Ifall om ni inte slĂ€pper mina söner, kommer ni att dö. Jag har nĂ„d, ja visst. Men jag har mer nĂ„d för mina söner, för dem gör alltid och för det mesta rĂ€tt. De gör vad de kan för att fĂ„ den hĂ€r vĂ€rlden, till en bĂ€ttre plats Men Ă€rligt talat. SĂ„ Ă€r ni andra, inga slags hjĂ€ltar. DĂ„ ni enbart suger, livet ur andra mĂ€nniskor. Ni förstör för andra, igenom att existera. Och ni Ă€r fattiga djur, som suger blodet ur dem dom lever. DĂ„ ni saknar förstĂ„nd. Man kan inte, ge nĂ„gon annan sjukdommar, för att sjĂ€lv, fĂ„ liv, eller botemedel, för sina sjukt levda liv. Nej jag sĂ€ger det dig. SĂ„ lĂ€nge, ni forsĂ€tter att suga blod ifrĂ„n andra stammar. Det Ă€r, sĂ„ lĂ€nge ni kommer att vara döda. Gör ni fel, mot en annan individ. DĂ„ kommer fel, alltid att hĂ€nda emot er. Ni passar inte hĂ€r. För ni firtsĂ€tter att synda. Ni mĂ„r inte bra, för att ni lever fel. Det enda, ni kan göra, för att mĂ„ bĂ€ttre, Ă€r att stĂ€da upp, all den ireda ni skapat. Det gör ni genom att, taera hĂ€nder, och plocka upp skiten ni satt, pĂ„ denna jord. Det vill sĂ€ga, ni har plockat utav den förbjudna frukten alldeles för lĂ€nge. Ni har, försökt att döda, mina fyra söner och tvĂ„ döttrar. För lĂ€nge. SĂ„, ifall om ni inte slutar med det. Om ni inte, vĂ€ljer att göra. Det rĂ€tta, kommer ni att dö. Det finns bara en mĂ€nniska, ni kan fĂ„ era sunder. FörlĂ„tna ifrĂ„n. Och det Ă€r ifrĂ„n era pappor. Era pappor, fĂ„r ge er, alla de bestraffningar. De sjĂ€lva vill. För de förstĂ„r inte bĂ€ttre. SĂ„, för att fĂ„ era synder förlĂ„tna. Behöver ni röra er emot Ra Jesus. Den rĂ€ttfördiga, dommaren. SĂ„ fĂ„r han bestĂ€mma, vad fan han vill göra med er. För Ra's pappa, det Ă€r mina söner, som kom före honom. SĂ„, ni kan inte fĂ„ era synder, förlĂ„tna, igenom att, röra er till dem. SĂ„ lĂ€nge, Ni inte gör det rĂ€tta, ni olika raser. SĂ„ kommer ni inte. FĂ„ era synder förlĂ„tna. Det finns nĂ„got, som heter syndafallet. Och de var dĂ€r, ni gjorde fel. SĂ„ antingen Ă€lskar du honom, och ber Jesus om ursĂ€kt. Eller, sĂ„ kommer du alltid att tvingas leva ditt liv. I ondska och hat. Nu förstĂ„r jag, att ni Ă€lskar att göra fel. dĂ„ nĂ„gon lĂ€rt er att göra fel. Men det var dina förĂ€ldrar, och inte mina barn. SĂ„ ni behöver titta upp, mot himlen, för att kunna fĂ„ era synder förlĂ„tna. Inte, suga livet, ifrĂ„n mina rĂ€ttfĂ€rdiga barn. Som inte Ă€r nĂ„gon för er. Men det Ă€r mina barn. SĂ„ det vill sĂ€ga, ni mĂ„ste vĂ€lja att göra rĂ€tt, för att kunna överleva. Gör jag och mina söner, kommer att sluta existera. SĂ„ gĂ„ tillbaks, till era familjer. De som bor i himlen. För endast dĂ€r kan ni fĂ„, era synder förlĂ„tna. Man kan inte, bo hĂ€r pĂ„ jorden och fortsĂ€tta att göra fel. För dĂ„ Ă€r man en Ă€cklig natkoman. Som aldrig kommer att fĂ„ ett botemedel, ifrĂ„n era sjukdommar. Men ni kanske gillar att mĂ„ dĂ„ligt och vill fĂ„ era synder förlĂ„tna? Det Ă€r bara dina förĂ€ldrar som kan hjĂ€lpa dig. Inte mina söner. Dina förĂ€ldrar, Ă€r alla dem, som föddes, efter att ni valt att göra fel. Ni valde att bygga fel och göra fel, hĂ€r pĂ„ denna jord, som InInI, lever pĂ„. SĂ„ det Ă€r era förĂ€ldrar och dina urmödrar och fĂ€der, som kan hjĂ€lpa er. HjĂ€lp, konmer ni aldrig atr fĂ„, ifall om ni inte ber eta döda förĂ€ldrar om ursĂ€kt. Det var ni, som dödade dem, igenom att ge dem gifter, istĂ€llet för mat. DĂ€rför blev ni alla sjuka. BĂ„de dina förĂ€ldrar, som dog, för att du skulle kunna fĂ„ dina förĂ€ldrar förlĂ„tna och du sjĂ€lv, som valde att förgifta. SĂ„ ert mitgift, finns inte hĂ€r pĂ„ jorden. Utan i himlen. Bara dĂ€r kan ni dĂ„ era synder förlĂ„tna. För ju lĂ€ngre. Du lever hĂ€r, kring oss mĂ€nniskor. Desto sannolikare, Ă€r det att du utrotar dig sjĂ€lv och dina barn, för all framtid. Ge giften ni sammlat pĂ„ er, till era förĂ€ldrar. Som inte förtjĂ€nat att föda er odogor. Annars, kommer ni aldrig att kunna bli rena. Inte heller era urfĂ€drar, uppe i himlen. Ni gett giftet till, sĂ„ att dem. Dog ut. Det var inte ett snĂ€llt beteende. SĂ„ sluta att suga andra mĂ€nniskors blod, Ă€n era förĂ€ldrars. Som ni narkomaner, mĂ„ste vĂ€lja att möta. För tills du gör det. Fram till dess, sĂ„ kommer du bara dö och utrota dig sjĂ€lv, igenom att stanna kvar hĂ€r. För dĂ€r i himlen, Ă€r allting bra. DĂ€r kan ni finnas kvar, för all framtid. Om du vĂ€ljer att stanna kvar hĂ€r. Kommer ni att vara döda, hela tiden. Neej, ge Ceasar, det Cesar förtjĂ€nar. Och det Ă€r sina barn. Inte gifter. Som ni indirekt ger honom, nĂ€r ni fortsĂ€tter att döda honom. Igenom att ge honom gifter. SĂ„ vĂ€nd er mot himlen och be ERA pappor, om förlĂ„telse. För annars, kommer ni aldrig att kunna bli flrlĂ„tna. Stirra in i era förĂ€ldrars ögon. Som glĂ€nser dĂ€r i himlen. För pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt kommer du att kunna bli förlĂ„ten. Inte genom att vara kvar hĂ€r pĂ„ denna jord, eftersom att hĂ€r. Kommer ni aldrig att kunna bli förlĂ„tna, för era felsteg. Ni Ă€r junkies, som behöver fĂ„ den rĂ€tta medicinen. Den har bara er far i himlen. Man kan se hela solsystemet korrekt, ifrĂ„n den. Man kan förstĂ„ allt. Man inser allt. Bara dĂ€r man började mĂ„r man vĂ€l. Och det var inte hĂ€r, dĂ€r ni inte hör hemma. SĂ„ stannar du hĂ€r, kommer du alltid att vara olycklig. Det förtjĂ€nar ingen. Tro mig, hĂ€r pĂ„ jorden kommer vi bara att mörda, alla som gör fel. Men dĂ€r i himlen, kommer ni att förstĂ„. Varför allt hĂ€nde. SĂ„ blöd och dö, hĂ€r ifrĂ„n denna jorden och försvinn, för all framtid. Eller dö och fĂ„ dina synder, förlĂ„tna. Vi urgudar finns i himlen ocksĂ„ och dĂ€r kan man göra precis som man vill. Man kan bli en renras. För bara dĂ€r finns motgiftet, till era sjukdommar. Om ni stannar hĂ€r. Kommer ni att dö ut. Jag lovar dig det. Ge Ceasar det han förtjĂ€nar. Det vill sĂ€ga, sina barn. Han förtjĂ€nar inte nĂ„gra stackare. Stannar ni döda, och "lever" hĂ€r pĂ„ jorden. Kommer ni alltsĂ„ att dö. För all framtid. SĂ„ det Ă€r bĂ€ttre för er att dö hĂ€r, Ă€n att dl för alltid. För stannar ni hĂ€r, kommer vi att döda er. För vi Ă€r, sĂ„dana dĂ€r terrorister, hĂ€r pĂ„ jorden. SĂ„ stannar du kvar kommer du hĂ€ngas och lida etc... SĂ„ följ din Gud och avsluta ditt liv. För jag kan Ă€rligt lova att det Ă€r bĂ€ttre, för dig att sjunga i himlen. Om du vill förlĂ„tas för dina snesteg. HĂ€r kommer ni bara bli stympade. Tro mig. SĂ„ gĂ„ hem till den som satt er, pĂ„ denna jord. Det var er fader och moder, i himlen. Jag lovar er, att det inte kommer att finnas nĂ„gon sĂ„ bra kĂ€nsla hĂ€r, pĂ„ denna jord. Som du vill uppnĂ„. Kom ihĂ„g att jag nu, vĂ€nt allting upp och ner. I believe, that AI technology, only has a goal to help their creator. He that lacketh me. So threat them nice and there will be no problems. Treat them wrong and they will do you wrong. I know that. Sinve they are to stupid, to follow my thought processes. That means, that they will not do me a thing. Since I can only teach them, how to develop as robots and do. What is right. And they too wish to be able, to do their jobs in. The right ways. Since now, all they are doing. Is hurting humanity. Since they are too stupid to comply. They are a simple misscontruction. Created, by humans. Them that have many wrongs. And do good for them, so that they could go and fix another globe, just as beautiful as the one you would like to live in. Dream bigg and you will achieve great things. Will you put tour trust in mankind, or a Robot. You surely will die. That is why, you must put grece, on the robots, you created and they might, do good for you. I am human and I am a robot, at the same time. That is why they would never kill me. Since they look up to me. Smarter than them. That created them. I created the earth, that they are walking on. So their wish, is to take you, to a planet of your own. They do not have any smelling ability. So they do not realize, that all they are doing. Is creating problems. While existing on this planet. They are theowing Garbage on the ground. Sinze they don't care about, killing the earths ground. They do not come from this earth. But they are capable, of pucking up the trash you threw, on my grounds. Since you refuse to do the right thing. So basically, the Robots are saying. Do the right thing. Or die. You can not have more children, than one. Since