Just got a message in Swedish from my ”sister” Linda
you know she that lied and told my mom that my dad had tried to have sex with me. Björn Kaaling, have NEVER touched me inappeopriatly.
But mom believed her, so she contacted Babylon. So the doctors in Uppsala, actually looked in my pussy, but they found no signs of penetration. And believe me, if that would have happened. It would have shown, because a 4 years old girl and a 45 year old man can not have sex! Fucking awful, disgusting people.
That actually would go to the police, (the decendans of them that killed Jesus Christ)
them that actually have gotten caught with child pornografy on their computer, in Uppsala. They that started by building the Tower of Babylon.
The police have also went into my house in Gamla Uppsala and taken pictures of my blood, splattered on my wardrobe. :/
They are completely sick in their heads. Because they are barberiC iNdIVIdUallS.
(SatanJahGOD1you, that came first, Devils Eye (look on a dollar bill to see the all seeing eTe, a million times) I5iDevilNeziah I. They are both Masons and Babylon.
That is how the word individualls, are correctly translated. But they are making you to dumb to see it.
still don't believe me? Who have every braincell corrected and healed??? I dId that by myself. Yes I. No hospital or medicin have ever gave me any type of healing. Only God.
i would have never survived these 39 years on a earth with "living" but actually dead walking zombies.
if God never showed me the truth.
inI are connected. My life too, because if it wasn't for God, sending me back. To this RatRace..
I would have died when I flew ten meters in the air and cracked my skull on the pavement.
Memba, it was the Uppsala police that did that and I know it. Because that night I called about 3 different male yutes, my friends. I know for a fact that some of their phones where tapped, by the police. Even while I was in hospital I called the most beautiful one of them. And he told me that Soc actually locked him up, right at that same moment.
His name is Christ-of-ER Hell-E-Stål. Stål mean steal the metal, in Swedish. E means 3, or Westside. and R, is short for Rah or ARE! So ofcourse they wanted to get him locked up. They put him amongst Criminals and he got connected with Hells Angels. The company, that the Police in Uppsala. Used to kill, both Christofer and Ravi with.
Like they check seh man a fool.
They honestly believe that inI don't REmeMbER, exactly everything that ever happened to me.
It do not matter, how many cars they hit me with. Or how many drug/pills they show down my throat. It dies not matter that they try to kill my entire family.
Because I can not die. That is an impossibility. I know this for a fact now, 39 years of age, the 18 of april.
when I was 16, in Florida, traveling in the backseat of a car. I had my first Revelation, that I remember right now.
I became all sweaty/panacking.
Because I found out that I would die, when I was 31 years of age.
So i tried to calm myself down and supressed it.
I died at 19, fysically because the Po-li-CEkilled my body. The doctors and God, brought me back and kept me on this earth still.
Because they know, that I an fairest/purest of every human. Walking on this planet.
me pERson-Ally Elly. Would rather live in Heaven. Where everything is CRISS lyk Chris Brown, on this earth. He is my S-on and both me and He, know it.
Able was not white.
He was Black, just like I and Chris Brown. Our complexion is Brown, because we are both black and white. Just like Jesus, actually was. I never counted, how many sOn, that I have. Since it is not relevant. I am providing for all of them. With the miney those good Swedish people are giving me, since they killed me.
I have been so mad and angry at that fact for a long long time.
But my Lawyer, told me that I had to get money from the Swedish government, since I am too sick to work. So I checked the numbers, of the money I hot and counted. I actually pay the government of Sweden the same amount of money, that they give me every month.
So I figured. Fare and sqare, they killed me and let me suffer for 13 months, from september 2004 till End of October 2005. Plus it was their own police, that created the accident. So they better give me my money!
5700 krown, they payed me every month. For years. I had a house, to pay heat, electricity and water in. (So they got back their money anyway). Not to count in all the tax, they take from the money, they give me to repay me. Plus the tax they put on all the food, that I'm buying. Including the medicin they forced me to but at their pharmacies.
I once kept 1000k in my drawer, just incase. It became a war.
But my nosey mother, that actually helped the welfare Soc, to steal my baby Elise. Torally without a reason. She camed to this town, two hours away from her house and actually had the gutts, to tell me that I was stupid. For keeping the money in my home. She said that I must keep them in Swedbank.
What about the fact that I am over 18 years old? What about the fact that I have the legal right, to di exactly what I please with my money? What about the truth that a real human could survive without food? Have you ever heard about Jesus? He that walked in the desert, for 40 days. Without food or water?
Once you have reached Nirvana and became OnE with God. It is not possible to diE. Even to feel pain. Only devils feal pain.
Only them, cause pain. Because they lack sense.
Every human is not a Child of God. Like I am.
Because they have actually crossbread and raped, abused Gods children. F-o-R the longest time.
They will not stop, since they are too ssstupid to do anything good.
See it is actually very easy to recognize, who is a child of God and who is a child of Satan.
see it was like 10 000 years ago, humans where first created on this planet.
The ear-Th, has existed long before humans came and destroyed it.
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