I am a Rasta

that is inlove with every Gangster and Badman. That is because they treat me the best and are the most loving individuals on this earth. Actually. My battery is running low and I haven't got the right Vybz to leave my bed yet. So I'll wait for that. I love them so much, that I would even sing for them. That is crazy, because I am a badman myself, so I don't sing. And I don't rapp, because I don't want anyone to listen to me. Not that I sing and rap bad, it's just that you people don't interest me, the slightest. Look at me, look at me. Attention seekers. You are boring and uninteresting. You know nothing about life. God is the only one that can give anything life. You stupid or what? But oh I want this and that and my thing broke so I need a better model. I need a bigger house, because my place is too small to fit in the society standards. Because I am better than everybody else so I actually need more expensive things, to prove it. So you are too stupid to understand that it all is about your own lack of selfesteem. You don't realize that you have been brainwashed. I mean I was 14, when I found out that something about the norms, in this society was wrong. I was 15 when I wrote: I live in a big house in this nice nabourhood. And by the end of every month, I get my money if I've done what I should. I have food on my table, new clothes to wear. But still my eyes are full of tears. All I do is hating, and feeling bad. I'm about to go mad. Loosing my mind, doing drugs all the time. I have to stop living this life of crime. My dogs got in trouble with the police. They do so much drugs, I'm afraid theyre egonna die. They really gotto stop getting high. Cause I don't wanna loose a single friend of mine. My heart is aking, don't you dare think I'm faking. Caa I've been through shit, been taking hit after hit. Hard punches and mental abuse. But Ima get my revenge, cause I refuse to lose. I gotto thank Eminem, Pac n Snoop. For my writing capabilities and they are the reason that I became good in English. School, never really interested me. All thoe I got good grades. It was waay to boring and uninteresting. I have written many lyrics, essays and diery pages. So I know how to write. Or maby you're still not reading, what I am saying. I am better than you, because I have practiced. It takes practicing to become better. Not doing the same old thing every day. You need some experience to aquire knowledge. But my battery is running low, so I need some music, in order to be able to drink. I need to do that, in order to be able to walk to the coutch, zeen. King of the bloodclaat world, you wanna try me? I looked so bad, because they force-fed me, heavy antipsycotic drugs. So that's why. But I love Aidonia and has seen him live two times. Now I'm in a relationship with one of his friends. Haha, the time when I got my man out of prison in order to go to the Mavado consert, was funny.. That was a great day see. But the battery is red now, so I'll just listen to some music before it die. Because then I could manage to go to the livingroom and listen to more music :). A so mi live mi life, frm mi king a di bloodclaat world uzimi. Who would need food, in order to live? In order for you to become more intelligent you just have to study, the animals. Look on the Elefant. He is the biggest creature alive and all he does, is walking around on his feet. Eating leaf. Elefants was my favorite animal a time. But I loved the Orangotang for many many years. Because they are beautiful. And their house, is the djungle :D They can swing in the trees, all they want. They never have to face other humans. They live in peace and they could still breath fresh air. So they are my idols. Zeen. Over here consuming and driving people are poluting the air others are breathing. Because they are to lazy to walk and to stupid to understand that it is their own air they are poluting :S Since I am locked up, in a society. I don't walk outside. I stay inside, because here is everything I need for a happy life. I have water, music and the internet. So I'm all good. But yes I still have to eat Lithium, because those stupid fucks actually believe that a medicin, they created. Could work on me and help me in any way. Hahaha. So they took my children, because they honestly believe that consuming/working adults. Could raise my children better. And the average Swede actually believes that the welfare, is doing a good job. Kidnapping peoples children. They have a hard time understanding, that all the children taken from their parents actually will be tramatized for life. I have met many youths/adults that was placed in fostercare as children. You wanna know, how they turned out? They became druggaddicts and hookers. Some live and some die. I swear to God. But oh these governments of this world, actually know how to treat it's inhabitants? And I am not English, I do not use Google translate, I don't work in society. And I still know more, than all of them combined. Why is that? Because I use my brain to think with, while they live every day filling it with shit. This is not only what I am thinking. By now, it's a proven fact. Oooh, also I would have to mention how silly people in this world is. Because they actually have any amount of shame in their body. They are strictly stupid. A dat mi see long tyme. Would you need some other thousands of years, to realize what I'm saying? You live in a time, based on the birth of Jesus Christ. So you've had 2000 years to build your societies. Towers of Babylon. Still you haven't understood, that InI is waay older than you. Living deviding people. Motherfucker. In this country, they actually believes that religion, is for the stupid people, that don't know, how to live properly. I mean they actually believe that life gets better, when you live in an induztrialized country. They are a bag of fools. Dem a bagga fool. Now at 12 I will leave my bed. Because God is with me. Which means that I will use my time, to praise him. Or maby you don't think that make sense? To give all the power to the creator. Bun Babylon. And just to inform you, Babylon was the name of the first city ever created in this world. They thought that they where Gods, so they built a building as high as they could. They had created a language, so they could communicate with eachother. That lead to... My battery is dying, so I would have to charge it. But that