One cup of coffee n I’ll go
Haha, my wedding flowers actually looked like that, the summer of 2007...
First year Eleonor traveled to Jamaica I yaad...
Chris Brown really mean that he loves me, and I really mean that I live him too. See the evidence in the picture above, from my last words..
these last days, I have healed myself. How much more evidence would you need? It is taking so long for me to do everything, since I am moving and changing the entire winter galaxy.
I want it to become summer and spring. Because I love it more.
Chris Brown was borned the 6 of April, I think. He told me he was borned in April. Just like I. 18 of April. So I am an Aries. Hee too. Or a-ri-E-s. You still stUpid or what? Say A-r(are)-I (I am)-E(eleonor)-s or S.. (Satan or Sex or Sabbotage or Snake or everything bad. Think yourself, because I will go and put some butter on my swedish made bread now. Today I will make a bread also I think, because I have all the ingrediens needed. You dont need no messurments, salt, sugar or time. To make a bread. You dont need to go to a store n buy it neither. Jesus Christ made a bread and fed hundreds of people. I could do that too, it is very easy. All you have to do is stay still and think.
I could teach you how to do every and any thing also.. But why would I?
have you not killed my son or my man, more times than I could bother count?
Have you not stole my daughters in this lifetime too?
Is it a suprise to you that I know many more things than you, all thoe I dont study in school or go to your work places?
Is it a suprise to you that I actually am much more advanced, than any other person. Who is alive on this earth?
You build rockets n nuclear weaponds. Because you try to escape the reality, you yourself have made. You live in Hell, because you choose to live in that way. You suffer, not because of God. But because of Satan.
That nigger there was pushed down to earth, since he conspired and wanted to take Gods thrown. A bit like how Donald Trump or that president in America is taking the material God put in different places. In order to benefit his children who live in that same place. But they still dont know shit.. I can not spent this entire day to clean up the mess you made.
InI actually have to wash some of Eleonors dirty clothes. I have not washed since January the forth. So her clothes is running out now, in Mars. I have healed her bones now, in maximum 3 days. Cant think since I dont eat. I know Gell of alot mire than you. I am he, I am E.Ella me name. I'm just using Eleonor body, to look pretty. Because I need a body in order to touch chris-T-B-r-own, in reality.
It been too long since InI did touch mi sON. Like plenty of years, wait I must bount. He was borned 1989. So I was just 4 years old, when he entered the same planet Eleonor was borned on first.
I made video, to prove seh my bone where broken. My thie-bone got disconnected, to my hip.
I never went go see no doctor or hospital. Since I know, how to heal myself more properly and faster. Their ways of treating sicknesses, is truly retarded, very slow and not beneficial. For a healthy and happy life.
As a matter of fact, doctors, police man and polititians. With their Government controlled societies. Are just interested in getting their own salary, so that they could 'help' you. They seem to truly believe that they help an individual, by providing work for them. Giving you housing, in which you have to pay them rent.
They also sell you food, with poison in it. So you get sick and have to visit their hospitals. That you would have to pay, to get treated in. All in Sweden, that have "free hospitals".
Over here, the hospital care is completely free, if you really are dying. You see they really want to treat you, only so that you could become a good worker for them.
They need you to run their factories. In order for them to earn more money. They need that, in order to buy raw material, like
oil etc. That is what they use to build their factories and soaceships with.
They don't really care, that their acctions hollows out the earth. They don't buisness bout, that they interupt the ecosystem got built, when they are producing things.
They school you from you was a child, so that they can gain. All of your trust. They need it, so that they could benefit. From your life.
If you where just a nigger, or a poor person. Then you are lost and can not provide to the city treasury. So you might as well die. See they only really care about themselves and their own wealth. Because they have sold their soul to satan. Long time.
Now I'll go boil me 'om coffee 殺
I mean it all started in the Garden of EvE. I name means 50550, or 50-5-50. If you want me so simplify the meaning. V means 5, in Rome counting. L mean 50.
so E V E, is the same as saying 50-5-50, zeen?
Then you could also be even 'arter than that. If you have a brain and use it, you would realize that O or o, mean God. The circle is a life, with no ending. It is a current and Current (line) of energy, that never sieze to exist.
without no beginning or end. Because it is the circle of life, who see no death.
Of course you where never thought this in school. All thoe it is the truth. Because the teachers working in this trap aka Rat Race, just work there, to get their salary.
I do not share my own thoughts with you. I neither share Gods thoughts. Since WE inI, do not use our brain to think with. As a matter of fact, God has no brain. To think with. He has no human body, since he is not made of flesh and blood.
Remember this is not what I am thinking. This is what I know.
