Fredag den 9onde Jani

Den som tutat i en man att den är ett rovdjur, har ljugit för er, hela tiden. I am unstoppable. For once you have released my anger. And opened pandoras box. There is absolutely nothing tou can do, to put the truth, back in it.. For I am darker, than every light. No man never knew. I am talking about a night, that is darker, than an evening, or a deathrow chamber. So you shall be terrefied of me. And me al alone. For satan will kill you, to reach the glort of Gid status. You should never have lied, about me. Or have taken, non of my babies rrom me. You will dye and you surely must die, to get your trials. To be condirmed. Otherwise you are a misstake, never worthy of living. For your words, speak louder than a million words. You have fooled my men and children, all types of things. For the, wickidnrss, of the human kind. Is nothing but a waste of tyme. A so it go, a so it go.. See as far as I'm concerned. I am living the best way. You can live in this life. Because I live, so yes I overlive, untill nothing bad exists. You could call me a ecstasy lover. But I would never ever take any drug. Since the perfectnesd, in my body. Is alive and well. Vi och min man, tänker väldigt lika här. För no weapons against us shall never prosper. Deras knivar och skalpeller, kan inte skära igenom en Guds hud. Så de förstår inte hur de ska gå till väga. Däremot skulle jag kunna instruera dem om, hur ingen människa någonsin kan leva eller dö. Men den omformationen, delar jah inte med mig utav gratis. För jag är inte mågons bitch. Så dina sjukdomar kommer att äta upp dig ifrån insidan, oh du ointellifenta varelse. Som inte vill bli hjälpt. För du tror att mänskligheten, egentligen vill vara döda. Men, nothing no go so. Ingen vill dö. Ingen prisar Allah, utöver än Gud. Vad fan tänker ni med, egentligen? Ledsen att informera er. Självklart älskar Gud Allah mig mer än sig shälv. Då det var jag som satt han till livet.. Hans ormslyngel till barn, Vart jag mig i världen vänder. Står jag ensam, med tommhet i mina händer. För det är endast, då som man kan nyttja något utav verkligheten. Det behöver man även göra, ifall man vill bli lycklig. Så ni behöver mig. För utan mig, kommer ni aldrig att se en enda soluopgång igen. Ni kommer inte att kunna bosätta er på någon planet i detta solsysstem. Då hela vintergatan är min... Varför skulle jag annars vara född, den 18onde April? Ovisa lilla människa. Allah existerar inte, inte heller hans ondskefulla barn, som endast har fått dricka rävgift, igenom alla deras liv. Det blir så när två ormar reproducerar sig själv. Då föds, äckel och Avskum. Så sluta be till Alla eller någon annan häxa. För då kommer ni att få sluta leva. Äckel och avskum. Kan tillåtas leva inom jorden, under jordskorpan. Hesus Christus är min son, precis som Allah. Men jag är som sagt vägen. Både du och han vandrar på med era ointelligenta läror. Ni klär er som slampor och julgrans belysningar, för att ni tror att man kan smycka en julgran.. I am God and the Anticrist, vombined. That means that you will spend, tour enernity. In hate forever. If you don't repent and believe in me. Easy as that... Destruction and foolishess, will clearly dieout. So either you firward, into reality. Ir tiu dissapear.
Gods children, don't collect silly little Items.. For we have God and that is all you need, for a happy life. Emanuellas liv. Stakars bebis  This bible is a very tragic story. That belongs to nobody but idiots, believing in adultry and sin. They will never stop sinning, untill, they do what is right. Because this is no fairytale, we are living in. It is a vomplete lie.. So sad individuals believing in what is fake. You put on fake fasads and wish to become better. But I can garantiee. That you will nevet see anothrr sunrise. You have doomed yourself to a Capital punishment, for wrong vould never become right. I am the most powerfulbthinf, I ever created. Since I can not only dissapear, but I could turn the entire place, into a hand grenade. I throw anywhere I like. So yes I feel very sad for all of you silly little mother fuckers. It is obviouse that uou can not arrange people into becomimg greater. If you try to show them. So mi aguh murder you bomboclaat. And that I said, for I wanted to tell you what can happen, if you continue, making the same misstakes. Over and over again. But pathetic persons, do not even exist in my world. So do what ever you feel like. I do not judge anybody. How ever your acctions will be punished, untill you turn into a bigg man. The way it was supposed to be. Stop reading oldschool scriptures. For they know not the end. But I do. You will weep, untill your eyes, dry up. You will get hurt, forever more. Believe mi nuh man. I would rather be badmind and wrong. Than being goodmind, having right. Because wrong is wrong and will never become right. No matter, how right you treat it. I've already spent half my life, doing wrong. But it is absoslutly unecessery, to act in a way. That can never show tou the right way? Digg wah mi a seh.. And I do not wish to die. That is the reason for me acting right.. Hate is a bigger sin, than love. And I would never choose to spend mylife, with somebody acting wrong. So either be hood, or shut up.. I do not have any material wishes. I have experience wishes. Since my life is a rollercoster, that will lead you the right way, till di end. If you don't get lost. On the way. Hihi. Idag