will not happend untill I hear the right tune zeen. I love you real killers. So I sing to you. How annoying, I would have to pee. Because I ate strawberry lemonade.. You honestly believe that you, or your military. Could do anything to stop God? Quit your bullshit, because I don't like to laugh, at pathetic individuals. I feel sorry for them, because I am compassionate. But maby I shouldn't have said that, because I'm not American, so I don't understand how to speak their language better than most of them? Sorry little pathetic excuses of individuals. Continue to build your roads on Gods earth. But I know that will only put you in Hell. Continue to put us real people in jail cells, because what is 20 years lost? How could you care about laying down, when you have eternal life? Aah fuck I need to pee and go lay down in the coutch. Too much problems in this world. But oh, I am the one talking gibberish. I am the one that need medication, to slow down my thoughts? You are the one that would need Amfetamin, Cokain and some other drugs to start to think. Because your brain don't work properly. Believe me when I tell you, because I know what I'm talking about. Do not use worthless deugs, like caffein n nicotine. Because your brain would need stronger drugs. But oh, that's illegal. Who made it illegal? Yes the government "that care for it's inhabitants". You have been fooled, all your life. And that I would know, because I have lived my life for 39 years. When April comes. I will leave my bed, I just had to said.
Is is slippery outside, so I can't walk to but nicotine now. And oh I have no money, what so ever, so I would have to wait untill tomorrow. When they put money on my account. So I'll just sit here, listening to music and finish the coke I opened yesterday.
I am your King wether you like it or not. I can lay in my coutch, talking to anyone of significanse. Same time, all thoe we are in different timezones. Stop being so retarded, because I can not be with all of them. Because that could be exhausting. Build. I look on youtube, because over there they have some pretty men. Entertain me. Halie Selassie Jah Rastafari. He was the first black King in Africa. Because you understand that the white people, English men to be more specific. Also the French. They had actually sailed their boths, to other peoples countries. There they stole all the metals, stones and things they could get their hands on. After that they went back home and built their houses and cities.That really just make me wonder, why you don't take all of your things and possessions and send them back to Africa? I have studied the history, I know how things are made and set up to be. You don't know, because you have been thought not to think. By the society, you are living in. All power belongs to the creator, who is God. But see After God, he created the black man and gave them everything. But after that, some of them ate from that apple. God told them not to eat from. That led them to think that they themself was Gods, so they realized that they where naked. So they took some leafs and covered themself. After that Gods spirit came down to Earth. He saw them and what they had done. So he asked them if they had eaten from the tree, he told them not to eat from. Yea, so they had to suffer the consequenses. Not because God is evil, but because they chosed to live their life in that way. Me, I have read and I have studied mankind. I have also lived a long time. So I see what brings death and desteuction. It is the devil, still to this day. But you don't see it. He tempted Adam and Eve with an Apple, but he temps you with money and things. He have built societies based on selfishness, all over the world. And for that he deserves to be crowned. I just feel sorry for all the people of this world that still don't understand anything. Now I will drink some Coke. Guess why it is called coke? Because the white people went to South America and stole their coke. In order to sell their product to everyone in their country. So that they worked faster. They did that to build more things, to spend their lives in captivity. But what would I know? me that don't speculate and listen to bullshit. So, coke it is and I will listen to some pretty nigger, because they are nice..
It's funny how you go to school, without learning anything. Westside Westside, mi say.. Because we will never die.. Because we live with God. That is a proven fact. Or should I show my scars again? I have scars, all over my body. Because as I said, I have lived. In your protected life, you learn nothing about life. You actually don't study reality. But I've done my homework. That means that I will not try to fit into humanity standards. I want nicotine, so I must think about what I should do. i must drink tea, because the coffein will work supressing my braincells from figuring out that I'm not giving them nicotine. Why don't you know how to think? I know the answer, but you have to study reality. It all starts with the bible. That is how the human race was created, believe it or not. I am the only living person I know of, that have met God, been dead and came back to life. Still you fools don't understand that I know Hell of alot more than you? The spirit of God lives inside me, so I don't need anything else to survive. Uzimi? I'm locked up, forced to stay inside. But how in this world could I care about that? The only thing I am missing, is having to see people running around, talking shit. I don't have to watch stupid people living their pathetic little lives. So mi good weh mi deh. Do I have to translate the meaning of what I am saying? So I am good, where I am at... Why can't you think properly? It is quite interesting to hear how you all are talking shit about those who are living a gangster life. Because their lives are sooo much better, more interesting and giving than your life.. That's not what I think. I know that, because I have lived amongst gangsters half my life. I'm no criminal and I do not do anything illegal neither. But I love real and geniun people, that know how to think and live. You retarded, late animals know nothing about life. Maby I should eat something? Hmm, but I can't open my fridge. Because the food is old, so it smells. Oh God damn it I have dark chokolate :DD. What a nice meal, leyley Ey :D This is a great song baby. You came out of prison yet? Uppsala I come from... North.
