Varje gång jag går till stan

Blir jag så jävla förbannad. Det är jätte jobbigt att lyssna på erat skitsnack. Så jag blockar av det. Men pratar ni mycket. Behöver jag höja volymen. Det finns ingen låt, som får mig så lycklig, som toupac, hit them up.. Jag kan lugna mig själv (mentalt) om jag får lyssna på den. Det låter liksom irriterande att ens lyssna på kvinnor. I just have to say that the bible is the very best story on this earth. I could never ever become nervouse. Because I ate from that tree. Hence, became very mich smarter. Than everybody else. BECAUSE you have to have ALL the facts, before you cast your judgement. THE BLOODCLAAT SNAKE. Is very beautiful. Still to this day. But I'm not talking about a reptile. They have been choosen, to crawl on the ground. You cannot touch them. How nasty. There is some pretty men in this world, That is facts and not a lullaby. The only thing you would have to choose, is one that is good enough. And even if he does some stupid things. You are made to make him feel better. I'm not talking about children here. Because it is only me, that love them so (refering to teenagermen. It is only them that I find so very much attractive Yes, it exist other girls, but you are simply made. As an replacement. I will not kill you. Because, it is too many men for me on this planet and it would be a waste of time for them to have been created, if you would kill them Tou might say that I rule this with an iron hand. It's like amazing how surtan I am. Because I don't want any type of fuckry. I want and I want. I didn't mean that I am selfish, since I don't care about anything that is not right or just. I remember how sheba said that selfpraise a no reccomendation. And I also remember how some other lady told me that she didn't speak English fluently. What a crazy thing. I mean, how could you not learn English. Because that is the true meaning. Not spoken by God, But it explains a whole lot I have never had sush a beautiful puss, like my Sheba. I mean I could pet her on her belly and she did purr 﫶. Ok, king Shilo was also extremely beautiful and I could pet him, same way To have animals is a must. Because you can open the windows of your appartment and still, get them back. When they are done with being outside. Then you well can feed them also The only problem with that, as far as I'm concerned is that you keep feasing them dead animals. How nasty. They only eat that, since uou don't give them anything else to nyaam. I have had cats' in real life, and I saw them eating a vegetable sallad ☀. NOT because I did'nt fead them other food, like meat from a can. But since they choose to. My cats wished to eat sallad same way, instead. I never had a dogg, because I don't love them. Snopp Dogg, is the only dogg I love. With pac too. Not since they are gangsters, but since everylittle thing, they be. Biggie is way to bigg for me. You might call me anorexic, since I would never disobey Gods rules Who are you, thinking that you are free to eat a dead animal? You are a beast, because you have choosen to be nasty. I remember kissing a guy one time and he had aten meat that day. Which lead him, to not taste nice in his mouth. But I still kossed him, since I just escaped from a crazy experience. I have so mich experiences, that I have been forced to experiense. Because of what? Because of stupidity. It is only a devil that would hit somebody. But yes I smacked Matthew on his cheek one time. Since I thought that he was so God damn hot. He was and is fucking beautiful, our children also. He almost got offended, or he didn't really know what to think. But I mean he had to take it, to become even more beautiful. One time anyway. I would never hit him again, since that was all it took. It is extremelty idiotic to use nicotine. Because your body gets crazy, when uou don't have it. And the stores are not open 24/7 and that might seem a little stupid. So much things that are completely unecessery are created in stores. Whatever. I wonder why they are not? Because you are crazy and idiotic. You claim that there is persons that are not employed on this earth. Give them a job now. If you choose not to hire, the unemployed and teach them how to properly do your job. You are a fool. I have worked at a place called erikshjälpen and that is a wonderful place to work. Because they sell the products you devils already created. Please don't make another item, because that lead to polution of the air. You better know that plastic products are a waste straight Wood is the only material God created, to tamper with. I have come to love this apartment, because it is old. It is soo meaningless to walk in town. Since I just get angry of all the fucking unecessery items. How could you forbidd anybody to not live, where they wish to live? you where told to populate the earth Not destroy it. My man is deserted on a tropical island right now and I really really wish to walk. Alone on silversands beach. I mean when I can walk deh I feel the sand under my feet and it is wonderful. The wind help it, so that I can walk on it. Because the burning sun is too very much watm But it is problematic. I can't do that. You wanna kno y? Since it is such a highe effort to get there. its like all type of fuckery to deel with You are soo extremely stupid, since you choose to listen to the wrong leaders. Them that are twofaced. There is only one face God has given you, so get your facts straight. Before you act I don't have the wish for anything new. Because I like what has been created. Nature is my God. Because no house or whatever you made, could ever be as good as what Gods hands made. So stop trying Look at the stem of a three if you wish to find something interesting. That is true beauty and intelligense. See tha grass that uou are walking on. Such a beauty. Everything living is alive. How much of a pussy are you not, to gorce people using any type of method to pay. When they want something. Bot talking about things to buy. I mean groceries and fruit. Not even finished pachaging. Remember plastic is a stupid material. The only time recycable plastic can be used is when you have food containers in the fridge. Since then the food could be sustainably stored. It is beets you have in sweden to make sugar from Ive heard. So maby you can create plastic from that deh But not from a factory, if it is run on unsustainable waste. I mean oil and gas. That is in the ground. Sure you can not see cellulites in the dark, but you can