Found the problem

First I'll eat yougurt and Hempprotein and listen to this song. Then I'll close my eyes and sleep.
See Facebook just deleted my video, because it was too real. For them to handle. My problem was that I didn't open the window yesterday. And the speed of which I'm thinking, actually makes my body hot. Just ate it. So I'll sleep now. Good night. Lata Jaman. You, the rest could stop reading my blog. Because you have nothing to offer but death and destruction. So bye bye. Hemp, yes weed aka nature. Is actually everything you need for a healthy and problem free life. Yes I'm bad but I am Jamaican and in Patois bad actually means great. You will never understand the language, because every vocal is changed into a different mening. Depending om which tunes, they produce the sounf with. We have a way to advanced brain, for you to understand us. Because we have smoked weed, and that actually make your thoughts reach different paths in the brain. That you never have or will discover. Since you say no to weed. Mi naah lie. Listen, it has been years, dince I smoked. Because I don't need it again. My brain is already circulating, in higher heights. That means that I can not stop my thinking. All when mi a sleep, I'm preeing. Nothing can stop God/Jah messages to me. U zeet?? I get so mad, when I see that people all over the world. Is reading my blog. As if I have asked them to read what I'm saying? They seem to think that it is ok, to read what other people are writing. As if I would ever write to them. I only write for my Jamaican Bredrin. Plus Chris Brown. Others are just waste of time and space. Because they would never understand anything, since they live their lives as clueless sheep. No no no. I guess that I should stop writing in English, since most people understand that. So if I started to write in Patwa, only Jamaican people would understand that. U zeet?


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