Ok gosh this taste nice West side westside, beng beng beng. Yesterday Chris Brown told me that I was the most beautiful girl in the entire Galaxy. And Seysoh said Γ„lskling to me in Swedish etc. That was so cute, because he is Jamaican. Real recognize real, like Demarco said. See men are very pretty and wonderful. It is not my fault that they love me. Because I don't wear any makeup or have fake clothes.. I have real clothes to cover my perfectness. It does not matter, what you are wearing. You are crazy and lacking a life.. Oh I was supposed to create money... Hm ok, So I'll take the cans I have and walk to the store. Then I would get money, but not enough for nicotine so... Hmm. I have 28.28krown on my bankaccount. That mean that the cans would have to create like 18 more krowns. I could always ask my dad for money, because he know that I will pay him back. I already owe mom so.Hmm? I could always ask him, because then I wouldn't have to sell my soul. Working for someone to get my money. No God is the Don, of my world. Oh fuck my simcard don't work and I cant fill it with money to make the call.. It is sluppery and cold outside, but I can walk and sort it out. I could ask anyone for nicotine, it's easy..
Oh you see I found those cans and I actually had some money in my wallet. Haha I created money, just like that. The only problem is that I don't know what those money mean. But I know they're in swedish currency. So I just go and ask the pretty boy if he could give me nicotine now. I would have to walk to the store and it is cold and slippery ice outside :/. But everything for my vybz u zeet. So I have 17+17 in my hands and I can not count that because it is a seven but oh it is 20 plus 14. So 34 that mean that I have the money. +28 is too advanced mats so I'll just use the calculator. Haha mi ave 64 krowns. I'm reach, because I only need like 48 for the nicotin patches. So what should I do with the rest? Maby but something to eat, lets see. Jah kno. Finally home... I had a cool experience on the road. At first I went to the closest store, but the recycling thing where closed. So I went to the pretty youth and asked him waah gwaan. Then we started to talk, like always. So I found out he comes from Chile, though he was Arabic. So that means that I could talk his language and he can talk mine :). He is very pretty, but he is just 23, so I have to ask him things. He's kinda shy. That means that I had to walk to the next store, close by. Over there a black man where smoking a cigarett, so I stopped by him. Then I recognized him. Then he recognized me. So we smoked together and spoke English. However I had to put out the cigarett, because that taste awful. So he added me on Instagram, we really get a long. Some months ago he was supposed to move to my apartment. But I told him I wanted to meat him first. Then I went to school and I was supposed to meat him, but I went to Mcdonalds instead. So he got offended and blocked me on Facebook. So now he is living with a man from Senegal. But we got along really well, because we speak the same language. However I already have a man, so it would be inapropriate if he moved in here. He has a problem with his naby moma, and with the first one also. But he lived over here for ten years. He is 40 years old. But that is Cris also and that is a good age.. However mi lotal to my man and he is 33, like my babydaddy ;). Hihi. Oh but today I was a Rasta, so wait: Oh Gosh. Keznamdi is SOOO fine and great. I love everything about him, even his sister. But Chronixx good too. I would never kiss ass, but I love music most in this world. Plus real lyrics Izimi.
Lol Jonathan have the same scar as I have..
One day, I found that picture.
To the right is the first store I went to. The middle one have nice Arabic food, but without money I cannot go there. Sure the men love me, but I don't know them like that. Because lastbtime I went there I was pregnant. And some African man my age came n we changed numbers. But I was pregnant and I couldnt bother.
Now, the house there is pretty. So I decide it is Jason Pinnocks house. It's located on the next side of the river from my house, so he could live there also. Because I just have two rooms, with a kitchen, hallway and bathroom. So it depends on what you want? Sure Chris Brown also have a place to stay, so we could all live here or there. I don't care. This is who raised me: Only difference is that I don't censore my speach.
I love Marshall Mathers also. But mi is a Rasta now mr teacher. My latest teacher zeen... He is great, locked up since 2011. Because they framed him. Like they try to do every other great man..
Tasted great woth spices on it. Hallelujah...
I'm not lying. Never have and never will.Do I have to prove it again, in order for you to believe me? I love him, who don't? Only a stupid person would not see greatness. I love him the most in this world. But him and Seysoh should sing good together.. One day. Grades straight. Haha you know that Rihanna is the only woman I thought was beautiful, once upon a time :') She was in my country :D. Beng beng beng... I love this song, because I mean every word :D. Hahaha But now it's night, so man affi wait untill I shoot them down uzimi?


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