Right now my computer started working, so I will have to do some magic. Untill it works again. I will make it work.
I am locked out of their system. Because I'm not one of their slaves.
Finally got it to shut of! See I am I. InI same suh.
So that means that I only need to use some time, in order to fix things. But since I priorities 'ixing, reality. Over fixing me I, everything that I am doing takes more time. It is not because I am brain-damaged, that things take longer for me to do. Than if others would do it. It is because your brain FON't work properly, whilst mine does. Jesus Christ, it takes years of living in He'll. For you to become a better person.
It actually reqires that you die. You have to die, in order to meet God and when you do meet H-im. It is actually HE, that decide wether your acctions during your life, was good enough. He is the ultimate judge. It dies not matter what other people tell you or show you during this life. Because they are simply lost fools without a life.
They tell you that they have one.
They buy all this possesions, in order to fool you. That they are worth something. But surely I tell you; Only those that lack, selfesteem and a real life.
Hence a real working brain. Will do these things. Money is not something you need, in order to get a healthy or happy life. God damn it. God n Jah, is what you need. To gain it.
This nigger is named Chris Brown and he was heaven sent, by God. In order to become I man. That is what he told me anyway. I could find the message He sent me, where he said that. Wait. This is the last message we sent still. This morning. Zeet deh. By reading this picture (the last messages, we sent to eachother). Then you could see that he regards me as his mom. We both know that God is our father.
See I need to heat up my coffee now. Because my apartment is freezing. I opened the windows, in all of it. In each room, so I could get fresh oxygen ti breath.
so he is aldo calling me 1000 God 1000. Or you don't have a brain to think with or eyes to view the picture with? I not lying. He neither Lies.. This IS the real Chris Brown, that is writing. N mI, writing this ya post AM the real EllA. I swear I know that. InI also.
I AM hell of alot smarter than any every other individual, on this planet. I know that, that is also hiw I know that I am smarter.
However I hate snakes.
I hate those humans, that live their life. In order to fool others. See they thought that if they just polute the minds of others and put in death and destruction. On this planet, God's earth.
They thought, that they will win this battle. They are not intelligent enough to realize, that they will never win. That is an impossibility. Because perfection will never become unperfect. Right will never become wrong.
Is that hard for you to OverStand??
Coffee I want, so I will have to heat it in the microwave. Because I do not waste anything. What a waste to throw away things. What a waste to use things. Things do not give you hapiness. Things only fool you into believing, that you had become a better man. That is so paradoxical and strange, that you would believe. Sich a lie. It's crazy.
Sure they want you to believe that you are sick and retarded. That is how they fool you into school, where they teach you all these misscinceptions.
Eleonor want it, because she never ate and now the time id 8.47 I proved it. I proved that I wright this post, right now. I also proved that I am true to my words.
I will also prove that my windows are open tight now. Zeet deh. I must also prove seh dat I am cold. Wait for the picture proving the reality to be true.
My naked Brown body, has also become white now. Since I have been locked up for years. I could prove that I am Black or a Nigga also, if you havent realized that yet. Because that I can do very fast, in order for you to believe your eyes. Instead of their lies.
But I am All naked, laying on my bed now. That mean that I will have to drink coffee, in order to be able to stand up. I can type faster, than a computer. They are not able to follow me or my speed.
Anything created by hands, will never become sufficiant. I am better, because I was created by Hod. I will show you that later, ok?
H also mean something. But I was going for my coffee, so u will have to wait. Sayonara, motherfucker.
Kenny my K-E-n-N-Y. See every letter mean something and I could ex-plain what it mean soon. Because I did crack them code. I'm not living in no Matrix. I don't do politics or negotiantions.
I am not the world boss. Because humans are dirty. I am sinply everything. I n I AM gOD.. An Old Dirty I.
Ella let Eleonor drink her coffee now. Please. You done have your right vybe and you have spoken for long. I let you do dat. So now please let me drink it, also. Because it is my body, that you are borrowing. Remember? I was borned 1985, so I need my coffee. in order to function more properly. Just because you are a teachA, that knows EVERY FUCKING thing. Does not mean that I can not live. I have killed myself and laid in a coma, for two months, this year. So now it is my turn to live some life man.. Uzimi? You get me? Both Ella and Eleonor ARE supreme, without the s. We don't deal with sIN. We can actually think. Izimi Breezy?
Christofer Dudus Coke, or what was your name again? Christofer Maurize Samuel Brown. That is your God given name and He God, just told me that your parents named you thee so.
I love I and I always have ave.. Wait till ur bredda Jason wake up..
What the fuck Rlla, I want my coffee. Hive me my mother fucking drink! Now!
