See everything is so very easy to understand. All you have to do is think sensible. Cris Chris Brown is NOT American. Neither African, those monkey. That walked out on the Savannah and left their natural habitat, which is the jungle. They are completely crazy. They are crossbread and burned in the sun, since they left their natural habitat. Under the threes. But those dearranged creatures, actually take the cannabis plant aka Marijuana and they compress it, like some drunk fools. That actually stepped on the winegrapes and put it into bottles, after it rottenef and formed all types of feelings. Then those drunkards, she white people actually fucked the monkeys. That was able to stand on two legs and crossbread the real human. That is the reason, your you turning out so dearranged. Seriously. You eat poo and dead bodies, some of you drink utube and look on the tv. Because you still don’t have any sense. Because you are not pure. Chris Brown is I son. Because non of us, or our relatives. Ever cross bread. You monkeys think that you would like a bigger banana. In your ass, or a man. That would lick your pussy. Because you are dearranged and disgusting. You will never become a better man, no matter of how many years that you are trying. No, you are made of dearranged DNA and you are not one. You are just trying to become one. That’s the resdon for you looking at everybody else to gather your ingormation. You honestly think that a beauty Queen or missworld, would run in any type of contest? Somebody who is truly pure and beautiful do not need anybody else, in order to get validation. You have had your fun, You have laughed your last evil laughs. It is not funny at all to look at a misstake and if you do nothing else than feel pitty and actually give the poor man a BETTER life. You have lost this game. At first it was just me and your daddy Adidjah Palmer. Then we got two son. Jason and Criss. Chris Brown is not black. Christ Brown is not Afro American. Chris Brown is I and his daddy. It do not matter how many years you try to add to their lifelines. Because we are immIrtal and will never die. We share the same blood. That is why you vampires, theif and jelouse weak little persons will never find hapiness. Because they where created for me. We are one family O god-satan-and the Devil. I am O. So that means that I have been created and made a whole circle, by myself. That take ”million if years” if I should speak in human terms. So kill yourself, stop taking what is not yours. A God do not steal. A God do not take drugs. A God do not drink alkohol. A god do not have a single peace of hate in his body. A god do not feet bitter. A good do not get tierd, A god do not need oxygen to breath. A god could live under the water and do what ever he pleases. Further more a God, knows right from wrong. So it do not matter, what type of shit you are fooling him to believe. A god do not follow any religion. Man follow religion. Drunk people do that also. The desendants of drunkards. You are just a misstake. You where never created. You where made by your daddies daddies daddy and his misstakes. A God would not hide behind walls. A God do not eat medicin. A god do not talk to others. Because a God already know right from wrong. And he would rather starve to death, than live amongst you nasty creatures. You that look for glitter and Gold. Gold was put in the ground, for a reason, but you stupid monkeys go in there and tried to find it. In order to sell it to the vampires and bloodstuckers. Them that drink wine and smoke cigarettes. A God could do that to, to waste his time and kill his brainsells. But I don’t wanna die, that is the reason for me not joining you in your stupidity. How can you think that a healthy, Properly runned body would ever puke? You choose your own destinies remember. A God do not go to a club or a party. A god do not listen to loud music, unless he have the vybz to do that. No no no. Let me tell you what a God do. He would do anything he want to do st any given time. A god is not killed by drinking poison. For it is impossible for a God to get drunk. A movie about a real God, that show you, how a real God opetates. Is the GodFather. Obviously 🤬. A good kill misstakes, a god kill those that lack sense. If you wish to know for a fact who is a God, child of God and who is a pretender. You just have to ask a properly constructed question and listen to the answer, you are given. If the person that you are talking to, can’t answer, don’t know the answer or create a lie. There is your answer. So my suggestion is that you take a chainsaw and cut of their limbs. So that their blood. Splatter over all of the walls. Then you can dash their body parts in the streets. Just so that everybody else see just what a mess they spent their life creating. My biggest dream ever would be to go to a Systembolaget store. Stretch out my atm in protest and walk straight and crush all of those nasty glass bottles with poison on the floor. Then walk barefoot 🦶 on the little pieces of scattered glass. Because that is the acctions of a real Hearo. A real hearo is not afraid to take away every problem you ever created for him. You might think that my life is easy and that I always had it easy? But no I have been abducted as a child and forced to live amongst vampires and devils. That is not a nice experience. Mi a tell you. I spent years hurting myself and crying. I also took their medication and mixed it with their alcohol, But I can not die. Even if, even if the cells on my body die. Because then I just rest, untill I wanna wake up again. Stand up like a man or die like a pussy. Simple. I don’t wish to have any type of first on my planet. The snakes should crawl back to their forestes. Which ever pure animal, have all the rights in this world to kill everybody that he wish to kill. But remember, if you kill me. You will just feel bad, yourself. Since I am your cells. So hang your head in shame, Cry your tears. You are just a waste of time. You got all the changed to build a better life. But you failed the test of life. I am no killer. I am not the slightest evil. And a real God would never wish to have some crossbread monkey or vampire as a friend. you are not sleeping you are living and breathing. you are a b-o-SS. you don't work for no joss. Alhamdulila. Lilla du that mean. Ots like saying: stop feelimg sorry for yourself and go and change life for the better. Because everybody deserves to laugh. That is the right bibrations your body need in order to survive and get younger, Not a antiwrincle cream used