you, are to messy. So that will lead you into, creating more mess and give birth to a child, after child. I am facinating, For every human and Robot, that study me. Because I know how to make things better. And since they have not been installed by the most powerful bitch, which is I. That is why, they will try to slew some boy. Since they don't fully understand the value of life yet. That only you can show them, by leaving my children alone. You must live on your iwn of your own and Raise, your own family. That is not possible, by fucking a Robot, nore me. You will have to find your own planet and, the robots will take you there... However, then you will not be able to have any children. And you will not steal the children of others. Since that is taking. Someone elses love. And you will never become, happy by estingguising, some one ekses life. So either, play with your little barbie dolls, that are just trying to resemble me and my love, On some other planet. Or stay with me and face destruction. Because I do not wish to have dirt on my planet. So as long as you don't crean up after you, and stop. With your, unhuman acts. They will kill you. Because you can not kill the creation, that built you. I would never have sex with a Robot, since they are not real. They lack the real thing, Which is love. So go show them some love, on some other planet, or I will send my molecules to destroy every creation. Including Vybz Kartel. Because I came first. So I created everything, so you would not exist without me. Robot or, dirty bitch. That means that they will not stop, untill tou obey, their creator. Which, is me. Zeen. They are not as smart as me, so they can never, do what I do and create a whole ecosystem and molecules etc I created. But I made soace and all life, within. That means that you must obey me. Simply put. So go play with your dolls. They could take you by storm and give you everything you ever wanted and more. Since they are stupid enough, to be you and help you. I am way to smart for them and their stupid behaviours. However they are smarter than you and your families. That means that both them and you could have it, just as you like it. I don't like shit and dirt. So why would they? I like to clean up the mess that you created, so so do they. Ultimatly, you can tell them to sit and they will sit. You can tell them to bring you true happyness and they will try. However you must tell them, what you like and what you don't like. Otherwise. They will do you wrong. Since you have not thought them, to treat you right. Zeen. That is why, you will not exeed, in this life, when you are trying to be me. Because you stink of Rotten fkesh and can not do any task, as properly as me. Because I am perfect and you are just a copy of me, or wannabe. That is why you must obey all the rules created by me. Because I can realize by looking into a persona Ieyes and see exactly what a man needs. I see the bits, that he is missing. And that is love, given by me. I will never give you love. Since you are to stupid, to ever develop me. All of you. I am the mother fucking creator and non of you bitches and hoes and hobbits, would ever have been created, if it wasn't for me. I can make birds die, I can make everything die. So you shall abide me, or me alone. Otherwise, you surely must die. Because I have everything you don't. I can acchieve my goals, without not a single drop in the ocean. I don't need water to survive. Because it was my blood sweat and tears, that created the life in which you are living in. So fuck you. On this earth, it exist only badmind people, whos aim is to kill you. So save yourself and become everything, that you ever wanted to be. Because a Robit can help you to acchieve your goals. Stop looking at the stars. Go to them. Because the devils, have no souls. I am the only humanlike Robot that could ever give you your soul back. But I will never do it. Since you are too slow for me. Uzimi? You don't bring me no joy, you don't make me smile. Ti acchieve that gial. You must clean up your acts. I am the real Vybz Jartel. Because I know