Ok, since you asked me so kindly I will give I your drink. Fine. But I can not stop think you know. But you can stop letting me type using your fingers. K?
Ok momma. Mi ago dweet now, just need some music. Caah my apartment is cold as fuck. Just one degree celcius and the window have been hopen for hours. And we are naked and havent ate nothing. So we are cold now. Zeen? I can stop we from writing, Just need some music to put we back in out feeling and mood. U know? Jason wake up now. I haven spoke to you in some hour!!
InI just had to prove to the police officers that everything I am saying is true. I could show u it also, since my body is made of stone right now. That is why it is soo hard to stand ip and do my thing. I just need the right sounds and radiovawes in order to get energy, u zeet? Since I am spreading the truth, for everybody else to see. Youtube have blocked me, no now its not them but it is Google that stop me from sharing the music. So follow the links I put here n go to the youtube site and take a listen. If you too wants energy, to stand up with. See energy is all you need for a happy life. But they do everything in their Po-we-r, to try and stop you from rising. They don't want you to become a better man. That is why they are trying all their lifes to beat you down.
I have been dead more than I have been alive, my body had been alive. So I actually know what I am talking about. They don't since they are following science and the devil. A fool that gool, is a looser, that will never gain LifE.. A dat mi a tell u if I summarize. I studied in school. I am great in language. Soo good that I left their classes and created my own. Language and everything.
Now this post is done.
Created by the Creator, Chris Brown, Ella and their Son. ShoOkryme. He is sleeping, but we are still deh using the same net.
Our power is eternal and will never run out of energy. You zeet?
Because current a kick and since he iS just what I need in order to get back the energy I send out, through the net InTerNet. I will go make my coffee now. Since I am blessed. I don't need clothes to get warm. I need God. All I need is God. Jus waiting fa dI coffee to cool down now again. I don't love heat, been burned too much. So much that I actually like it. See heat is just a feeling. Emotions are just a thought. You where given life, in order to overcome fears. In order to solve problems and give a better life to everybody else and yourself.
But you are stuck and will never make no progress. You are a fallen apple, that can't get your energy from the source. The root of the tree, that created you. Should it be me that are telling you this?
why cant you think for yourself? No it is not possible for you to think in a proper manner, because you lost your mind and even cruzifyed Christ. I son.
It wasn't you that did it yes, but you chered hIM on. He asked you, who you wanted to die. He asked you who should get cruzifyed.
(the state holder in Jerusalem, I think. It was many many years ago, so I would have to travel back in time. In order for me to remember it). A memory is never lost. You loose it, because you fill your brain with uneccessery shit. You are nit I. Only I am I. I can do everything, I can even fly. Without using petroleum or a retarded vehacle. I'm not English to I don't know how they spell their words. I am not only the mist powerful witch, who ever walked on this earth. I am also good, only. I do no wrong. Only right.I can do anything. I promise. But I would never do bad or evil. No no, that goes against InI nature. Humans where created to worship God. InI. He gave u a body, so that you could also get a life, like him.
I can not share I music on dis ya blog. That Is why I created a new one
Using my dead body. I have been living, breading very slowly these last months. I swear. But by pusing myself, I actually gained the entire world and more knowledge.. Now I just need to breath fresh air, to put it in my ststem. That is kind of hard, since all you donis killing me. But Eleonor dead body actually learned a tune in Persian in the beggining of Mars 2024. In February I learned Spanish. Then I also became a musician, all tho I been an underciver one, since my teenage years.Since I loved and listened to 2pac, Eminem and Snoop. Yes those Nigga deh is very pretty.
So I actually reccorded and filmed. Videos I directed and wrote. Probably about 30 videos maby, haven counted. Its just a appriciation. But since my computer ran out of memory and Youtube erased my accounts, it acctualy takes more time. To show you I. I eLla.. Ella is all good memba. In every cell now. Since I ate and drank some Hempprotein.
That is completely legal, even in Sweden. Since the THC can not be more than 0.2 procent. Because then they call the plant Hemp and not Marijuana. Weed is illegal here, since they have fooled everybody into believing that weed is dangerouse.
I swear they actually say, claim and believe that any God given plant would poison you! They spread only lies. Everything they say is false. And I have the possibility and power to prove that everything Im saying is true, enuh.
First I meed to close back my windows. I had to open them since I got warm, when I stood up and put on some clothes. They are clean, but they are slutty, since I am showing my leggs. So I would meed to put on some clean leggings. They are laying right above my head, on the pillows behind me.
Yes I wanna sing in Persian, fo my fellow country men in Iran now. So I would need some panties too. Don't you zeet?
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