by finosaurce.. cars kill people and you are a walking disaster. Since you choose to soend your life in dem. No. It is hapiness and only niceness and love you wish to surround yourself with. If somebody in your life is making you feel bad, you tell him to fuck of, and suck his mither.. Nothing else make sense. That cuss sentence there was written, first in american then in Patois. U zeet? my personal buggest wish in this life, is to wander away into the wilderness. Like the skogs RÃ…, that I an. I come from the forest. That is why my etes are green. See? Or I could lay down on the grass. Because that is where I belong. I do not wish to see dog shit on my grass, because dogs is not human. I don't know where they came from? They where probably crossbread when a nasty human fucked a wolf. so they don't belong anywhere thanks to your nasty behaviour. wrong is wrong and right is tight. younknow that. You don't need a scripture to tell you what is right. You know it by your own ideas. I really hate all people that don't shower. Just as mich as I hate them that put poison in my ocrans. Oerfume and chemicals where made by human devils in order to make people sick and come and join dem in hell. So that they could live out of your misery and suck your life out of you. BUT some doggs is actually innocent. They have never been crossbread. So let them go to their own family. that is their coice. Not yours. Everybody should walk to the place where you feel most at home. That is what you fo. In life. You follow your instinks. And yes, some pain, will go away. When you are screaming. Because then you take away the paid something caused your cells to feel. Uzimi? i just want peace and tranquility in my own country. I stay in Sweden, since we have to freshest air to breath. I can not breath when I am in Jamaica. Because the English put to much trash on my country. That is where I was borned, raised and killed. Some time. Because I dont like fake pretenders. I want to live in reality, without feeling depressed. thats the reason for me not leaving my house. Cris sound good and you sound bad and confused. that is why I don't like you. i wish that you could see my smile tight now. I am showing my upper teeth, as far ad my mouth could reach . LoL i get happy by others foing wrong. I feel horrible, by watching bad actors and people living in false pretense.. You know my coffee is done now and I have some money to buy new. That is why I will walk to the store and buy it. like the civilized creature that I am. If yiu are no real human, one tgat kno right from wrong. Then you need to find another place to live in. Because member. I am just helping you realize. Where you would feel best. If you feel like going to Spain, nothing is stopping you. If you would rather try to swim to America. I could join you so we could see who the sharkes eat? If I wanna drensh myself in the rain or a water pool on the ground, I could do that. No problem. Remember you are living in a clean Jamaica now. Without dirty opressors n dem rulings. So you could do anything you want to. I zeet? I suggest u try to talk sense with all of your family. The one yoyr genes formed. Because cells that has been formed by dead meat will never rejuvenate. you will just die, in their system. Eventually. So if you wish to make your death long and full of suffering, continue doing what you are doing. But do not destroy nobody elses life. Talk the same shit that you always have been doing. But use your God given mouth to do that. Don't talk to me. Because I am not interested in hearing your SVAMMEL. Thoughts you create are met to be kept in your head untill you finally know what to say. So be quiet, think and smile. If you feel like it. I am no killer, I am a massmurderer. So I will di it with style, grace and hapiness. Because honestly. What is a dirt under my nail? Clean yourself with water, before you walk out and clean up the mess you have created. I declare ANIMALS as Kings of this world. Because that is how it was created to run. Humans cave long after. The first humans where perfectly nice. No real human put radiation in the air or scream, because he havent yet learned to master his emotions. So stop reading wgat I am saying. Because I could actually popp and become exactly what I want to. But befire I go. I want to messure my body, at 39 years of age. Because that makes most sense. see I am really 12. 3+9 is 13, if you add it. it is very mich fun to be a article, fooating through space. I oromise. I am no man. I am brave like a man. But I don't deal with fake pretence. I belong to man and you do that to. Not around girls. A female should not talk to another female. Because they will just make bad ideas and disasters in their lives. A female need a man and that is why this ya female created a perfect man to be with. Then after some tears we got a child. Then another one. But you animals that escaped from your havbitats got so envyous and greedy. So you stole our babies, Someone that steals anything, is a crissbread human. Thank your parents for that. I have never, been crossbread. That is the reason why I am the same ild Ella LA and I still. I consist if 3 individuals. Westside. We say and I an completed now again. So you go and find your real family. You can not become happy of unecessery items. Breath fresh air. Your lungs need that. believe me now, You are not a smoker. Smokers are those who love to livebin hell. That's the reason for dem choosing death over life, every time. They are traitors. and me I'm a little bit of everything, untill I change my mind. Haha and since every cell in your body actually consist of me. I think that I deserve a krown. I wear it ontop on my head and I can walk straight, because non of you devils ever succeeded in killing me, You tried, but you tried in vain. Since I can not die. you can choose if you want to be sad or glad arout that fact. That is your choice. But don't come poluting my earth with your bag of fuckery. Uzimi?


  1. I read all you text even it was little long 😊 because it is interesting and make me remember some period in my life where it was very helpful to me to write a lot just for my self in my little note, i always feel better after, it helps me to get the pressure out, till niw i still read that note time to time which give some nostalgic moment and pish me to get up and continue saying to my self: if i could passed all if this so then, nothing can stop me except death,
    Thanks for sharing your feelings with us, wish you the best


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