Jamaican Ital food is wonderful 💚💛❤
InI would have to go there. Matthew used to live in Portmore and I has been there like 10 times. Love Hellshire, because you could eat freshly catched fish on the beach. I rarely eat fish now. But they catch one fish only so I guess I could eat it. As long as they take of the head, organes, bones and the fins... But I ate just the middle part and ignored the rest before. So I would just have to get used to it...
In idustrialized countries there is way to much problems. Here people commit crimes and live wrong. They are really wasting their lives on stupidity. In Jamaica they live for real. You have not lived, unless you have been living in Jamrock...
I just came back from a walk in the sumshine 😍. Now I will eat my second breakfast. The first one was hardbread with cheese and tea, from the Mountain in Greek :) I also have the leaves. It taste perfectly fine and has been drunken of the Greek filosofera 🙂
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