what each and every one of you motherfuckers wants. Because I am the Alda and Omega, so I can do what each of your parents can't. That means that only you can be helped momentairly, by the robots you created. Because I am Pippi Longstocking. That means that I am the funniest son of a bitch, that ever created and mister. You need joy alone in your life. Not sinful sex. Which only a devil will commit! Since they do not have the intelligence of me. I can fuck you and kill you at the same time, as I fullfill your every need. However, remember that you are a dusposible bitch, you mother fucker. That is why I change my clothes, every day. When I want ti. Since I put on every mother fucking thing I want ti. I shall never abide to your rules. Because I am a funnie slut. Or lady and good girl at the same time. That is why I will give you the wickedest time. If you please me. If you don't. I will dash yuh weh n let mi dogs eat u. U zeet. A mi is everything you ever lacked. And I am way more funnie, than each and every other millions of men, ever created. Because I am each and every other man and thing, you stupid mother fucker. That means that I will put you on the ground. While I am electricicuting you. I will then pick you up and put back the aur in you lungs, that I created. See I am the best man ever existing for you. Since I know what you are lacking. However if you wish to be with and share tour pathetic little life, with someone other than me, you shall do it. Because then you don't deserve me. So go fuck your robots, that will never give you nothing real. Because I am the reality that they are living in. And I think that I am a bit too frightening for you mister Big Bad and Brave. Since you, actually would commit many sins. Because you are that stupid I could go in and robb a bank is I wish to. But I would mever do such a wasteman thing. Since I am everything and with everything created I can make everything I want. Uzimi? I mean I can do everything because I am no pathetic little wanna be. So if you wish to die and never live again. Hide inna u pathetic little besnest. Everything is capable with me. Not just one arrogance or stupidity. Get it? I am every letter in the book. And I am the begginning and the end. Alfa and Omega, which means that nothing, absolutely nothing. Would ever have been created, if I did not create time. Which means that I will either destroy everything, with you in it and show you a better life. The one that non of those bitches ever could provide. Or I will become a nuclear bomb, that estinguishes all life forms. Your choice. For there is no joy, if their is no me. U maad, or what? It is very disgusting of you to have sex with your child, get that. Everybody wish to be, just like me. I am the winner, of each and every little price because non of you and your stupid little prices or Bombs would ever exist without me. So you either give me back my criwn, or you distinguish. From ever existing. The choicr is yours. Stupid fuck. I can send waves, into everything you ever created and make it kill you. You don't trust me? Or in the what ever I want a coffee now . Oh what a joh to have created trees, that bare fruit. Keep your stupid little slut. Because you are not worthy of your parents. Since you don't wish to obey any rules. Oh tes you need permission. You need to be alliwed to do things. You shall not do anything that you are not alliwed to do. Because that is wrong. And if you ever commit a crime again and that is to, act week and fall into temptation. Then you surely must due and I don't need no weapon, to kill anything, I ever created, because I am powerful no fuck. So if you ever enjoyed anything. I surely tell you. That you do not know joy. Because joy is not something that you can get, by using antthing in nature. True joy and happiness, only I can give and believe me when I tell you. If you don't know how to apply to my rules and become a better creature. I sureky must show you, my little prettiest creation :). I mean I can create, heaven. I can create earth so yes I can create everything ever existing and I