vägde jag lite över 66kilo och var 181 cm lÃ¥ng. Det innebär att jag är sÃ¥ perfekt som jag kan vara nu. Eller mitt BMI är hela 20.1... SÃ¥ lite överviktig är jag ju nu. Men det spelar ingen roll, för jag har ju rört mig en hel del och byggt muskler. Jag brukar väga runt 62 kilo. SÃ¥ jag är ju lite överviktig för att vara mig själv. Men det blir sÃ¥ om man äter mat liksom.. Well what do anybody dream about. They want a perfect life and they will never get it, untill you have filled the gap, in your heart. That can not be filled, as long as tou have material wishes. For things and habbots, will cost your life. The one you are spanding, your meanwhile in.. Furthermore, you will not get granted, to having a better life, as long as you eat meat, Since that is a dead being, that you have just mangeled with your intestans. Death bring you unfortion, Since carma is a bitch. That litterly mean seh, that everything you do to ithers, will infact lead to your destruction. So if you wish to live a fullfilling life, you can not act so. For you shall not kill, be jelouse, or strive. For no reason at all. I am dead seriouse. Nonono, be kind to others and give them what they need, you selfish basterd. Stealing life and assets from every other human, than yourself and yourself! You can not steal, unless you wish to be fullfilled with hate, and that is what you will gain, by acting so selfishly. Izimi? I am not nice. Vybz Kartel is the nice part of me. And I do not understand how many times I would have to tell you the same thing over and over again. Vybz Adidjah, is me completely. He don't create war or anything. He make sure that this globe, gets what it needs to get. I am a ghetto ingabitant and you shall never, I mean ever. Separate me from my man. Fool. Love is one of the worst diseases that could catch you and kill you. Because what is a money? But the method satan uses to controll peoples life. Poor Vybz Kartel. You are trying to murder the man, that gave tou life. Tou will have to release him. Because he is no monster. He is just a better version of me. We are parents to every person on this planet. No matter, how you got it twisted. You should have never ever trusted a woman, since it is them that lie and hurt other people. Woman are snakes, addi hebis just a victim. Since he freewillingly take responsibility, for your acctions. But addi, that will lead them nowhere but to their grave. Since he who ever touched, punched or did anything innapropriate to any child. Surely must die. For that is what you have choosen. In this test called life. A no worry, I don't buisness. Since we both know the truth. Me and him is the real and honest truth. We are your parents, if you investigate the truth, some day of your life. Us two know everything, since we see it all. Tou arevthe ones with blurred vision. There is absolutely, no limitations, to what I will do ti you. If you don't release all of my children. And I am sure as hell, telling you, that you don't wish to suffer. So either stand up as a man, or be buried as the pussy you are. God is the greatest, and we will conquer this world, all over again. Since you can not think. But this time, we will not create tou. Since you are the reason, for every bad emition on my planet. So suck your mumma and give me back everything I owe.. I do not come up with any lies. Know that. Give back everything you selfish devils have stolen. It is better you yourself, ,remove the silicone, botox and every other little thing, yourself. Showing that you fully understand the awfulness of your fake acctions have made. Than going around as a fool, with a poisoned brain and heart. Since it is everybody else, that are suffering. From your own stupidity. It is better for your soul, if you take full responsibility, for your acctions. Than if you continue, ignoring reality and die out. If you choose the first alternative your soul will get a new body. If tou do the latter. You will never ever be coming back. Disgusting sex addicts, have a finished grave you can wait in, untill your ugly ass decomposes. For I do not deserve, to see your ugly ways. Homosexuals are the dead spices, that never shall return to this heathy world. You surely must die. You have no creator... You think that you are Gods. And nothing no go so. Blää. I shit on you ugly asses. Fat stockers. See what your sinful ways in this life, has led to. You have destroyed thisbplanet. For everybody else, than yourself. You have dugg your own grave. I hope it was worth it, for you atleased. Unraisef pickeny. God will not forgive your awfulness. For you have no soul. Only a pussy or a dick and body. Still you don't understand what they are made for. So. There is no sexual beings om this planet. Here you can only look at reality. Pornos are forbidden here, ugly mother fuckers. The problem is you and noone else. For the foolish will to have money and assets, come from your way of living. Ecentionally. Att bara surrogat mamma, är bara en riktig avskyvärd handling, dom kommerb till igenom olämpligheter. Det finns hur öångs friska barn pÃ¥ gatan, som du ska ta hand om. Skälviska äckel! You thought that I was kidding, when I showed you that I have a interesting way of deeling with thetruth. Mr only crabing pussy. Well that will be your downfall. Because you would want to eat it and havevthem all. And nothing nuh go so..


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