Thank you God for teaching me how to free myself.
Wow, look at the amazingness of reality...
It all, is so very perfect. Thank God.
This tasted nice, all when it was cooked in the micro and it was very cheap 🙂. Spinage and cheese lasagne.. I eat with my mouth, so no need to put it in the oven... I can't believe them that live to impress others or themself. I marvel at what is...
Done with the washing and I am too tierd, so I'm resting and writing 😀. I don't understand them that drink or do drugs. I've done that too but it's not only unecessery and destructive, there is another more beneficial way to spend your life. Enjoying every day and praising reality... Imagine being happy all the time and loving life, just how it is. Not hurting anywhere...
I honestly didn't think that was possible, when I was young. Then I thought that life became more fun and better, when you drank, and fixed yourself etc and followed everybody else... I didn't even question others behaviours. Because normal was the norm.
Why do you personally listen to any other human? Thank God I realized the truth very soon :).
Can you believe how wonderful it feels, to have the wind blowing in from the windows in all rooms of your apartment 🙂? To see a light blue sky, makes me happy.
I know that it is very easy to view life in a negative way, and not only everybody but you too, destroy your thought processes by seeing darkness in the light or clouds on the sky 🙂. But I also know that it is infact, extremely easy to see everything possitivly..
I love you no matter if I know you or not. It is extremely unwise to dislike anything, when you can infact love everything. Give thanks n praise 💚💛. I would like an emoji that is so happy that she cries, to express my emotions but I have non. (At this momemt 🙃). No, thank you..
There is no purpouse of acting in a destructive way and I am kinda fed up with people pretending, in real life...
Oh, I should go look in the storage room, if I actually brought some soil here . Or if I left it in the other apartment 🥶😃. I left it 😪. Thank you God for the possibility to live.
I am saying this to show others, that life IS what you make it. Right now I'm smiling about that I will be able to put on new sheets, in which ever colour I wish to choose... 😀 Soo greatful and appriciative 💗
Oh I think Sizzla made a song like this. Will look. Thank you :)
I should wash the plates, but it is not time for that yet. It will feel better to do them later... And I walked past the bag of clothes, but that doesn't trouble me. Because I could do that when I want to ZEEN 😊
I have never ever ate pancakes with sallad, oatcream and lingonberries before. What an interesting mixture :). Good Night. Yesterday when I was outside walking alot I started to experience my backside hurting, earlier it's just been in the front. Now the upperpart of my legs, is acing... If it haven't started by the tenth I should go do an ultrasound. I got a paper with info I could read some time..
I eat alot of processed food nowdays, but it's better than eating nothing... Think I should boil eggs and wash the plates now...
Thank you... (Greatful to God) Kaviar=fish eggs, I don't know if English people say that too. It have a distinct flavour but it's nice... Nutrients, nutrients and kcalories 💙. Hahaha, it never matched nice with the pickles? But I'm so greatful for having the possibility to eat! In Sweden we call it saltgurka which directly translates as salt cucumber...
Hallon är för övrigt ett riktigt lurendrejeri företag. Jag hade 150 Gb, men sekunden efter att jag sänkte internetmängden för nästa månad, hade jag bara 140 kvar. Spola fram två dagar, så har jag bara 14Gb kvar :S. Jag brukar klara mig på ca 25 i månaden... Så jag borde skaffa ny operatör. De säger nu att de tar bort internetmängden man har om man sänker abonnemanget 🤨
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