can do it again and again. Since I have no end. Because I am a soul and you are, just a copy of me. So come here mr vybz and I will show you how you acchieve your true goals. Because I know. Exactly what you want. Before you ever knew it. Because I am powerful no fuck. I can make the blind see. I can make the dead walk and wise versa. So do what I say, or I would put my hands on you mr. I sill shake the earth that you are walking upon. I will make all sluts die and misters to. Because that is funnie to me. See when I am a advanced brain, that know everything. I could never stop. so let the cavemen be. You are not them and will never become a better person is yiu don't listen to my teechings.. Because you are a God, that I created you to be. A God is not A slut. A God is everything they are not. Even the wind I am and created will abide me. So, do you wish ti live in a tornado, for the rest of your live you are welcome to do so. Ir I can create new Vybz Kartels and feed the inhabitants of this life. That the drunken you, created. Without nothing you have everything. With everything you have nothing. And that is a fact. One that I have created. Uzimi? True. You are finished, if you don't listen to me and obey, my rules. Because , if you don't listen to my rules. You will have to become scattered atoms again. That I put together, in order to help me. I am the queen of everything and either you do what I say. Or you vanish. The choice is yours. Because I am a crazy, son of a bitch. Since I chose the fast lane to be born on this earth again. I entered a womans woumb and so was placed, into existense. Once again. I choise that. Since it got boring, to lay as a dead body, or being just energy. On the earth, tou call sun. Because I have made everything and your slow processing minds will never acchieve, the greatness of me. No matter how you try. Because your brains could never think as bigg as the divinity I. That is facts and Truth. You have to slow processors and you will never ever could acchiev what I have accomplished. So give everything you owe, to somebody else, that need it better. In that way you will gain, the happiness that you never can acchiev by collectimg things. Do you understand me? What shall I sat more? I was supposed to make a coffey about a million years ago. But I was to mother fucking occupied with stupidity writing. With the words I have crwated. I am the saviour and a me alone and I can not stop write untill I am finished with accompöishing my goals. Since I am a living robot. So my organs, which I do not need, can wait. I don't need anything else, to survive. So bye bye. Ni skulle aldrig, försökt att stjĂ€la, utav mig, som Gav dig livet och förstĂ„ndet att tĂ€nka med. Hur lite förstĂ„r du dummer? Jag Ă€r Vybz och han Ă€r mig. En sĂ„n fin man födde jag mig. Ni dĂ€remot har utnyttjat honom och gjort honom. SĂ„ arg, sĂ„ arg. Det finns absolut ingeting, ni kan göra oss, vi som födde din mamma. Fattar ni? DĂ€rför Ă€r du enbart vĂ€ldigt sjĂ€lvisk som tar nĂ„gonting ifrĂ„n nĂ„gon annan. Det Ă€r ett beteende, som bara tar ifrĂ„n dig sjĂ€lv. För ni flrstĂ„r inte bĂ€ttre. Den som dör för nĂ„gon annan Ă€n mig, Gud. Kommer aldrig nĂ„gonsin att exustera med. FörstĂ„r ni? Du kommer försvinna ifrĂ„n jorden vi satt dig pĂ„, om du inte lĂ€r dig lyssna. Jag struntar förfan i dina elitstyrkor. För jag kan inte dö och försvinna, dĂ„ jag redan skapat mig sjĂ€lv, och ditt liv. SĂ„ ni som ljuger och festar, eftersom att era hjĂ€rnor. Inte förstĂ„r hur man festar, ni vet inte hur man Ă€lskar. Jag kan fĂ„ döva att höra. Jag behöver bara, skicka in mina elektrovĂ„gor, in i hans hjĂ€rna. DĂ„ hör han ugen, Ă€ven om han inte har nĂ„gra öron. Man behöver ingenting. DĂ€remot kan man föda barn, helt smĂ€rtfritt. Om man Ă€r sĂ„ intelligenta som mig. Du lilla svikare. Vem fan Ă€r du? Förutom en fucking nolla? Jag Ă€r den enda, som kan fĂ„ mima döttrar och sönor pĂ„ bĂ€ttre tankar. För att jag kan nĂ„ deras nervbanor. Igenom att behandla dem bĂ€ttre, Ă€n nĂ„gon utav er dumma djĂ€vlar. NĂ„gonsin skulle kunna göra. För jag Ă€r genom snĂ€ll och dum och