Great Trump 5Juni23
Why promote awful behaviours? That is exactly the same as telling a killer, that his behaviours are right. Transgender is lost souls, that need God. They need to find themselves. That they will never do, as they are hiding, behind another face! So stop leading the yutes astray. I do not want my children to grow up, in a society, destroying their brains. Janis Joplin was a junkie, so was Elvis and Kurt Cobain. So these societies do not raise good people, since they are not, only promoting. Righeousness. Scum belongs in Hell. This is the best and most talented REAL artist, on this planet. See Adidjah, is a real man. He got lost there some times, but he is born in Jamaica, so what do you espect? I have met about a hundred Jamaican men, so I would like to say, that I know how Jamaican men operates and work. They all are wonderful, but the life they are living is hard. They are living a real life. One which most of the people are lacking.. I believe that Vybz Kartel is a great man and I have listened to him, as the years have been proceeding. I started to listen to him 2007.. Back then I loved Mavado. So I walked past Gaza and said; Mi deah pan de Gullyside, if you waah kno weh fi find me. :D hehehe.
InI have to take new pictures, because the ones I have put up earlier here, looks awful.. But now I'll sip my coffee and place the dry clothes in the wardrobe.
It is not good to create someone that is smarter than you, capable of doing anything, without getting tired. Stop creating anything harmful. Because you can not be a creator. I love this man: Finally free again :), I proved it. So InI a celebrate... This song and video, is perfect. Nu har jag diskat, lite. Jag orkar inte mer just nu. Har varit en vända till affären och köpt tomater. Tänkte göra en sallad till middag, som jag tänkte äta runt 20.00. Tänkte dricka lite nyponsoppa nu och lyssna på musik, jag älskar. Reggae och Dancehall (L)
Sant. Jag låg och vilade lite, men sen blev jag så arg, då jag blev påmind om hur mina sista år sett ut.. Så jag såg till att diska det mesta :). Tack Gud. A jag blandade hampprotein och chokladprotein, med vatten. Jag har inte ätit än och igår så åt jag lite protein. Så det blir bäst att dricka det här, så kanske jag får energi att skära en sallad :) I took what I had. It had been laying in my fridge, for a month. So I took away, the dry parts..
You can go to church drunk or hie, but you can not claim to be a christian or a believer. Untill you truly hear Gods words. When you do that, you will stop with your unnatural behavior. Very interesting.
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