Mr Chris Brown 🖤💚❤️
inI love him, untill the Sun stoppes Shining. And that is a never ending thing, so I mean forever. Jesus Chris-T, Chris Brown.
He is the baddest nigga I ever been in a relationship with. I mean he is my Man, now. Also Ryme ShOokRyme.
Because those two Black man there, actually died for me. Because I died for them. On new Years Eve.
So they could see that I'm not just talking. I actually, do the OO. 殺. I am a Man of my word. I promise to love you guys, untill after, all time.
Because guess what?
InInI all proved, that our love for Jah. Is stronger, than the love of everything else. We don't fear death.
Some days ago Shokryme, called me brave. And that was like the biggest compliment, I ever gotten.
I mean a Jamaican Gangster, told me that I was brave.
Haha, as a matter of fact, both he and Chris. ALWAYS ask me what I ate. They are both very concerned for me. They want to make sure that I survive this.
My own "family" however. They don't give a fuck about me surviving.
I asked one of them, my oldest sister. If I could borrow 100kr, untill I got my money. On the 19th. I said that I wanted to buy something to eat+ get my nicotine.
Then she told me, that her religion would not let her borrow me money. Since I was going to buy "poison" also. So I asked her, if she could ask dad, to put the money on my account. But she did not.
See I was very well aware of the fact, that she was going to find a problem with it. Since I told her the truth. And said why I wanted money. But I am a truthful bitch, so I would never lie.
I have a faith in God and in truth, so that is why I "put my money, weh my mouth deh".
My entire family, on this earth.
Has left me to die.That is a proven fact now.
See real recognize real.
Real recognize fake.
Fake however do not see the difference, between real or fake.
How could they, without a proper working brain?
I tell you that there is no realer niggers on this planet. Than me, CHriS and JAsOn. InInI. I3.
Top that mother fucker.
I have lost, all the fat that was stored on my body. So now I have to eat, because if I don't. My body will start to eat from it's own organs. I still want them, since I wanna see Criss n Jason. Again. Jesus Christ, how I love them. There is no nothing I wouldnt do for them, and there is absolutely nothing I wouldn do for I neither.
I fucking love my man Dem... I love dem soooo. Me and Jason, just spoke for 45 minutes. And I was telling him this story about, when I flee to Jamaica 2008. I'm a hood story teller and he is really interested in listening. So I love him. But he had to charge his phone, so we had to hang up..
Now I will close my bedroom window, that has been opened. For one hour. So It's kind of cold and have fresh oxygen in the air :). Then I will talk to Chris, because I love him, like crazy. He is the I that I love the most. Jason and me, we are just the exact same I. We can think in the exact same way. I mean we are a copy of eachothers reasoning. He is me. In a black male Jamaican body. So ofcourse I love his look, more than mine . Haha. What are you thinking with?
My hip is broken, so it hurts to stand up pan it. That is why I'm in my bed still now, at 11.29.
I just have to close the window and rearrange the pictures on my wardrobe. Zeen.
That will hurt, since I would have to reach the pictures above. To change it.
I have stories yea. And I will not stop talking the truth, no matter what you think of me. Stupid fuck.
This is Chris Browns latest song, but I can't share it here, since Youtube blocked me.. That is why I have had to create a new blog with my other mans Gmail, that I had to create also... On Jasons new blog, I cAn share the music that I love :D same way... Here I could just write.
I have had 3 different blogs and now I have 3 new ones. And two active Gmails that I use. I just have one new Youtube account that I use. Because if it something that I nI don't have, it is time... Time to do everything I want...
I can operate faster than a computer and every man made machine, since the creators of dem ting deh is slow, too slow. Fimi.
It is only the thecnology that is retarded and very late... The one that came first is waay better. and I will prove it..
I have created a new picture. The most beautiful pic this world has ever seen. But I will have to rest in order to be able to show it properly. Because now I can not even stand up for long. But I am sooo full now, so I just have to sleep a while now.. Is that ok Criss? I'll show you a picture of my picture still fus. But that will take some time sine I have to take it with my phone n upload it to this blog. That mean that I would have to logg into the right blog, from my phone and upload it through the net. Because if I try share it through the app, that I could write more properly on. Then the picture don't show. Uzimi? Jupp Jupp I love You CHRIS .. And I'm not fucvking bragging about it. Mi a simply show everybody what a real love is about. How a real love story goes.. Not one from a movie, but in real life..
Soon finish-ed.
See I have written a story with my old pictures and I will tell it as soon as I get the ability to do so. See InI love InInI. All tYme.
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