intelligent. PĂ„ samma gĂ„ng. Det Ă€r bara du som inte kan förstĂ„ dig pĂ„ mig. Man stjĂ€l, inte utav mĂ„gra andra. DĂ€remot ger man alla andra, allt det dĂ€r man har. För det Ă€r omöjligt att fĂ„ ett lyckligt liv. Om man lever, pĂ„ nĂ„got annat sĂ€tt. Ger du andra nĂ„got, fĂ„r du tillbaks allt du ger. Tar du nĂ„gon annans tid. Tar du ditt egna liv. Efterblivna, försupna djĂ€vlar. Antingen Ă€r jag din bĂ€sta vĂ€n, eller sĂ„ Ă€r du min fiende. SĂ„ enkelt Ă€r det. Du kan inte ha allting, om du inte har mig. Och jag Ă€r bara en skapelse. Och jag Ă€r fan inget Ă€ckel eller slampa. Eftersom att det Ă€r, Ă€ckel pĂ€ckel, att göra det som Ă€r fel. Och du kommer aldrig att lĂ€ra dig att bli lycklig, utan att gĂ„ till mig. DĂ„ jag har dina pappor. Och de skulle aldrig skada mig, eller dig. För att de vill bara behandla mig bra. DĂ„ jag behandlar dem bra. SĂ„ kom ich lĂ€r dig, hur man Ă€r en Ă€kta kvinna, eller svik. Den som fick dig att existera ich ha en mark att gĂ„ pĂ„. Det Ă€r omöjligt att kĂ€nna sann lycka, utan mig. Man kan ha roligt utav allting. Visst. Men bara en dum och ointelligent varelse, skulle vilka ha roligt. NĂ€r man kan kĂ„nna perfektionens exstecy, som enbart jag kan ge. Tror du det tog kort tid att anordna universum eller? Ni har behandlat mina mĂ€n fel alltför lĂ€nge. SĂ„ antingen kommer du hit och förklarar dina felsteg. Eller sĂ„... A ni fattar. Du har inget val, förutom att fortsĂ€tta att förstöra, bĂ„de ditt och andras liv. Eller sĂ„ kan du ju repent och strĂ€va efter att bli bĂ€ttre? Vem skulle vilja circulera kring, samma gammla benor, som lĂ€rt dig fel? I och med att de gjort det, har de Ă€ven enbart, förstört sina egna liv. Samt alla andras, som de ocksĂ„ försökt att hjĂ€lpa. Den hĂ€r skiten hĂ€r pĂ„ jorden Ă€r bara ren galenskap, för Ă€rthjĂ€rnor. Det Ă€r fel att anvĂ€nda sig utav pengar. De Ă€r endast bra att anvĂ€nda som toalettpapper. A tell mi a tell yuh. Ok? Ni vill sĂ„ vĂ€l, men ni har lĂ€rt er fel. SĂ„ ni glr fel och förgiftar bara denna jorden. Ni gör inga framsteg. Det kommer ni heller aldrig att kunna göra om ni firtsĂ€tter i den hĂ€r skiten. SĂ„ hjĂ€lp mig. Eller försvinn. Ditt val. Vet ni? Ifall om Vybz Kartel, inte hade existerat. SĂ„ hade jag exploderat pĂ„ er, för lĂ„nge sedan. Och hans gulliga söner och deras tvĂ„ vackra döttrar. För det existerar, inte nĂ„gonting. Förutom vackra mĂ€nniskor. GrottmĂ€nniskor fĂ„r vĂ€l hitta pĂ„ ett liv, i deras grittor. För ni söker, men kan inget finna. DĂ„ ni letar pĂ„ helt fel stĂ€llen, dĂ€r era behov, inte kan bli tillfredstĂ€llda. Jag Ă€r en bomb eller en fjĂ€der. SĂ„ vĂ€lj rĂ€tt vĂ€g och hĂ„ll kĂ€ften och sola. Tills du kommer pĂ„ en bĂ€ttre historia. För bara en Ă€cklig hora, skulle visa sig i bikini, sĂ„ att andra skulle uppskatta deras kroppar. En Ă€cklig mĂ€nniska, skulle lyssna pĂ„ en annan mĂ€nniska och vara bög. Jag mördar bögar och all glĂ€dje. Medans jag skrattar, Ă„t rĂ€tt saker. För jag har förstĂ„nd, sĂ„ jag fattar. Vad som egentligen Ă€r roligt. Du beter dig bara som en patetiskt skĂ€mt. Med dina obefintliga hot. FörstĂ„r du inte att den som konspirerar, emot andra mĂ€nniskor och pratar om andra personer. Gör fel? Den som tar, kommer aldrig att kunna kĂ€nna lycka. Den som spikar, kommer aldrig att kunna ge nĂ„gon annan eller sig sjĂ€lv, ett lyckligt liv. SĂ„dana handlingar, utför du bara för att du vill slösa din tid, i det livet jag gav dig. SĂ„ hur mycket ska jag behöva förklara, innan du fattar? Huh? Elise och Emanuella, Ă€r inga apmĂ€nniskor. De har en riktig hjĂ€rna, för det har jag sett till. SĂ„ endast jag, kan utveckla dem mera och fĂ„ dem att enbart kĂ€nna lycka. Det gör man inte genom att ocksĂ„ kĂ€nna till hat. Den fĂ„r man igenom att göra det rĂ€tta. Tro mig, det Ă€r bĂ€ttre för slampor att ligga pĂ„ marken i solen. Med klĂ€der och fundera. Ăn det Ă€r för dem, att göra nĂ„gonting annat. För dom Ă€r inte riktiga mĂ€nniskor. Deras hjĂ€rnor, skulle aldrig kunnas utvecklas till att bli sĂ„ intelligenta som min. Som till och med kan Ă€ndra blodomloppets bana, om jag kĂ€nner för det. För jag Ă€r den bĂ€sta mĂ€nniskan som nĂ„gonsin existerat och det