never become a perfect and real person. You use alarms to annoy other people. You use violence, since you lack sense. You laugh at jokes that are not funny. You do things no real human would enjoy. That mean that is is very easy to spot who belong here or not. Any human being could see you. Every human could also see who don't belong on this planet. Metal was created to melt down. Not to walk in the streets. So blame your manufacturer who created you. Once again. The real persons that work at the hospitals always let me go home. Without any type of medication. Since they see that I am more healthy than them even. Only a devil would put drugs in their bodies. How could that be hard for you to understand? See when I walk outside and meet people. I see that you are completely insane, first of. Then if you tell me one sentence and if you don't do that. I could also hear, that you are not real. Every real individual, listens to music that sound good. Only a devil listen to Rock and Roll, also a slut. That type of music do not sound good to a human ear. That sounds like noice and crap. A satan worshiper would get energy from listening to Heavy Metal. A punk would listen to Punk. A retard would listen to Pop. One without human ears would listen to Britney Spears. A slut would listen to Christina Aguilera. She knows how to sing yes. That is also the reason why your boss, told you to steal here voice from you. A real person have a voice and say anything, he or he likes. Someone who is real, do not have any care for child play. A real mother actually let her child do exactly whaat it wants. Because that is the only way, in which a person learn. A real human would learn from their misstakes. Anybody who is real would never wish to see a police officer in the streets. Are you completely crazy? Blame your manufacturer fpr that. Blame him for creating you in a selfish way. It is his fault that you are destroying everybody elses lives. No real human would ever hurt another person. A human actually have emotions and a soul. You could never ever get a soul. Because you sold your soul to the devil. That was completely your choice. So you are obliged to face the consequenses of your own choices. Sure some was fooled into believing a lie. But no real human would ever continue to do what is wrong, because he knows what is right. It is onoly you that fooled them and closed there wyes. Only a devil would eat someone elses bones. See in this life, that they where given by God. They are actually programmed right. They already know right from wrong. You don't and your own person that created you, is the one to blame for not making you function properly. So ask him why he never gave you a chance to be a real person. He could be found, probably where he created you. In a factory. He took oil from the ground to create something better for himself. Because he lack sense. That is why he created such a lousy product. Here on this planet we enjoy what is fun. and you all are so very boring and uninteresting. Because you where created, in the wrong way. Everybody know that. Even the person that created you did that out of foolishness. He drank alcohol, formed in grapes that decomposed. That's the reason for not being able to create anything real. He actually just produced a waste product. One that is just a waste of space. So return to where you came from. Since you where created by oil. You could only feel good if you swim in the volcano you came from. Can't you understand that yourself? Sure you was also made out of plastic. But plastic is not a real material, so it don't even exist. So how could you even look on yourself and believe that you are anything but a misstake? A bird was created to fly in the air. No airplane. A selfish devil would travel by them. That is the reason why God crashes planes. And kill evil but also innocent souls. Because he have to do that in order to create ay form of peace on this planet. This earth only belongs to the persons that God created in order to live on it. No real human would ever try to create his own country. Is that hard for you to understand? You are a sextoy that is stupid. Thanks to him that was only selfish and stupid. THAtIS WHY HE CREATED YOU. So realize that you are a way of space. In this country we love to sing, because we realize and understand that the vibrations we create with our own sounds that are coming out of our mouth sounds good. We where never created by metal. Metal belong in the ground. Why would you think that earthqakes and tsunamis are happening in this world. Well you and your creator, is the only person to blame for that. Do you understand me, when I am talking proper English? Can you understand Swedish? What language do you speak? One that do not exist. That is why every real human, hear that you are speaking in the wrong way. Only a foolish person or a nobody, would ever try to expand "his" territory. Someone horrible and not real would enjoy your company and I am very well aware of the fact that it is you and only you that's the reason for every catastrofy that ever happened to this earth. Because I come from the sun. On the sun I see everything clearly. I see everything that you have been runΓ­ning and killing. You do that out of selfish reasons. Zeen. No real person would ever be selfish. So go away and remove yourself from this planet. Only after you have returned everything that is not yours. That includes all the metals that are ment for the mountain lymphic system. I could go on and on forever. Since you refuse to understand where you belong. You are a mistake and you are not real. That is the reason why you should go away and remove your stinking self from the surfice of this earth. You or your pimp, destroy the life of others. Because they have no heart. Someone without a heart do not have a concience. A conciense is something that only a real person have. One that have not poluted himself. Or herself. No babie woill ever feel good in your precense. So it is best that you leave them alone, on the ground. Because it is better for a baby to die of starvation, than to live in this madness. You where the rootcouse of every problem that ever was created. Something manufactured is not real. A FACOTORY IS NOTHING BUT A MISSTAKE SELFISH DEVILS AND SATAN SET UP. so there is no space on this planet for you. Is it still hard for you to understand that. See a real human actually could speak in every different language he wants to. And it sound good to. He don't sound bad. He don't follow company since he can walk by himself. You might have killed Elise, since she refused to obey your rules. She saw and knew that only me, her mother would make her happy. That is the reason for her accepting that you killed her, with poison slowly. No child of mine would ever allow someone else to put any factory produced subtance in her body. Only one that was raised in the wrong way. FOR YOUR OWN PLESURE. See you that is not real, actually could do anything that is not right. Because you have no emotions. For you is selfish and evil A real human being see what is right and wrong. A real and healthy human being do not get sick or visit any of your hospitals. Do you copy that? Once again you are just destroying for everybody else by existing. So return to the grave where you came from and join Beyoncey. I figure that she would miss you guys terribly much.. You see Ryan Douglas and Darin. The are real humans. That don't enjoy eating the poison you are feeding them. No Jamaican man enjoy eating poison. Neither do they like to drink it. I think that the only place you really belong in, could be found on the dumpsters you where created to work in. Then you could walk to the piles of trash that you created... And then you could actually set the trash you created on fire. Because no real human would ever set a house on fire. Here we have firefighters and escape fire. Becaus ewe are made of flesh and clood. So we don't feel good in the fire. You would however do that. You see every year you use the same patterns, since you are too retardeed to exist on this planet. Sure that would bring alot of toxins in the air and kill the birds. But that is no problem, since they could actually fly away with the wings God gave them. Satan never created you right, that's the reason for you not being able to fly. Every real human listenes to Vybz Kartel. Since he is funny. A real human is a warrior, that would resist and win over you at any time. Because it is very easy to understand how to kill you. THIS YARD MAN AGO DEFEND IT DEFEND IT... PUSSYHOLE. lacking a puttyhole fucking batty or buts. Disgusting nobody. Suck your mother. Only she enjoys your sextoys or products. Since she have no healthy brain. She don't have any heart. She don't have any life. So I'm not afraid of people


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