feel them and to have sex is a nasty thing. I would never I would never have sex with anybody. Since I don't have any emotions Only a fool have feelings I have thoughts Writing history I don't wish to walk in town, since there is too many people there. They get sweaty when I get cool. You get scared, when I feel enjotment. I get energy, when I feel emotions. So I just brush that shit of my sholder. I have been untrained, since I just breed. That's the same thing as being pregnant, getting a child and that is absolutely forbidden. God do not want any more devils destroying the earth because if you do you will surely die I want food. However that is just a feeling I was fooled into having. Babies want and need food to grow. Adults need non It is extremely possible to not eat for weeks, tears and eternity. The only thing you need to do then, is being as smart as me. Robinson Cruze did have a wooden ship and sailed on the seven seas and that was wonderful. Because then you can feel the wind blowing in your sails and you can be gone for weeks  what a thing and if you are dirty you can jump in the sea and bade. Nobody fly on an airplane untill you have a carrier that run on wind alone. If the wind stops blowing it is no problem because then you can bade in the sea or what ever. Remember there is absolutely noting hurting you but your emotions. I would have to eat now in the aternoon, since my body has gotten used to that now /S :S I ment... Yesterday I had one plate of sushie as food alone. and there you gould pay by using your creditcard no I ment swish. Because I can't find my wallet, since I dont have to.. But there was a time I was at the library and could pay with swish same way so I guess Im destined to go to them two places. Because somebody stole my wallet Yesterday the people where in town. That is why I never wished to be there. What a waste of tine and place too idiotic for me I have two children. two men and two girls 4ity and with me it makes five men... Like the right hand. The left hand is too retarded and I love the sound of human blood splashing on the walls, because how else could you get paint? if not buy using human blood? Don't touch my ground. Because the worms have to have something to eat and work with. Since birds eat worms. Because they are created to be food. Just like fish. Babtised in the holy water. So shower untill you get clean. You are dirty and nasty I get very angrt when I see yuh face To occupy your mind is the solution that leads your thoughts to stray away frim stupidity. All you have to di to tek weh yuhself frm di darkness is to think and be snart. You don't have to use your eyes to see but akl sienses. Ffood mi waah food mi a tek n a dat smell soell blackberry cheesecake  thants vegan. Because excuse me but u will get happy if you use colours. Like seeing black men. You would have to look at them to see how beautyful they are. Because it is like a secret. Honestly it's like most of everything that you are doing, makes me annoyed because I just shower extremely warm, (taking it slow). Giving myself and my cells calmness and damn that feel nice. Ravi told me that it is no problem to shower as much as you want, because they have build a system, where the water goes round and roumd... The oroblem when I moved to this town I found directly. Because they had put clourise in the water I was suppised to drink 廊. What a stupid thing. God have built a perfect system of bacteria ans everything is supposed to be as naturligt som möjligt! Asså varför skulle man vilja få till en relaxavdelning? Joi för att du inte ät uppfinningsrik. Du fattar liksom inte att du kan hitta allt du behöver i henner, med det varma ich jakka vattnet och barnoljan, olivoljan och rapsoljan. Man behöver inget annat än vatten och olja, för att kunna lverleva med jroppen. Man blr absolut inte ga några oesticides ina di bloodclaat anywgere Det är endast och bara djävlar sin använder sprit. Nu ligger jag i soffan och njuter. För fönstret är öppet, så jag kan andas :D. Svalkar kroppen eftersom jag duschade kokhett :D. Mina celler blev masserade, då dischstrålarna föll på min hud :). Det var jätte skönt :D tack gud. Bakterier är dina vänner. Att tvätta bort dem är ren djävulskap. Att säga nej likaså. Yes man är allt du ska säga. Allt annat snack är helt onldigt Jag kan betala med swish, för någon stal min plånbok. Nu är jag torr och masserad (för jag duschade jätte varmt). Så jag njuter bara.. Man kan inte ens använda typ tvålar osv djävularna har gjort för det är parfymer i dim oc allt möjligt olämpligt Så igår tränade jag musklerna genom att promenera fort. Varför kör du bil? Joo för att du är lat och massa andra ankedningar. Det som jag ändå tycker är mest facinerandw på denna jord, är att Adidjah Palmer är så vacker... Samma sak med Gage. Like father like son. En annan sak som är helt sjukt, är att jag faktiskt skulle kunna be honom om någonting.. Det är väldigt konstigt Jag vill ligga ute på gräset och sola. men det kan jag inte för att det finns andra människor som skulle kunna gå förbi där jag är hungrig, men bara på riktiga saker typ som tankenötter. För jag klarar inte av att äta på grund av att jag inte fått någon nikotin idag så hur ska hah fixa de? Har jy inget bakkirt bara bankid o swish på mobilen. Im jag skulle ligga ute i solen skulle jag kunna få energi från den. Jag är inte en sexuell varelse, så jag har inga problem med att Gu ut naken men det enda problenet med det är att det finns män som inte jan tänka, uran är offer utefter sina kustar Vad himla skönt. Soänningarna och sammanstääningarna i min kropp har försvunnit, nu när jag ligger raklång, helt still. Jaa jag kan öppna båda fönstewna mer så att solstrålarna kommer in och kan göra mig varm :S:D trevligt Men jag var ju hungrig. Asså man måste alltid överväga alternativen innan man handlar Varför tror du att du har hår på ditt könsorgan? Joo för att skydda ifrån solens strålar, för huden där är för tunn för att inte bli bränd. Därför ska du hålla dina ben stänga och ligga still. Var orecid som en klockvisare urav träd. Det var det dummaste jag hört att man skulle lägga på solkräm på kroppen. För solensstråkar är det sista du behöver skydda dig för. För solen är geundbyggstenen för allt liv. Alla barn är vita när de föds och blir sen svarta om de går ut och lever i solen mycket. Arbeta arbeta om du själv vill det men gör förfan inga fel. Nu ska jag pausa mitt skrivande


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