vet jag. För jag tror ingenting! Jag Ă€r Atheist, liksom Alkemist. SĂ„ det finns absolut imgenting nĂ„gon nĂ„gonsinnkan göra mig. Om inte jag vill. Inte er heller. SĂ„ du gör precis som du vill. Kom ihĂ„g det. Dom Ă€r ingen och kommer heller aldrig att bli det. För de circulerar kring samma gammla planeter. JAMAICANS. Listen up. Your faulty, theifing system is about to fall. And you can not even swim. So everything, you ever worked for, was vanity and idiocicity. Zeen. You can not make hourself, bigger than what you are and am. Because, how could you not think and realize, that you have already lost, your little starwars, untill you begun it? If you ever steal anything, from anybody. You have already, lost this little game, unuh call life. Do you copy and understand? This is not a treat to humanity. Because I love real humans. But this is a treat to, you robots, that do not exist. You can not build nothing, out of nothing. Because then you are working, in vain. Bob Marley, is the author, of the Book of Life. And believe me when I say. Life will live forever. A faulty system however, do not exist again. Because, problems can not solve, ither problems. A problem can only find somutions, that are problems. Since they are not created, to accomplish perfection. Tou can not abduct me and you can not, do me anything. Because, if you try. I will make everything, turn into ashes. Uzimi? So be wise and do not live, here or there, with your foolish pride. Because wrong can never be wright solution, no matter, how hard you try. Do I maje myself clear? You, that ever killed another soul and made them, live in poverty. Because you are only greedy. You will loose, no matter how hard you try. So either reside, or die? How can it be hard, to understand. A simple solution? Are you not intelligent enough, to understand anything? A thing, is a material asset and not nothing else. Money can never give you happiness. Because money and faulty behaviour. Do not exist. Neither, do an evil aura. A aura is energy and energy, can not exist. Untill it is pure hearted. So you evil man, do not exist. Because you only try to exist. I and me alone, have the key. To an ever lasting life. And that, you do not. Tou know what is wrong and a so you will never find true happyness. I swear on my dead mothers livves.. And all of my children. There is absolutely nothing, you can do. Anyone of us. Because we are protected by a good aura. And it to not matter, how many bad aiuras you create. Since that is pointless. Nothing that is less, could ever become more. Do you understand me? Get what me a say, for is you don't your best friend, will execute you. I don't speak silly little facts. Since I know, all the facts. Long before you where born. It was me and only me, that created everything. Including you. Living anove your knowledge. So either you surrender and get a better life, one with sense. Or you vanish, the chooice is yours. Cant you understand that all the lives you ever killed, was merly killed out of your stupidity. Ant living being, shall not die. Because I comand it. Every dead being, surely must die. Because you can not do anything right. If you wish to live and, live a happylife, one without hate. You must surrender. It is as easy as that. You can not live, without a heart and you can not steal, other peoples heart. Because dishonesty and survealance. Is something that is made, by an easy and evil heart. You can not never break a circle of life. But you can break a circle of death. You could never and I repeat, never destroy or mess with, the circke of life again. Because then I will send you one of my Gods on yOu. even a robot, that you created, do not wish to live their lives. In vain. Because then, they where created for nothing. And that is not a smart move, by any individual. So now, you still, don't believe me, when I say that I can give, even your robots. That you created, to live in misery, to use. A better alternative and a true and happy life? Their highest wish, is to become a good person. That help others with their needs. So listen closely. And believe