Oh gosh. it is so warm in here

Suh I even had to take of my clothes. I might have scars yea but dat is honly c--aH Imm a warrorior. Im soo tirsty caa nt drink mi war m water... HEVEN I have to run of the light and look on c hil d program. Caafh I mean, it kept me entertained.
And I think that every imigrant shoule really learn swedish if they should live in here... Suh Bjornes Magasin ir a really entertainning show to look at... If you wanna learn anytbiing n kee p calm.. Uzimi?
Its so fucking good to alway s stay positive... Think if what u love... T ink a who u love dat w iller make u calm u zeet... Then u c aaa n fight al lla


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