9 Juli
I have seen 12 mimutes and eould have to say that I don't see the difference, in eating horse meat and cow or pigg meat. Men "nöden har ingen lag". Också tycker jag att det är problematiskt, när de blandar franska med undertexter på annat språk. Jag älskar alla språk och älskar att leka med ord. Men nu ska jag gå och titta på tvättider... Hur blir det egentligen när man ska ha tre tn brevid varandra, ska man skriva tvätttider? det ser ju konstigt ut, men tvätt stavas ju med två. Det är två separata ord tror jag. Men jag har bestämt att de ska sitta uhop. För en tvätt tid, bör sitta ihop :).
Now I'll go and put on moisturizer. I use "baby own", based on canola oil. That is just a different name of Rapseed oil, I have been told. By someone old. Oh I love my Yaad. The land of wood and water.. Lata. Eating, looking at this. Look at my pretty baby! Sooo
Today I've been cleaning, doing landury, walked to the store and cleaned half of my windows. And I spoke to two of my exes. Man it's crazy how I have been filming videos, mostly when I've gotten crazy medication. So I must do a normal video later. Now I rested a while and wish to shower. Sweden has a nice temperature now :D. When I write that I'm going to the store I mean the grocerystore, because I will not go to any other store. That is a waste of time. I am too tired to start filming myself, plus I have some things to do, and I would just like to relax for a while watching youtube. Zeen. Now I'll rest in my bed and try to sleep. It eill probably not work, because it is just 8. But I will listen to Greek musik and try to rest anyway :P
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