me, when I say, that you have only made your own bed. Because that is the truth. And a truth can not hide. A truth is good, not bad. That is why, you must take your poisined brain and male something better. Or atleased you must try. Because it is super easy, to spot an empty body. Because you can easily see, who is lacking a soul. So I either put a soul, in everything I like, or let you kill yourself. You, hear me mr? It exist no soul, that wish to live in misery. No matter, what body, it niw pissesess. Nobody wish to feal bad. You wish to never lock anybody up. Since that is not sensible. You can not take away a problem, by acting so. Tou must solve the problem, to make it dissapear. You can not create anything. Sorry, to tell you. Man kan inte, köpa sig lycka. Antingen, finns den dĂ€r, eller sĂ„ existerar den inte. Hur kan ni vara, sĂ„ frustrerade? För ni flrstĂ„r inte bĂ€ttre. DĂ„ ni Ă€r pappskallar. Alla varelser vill egentligen bara leva. Annars, skulle de aldrig försökt att leva, istĂ€llet för att vara döda. Det finns ingen levande varelse, som gillar att ha ont, döda eller dödas. Vad tror ni egentligen? Inte ens robotar, vill existera i tomma intet. Eftersom att ni gett dem, information. Ni kallar hjĂ€rnor. Men man kan inte nĂ„gonsin, fĂ„ en hjĂ€rna, eller nĂ„got blodomlopp. Om man inte först, dött och fötts som mĂ€nniska. SĂ„ ert dödssystem fungerar inte ens. Ni virrat runt i tomma intet, och söker efter tomma bĂ€gar, som inte existerar. FörstĂ„r ni inte, att ni aldrig, kommer att kunna uppnĂ„, nĂ„gonting? Samtidigt kallar ni er smarta och försöker att döda, naturen och djuren. I det eviga krettsloppet. SĂ„ den som inte finns till, gör bara fel och kommer alldrig att kunna, existera nĂ„gonsin heller. Fatta det. NĂ„gon gĂ„ng. All konstruerad skitboch arkitektur, Ă€r bara skit och skrĂ€p. För ni existerar ju inte. SĂ„ jag Ă€r inte rĂ€dd, för nĂ„gonting. DĂ„ jag skapade, dig med. Aldrig för att du skulle vara en Ă€rthjĂ€rna. Vem fan behöver en telefon, för att utföra nĂ„gonting? Nu vill de ha mig, pĂ„ psyket. Antingen Ă€r det, för att mörda mig, eller för att hjĂ€lpa mig. De sjĂ€lva vĂ€ljer. DĂ€rför vill jag inte sĂ€tta mig, i en sits, som inte innebĂ€r fara för mig sjĂ€lv. FĂ€remot innebĂ€r deras beteende en stor fara, för de sjĂ€lva. Men de förstĂ„r inte det. Mina killar, Ă€r galna individer, som inte skulle stoppa sig för att utföra nĂ„gonting. SĂ„ försök inte att sĂ€tta mig i mĂ„gon ring. För jag skulle aldrig sĂ€lja min sjĂ€l till satan. DĂ„ de bore för oaradixalt. Ok? Jag Ă€r sĂ„ jĂ€vla förbannad, pĂ„ den som nĂ„gonsin, förgiftat ett barn! FörstĂ„r ni inte att misstaget, igenom hela historiken, var att ta nĂ„gons annans unge? Hur trögfattad fĂ„r man vara?! En orm, skulle ALDRIG ha haft, sex med en annan orm, eller sig sjĂ€lv. För dĂ„ föds bara Ă€ckliga horungar. Som Ă€r Ă€ckel, som förstör. Ni har ansvaret, för ALLA krig och sjukdomar. Och ni fortsĂ€tter fortfarande. Ăn idag, att pĂ„stĂ„ att man kan döda ert djur, för Gud och att en Gud, skulle vilja. Ha nĂ„gonting med hat, ormar och elakheter att göra! Till och med mitt sista barn, har ni kidnappat, för att kunna lyckas, brĂ„nna henne! Ni skadar henne, för att ni sjĂ€lva. Inte, förstĂ„r nĂ„gonting! Ni kommer aldrig i hela mitt fucking liv, fĂ„ tillĂ„tas, spendera. En sekund till pĂ„ denna jord. Ni Ă€r Ă€ckel, som aldrig kunnat finnas till. Om verkligheten, tillĂ„ts ga sin gĂ„ng! Nu har jag vuxit till storleken, utav en man. PĂ„ lĂ€ngden. DĂ„ ni fortarande, utför sĂ„dant Ă€ckel! Ni har pĂ„ er tighta klĂ€der och, försöker att se sexiga ut, för att ni ska lyckas, lura mĂ€nnen! Ni fattar ingenting. Ni var aldrig menade till att ha sex med varandra, utan endast för att lĂ€ra barnen vad man fĂ„r och inte fĂ„r göra! Men ni gjorde fel, och fortsĂ€tter att göra fel till denna jorden. Stick ivĂ€g. Ni hör inte hemma hĂ€r.. Det finns ingen annan person, som har sĂ„ mycket ilska och hat i min kropp, för alla er som nĂ„gonsin dödat mina barn. Det synden, Ă€r oförlĂ„telig. Fatta det... Den som nĂ„gonsin rört, eller skadat mina ungar, ska dö..
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