7/7 I am a changed person
the things I used to like I don't like again. I mean Vybz Kartel and Dancehall is disgusting. Lol I mean his sexualized music. I haven't liked the girl songs they are making never. And all thoe, surtain rhymes are cleverly written. I don't care. Because the message they are coming with, is not strictly possitive. Hence a waste of time... I still drink coffee. Lol.
I have to start workout again. But at the moment I have to travel home and do some housecleaning. I have walked through this town earlier. And attended a trial, with me being accused. So I don't have any nice vibes, right now.. I'm at the hospital now and they offered me food, which I refused. I'm mad and angry. But since I am eating Lithium, I feel as if I'm sitting inside of a glass box, where I don't feel anything. I don't get affected, by nothing at all. I will write what I wanted to wright some days ago, when I go home and rest. Bless My party is over. Now my real life begins. I want to order some photos of my daughter, printed. It's good I write here, so I get reminded. In case I temporarily forgot. Now I finally ate the indian meal I bought yesterday. I way 74 now, and to my tallness. That weight is concidered normal. However I used to weigh 74, the day I'm giving birth, normally I weigh around 63 That has been my normalweight. I woke up at 6.30 and didn't fall asleep untill 1. So tonight I will sleep good. I'm hear listening to music, while I'm chilling in my bed. I hear Nicos Vertis singing :). A Greek Artist. A very handsome man. So I'm here chilling with my tasty nicotine "bags" In my mouth. Now I'm good to count and plan my economy. Thank's God. Oh I accidentily dropped my keys outside and thanks to God, a young man that work with this rentalcompany. Stod outside, so he let me in and I have a housekey. If that wouldn't have happened I would be forced to pay several thousands for them changing the lock. So thanks God.. nyss åt jag två rutor mörkchoklad och ska sätta mig och läsa bibeln, tack Gud. Kokar tea först. I'm so good to myself, because I love everything. Which is good. Nu har jag städat det värsta i badrummet, köket och vardagsrummet. My own testimony I will write now. About the whitch craft etc... So it will take some time and I might need another (ecological) banana. Oh I love you God, for everything. Ok, where to start? Remember, surtain things you do with your friends, without knowing you actually summon bad spirits. When you are young, you and your friends play. So I can't really know if any of our rituals actually summond evil spirits.. We played games. Both videogames, silly love games and thought we made ourself more pretty. But I do know that we in highschool started playing whis game where you summond a spirit from the dead. We sat in a circle, lit a candle and had written every letter in the alfabeth on papers. And we hell the glas over the candle. Then we took turns on asking the being in the glas a question, wispering, so that the other friends couldn't hear. Then everybody put their fingertips on the glas. we just let it touch the back of the glas. And I swear to God, the glas starts to move around on the paper, answering, the question somebody did ask. We played that game about 8 times. During those years. My teenage years was anything but heaven. Actually I cut my own arms some times and... I'll keep the rest to myself, that part is not what I wanted to talk about. I'm not looking for empathy or pitty. What ever. When I was 19, I borrowed a book about whitchcraft and near death experiences. I also wrote alot of texts to God, explaining how I didn't wish to live any longer. I had a really destructive behaviour. I remember finding the book very interesting. But I kind of had my own way of getting what I craved. Lol. Back then I got any man I wished to have and that is a symptome still in my life ;P. Even them that I don't want. So it's like I'm hexed. I have been doing the best I can and helping everybody I come in contact with. So now I decide that the focus is on me. Because God needs to see that from me. He wish to see that I do the right thing now. I know God very well now. I actually met him, when I died 2004. So he blessed my life, into showing me the right path and giving me the oportunity to prove, my hearts desires. I renember being there in Heaven. There is no earthly feeling that could be compared to the ecstasy and pleasure. You feel, when you are infront of God. Everything is perfect, there is no pain. It's no problem in his existance. I remember, when he "told me" that I had to go back. He and me was strictly energies, so we didn't have a mouth or ears. But he used thelepathy, to inform me, what I had to do. He showed me, how catastrofic things are on this earth. He told me that I had to go back. So I woke up on this earth again. I was in the hospital for 13 months, and had to learn everything again. So now I am a waay better individual, than when I was 19. God has never left me alone since that moment. I could feal his energy, in my own body. So even when a man was choking me, I just laid there a while, but then I just stood up and walked away. I have been abused so many times, but it's like they are beating my surfice and it can come some blood as a movie effect. But I honestly think that I can not die. I'm not immortal, but I am protected by God. That I know for a fact. Now I will go get something to eat.. Good Night. I'll correct the misspellings in the text, some other day...
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