
You know , it is kind of hard for me to come with my ideas. Because my mind is bigg like the universe. It is very vomplicated this. Since it was a million of years, since I have thought that thought. So I would have to remember. Vybz Kartel and all men, is the best medicin, for me. But if you are a man, you're best medicin is a woman. Not a bloosclaat girl! It is just me, that like boys. Not children, I'm talking about adolecens. Since I am a child at heart. I mean, my mind is mature and more so, that is why I say things, that are confusing yo tou. The T I used, represent the cross that my son dies on. That is why, I think extra every time I use it, because I hate time. Meaning I hate death- I hate I(not me but you, that stand alone). I am IandI, so I love all of you-you that live in the wrong way. If God has made you info a girl, you are a girl and not transexual. Every faggor surelt must die. Because, that is simply just a confusion, in your mind. You are too stupid, to understand. So your medicin, is thinking. Even if, or since you claim that it is animals that are gay. I don't believe that. But I believe that you have animals, like Vybz Kartel. That are friends with the same sex. I don't believe that Vybz Kartel is a homosexual, just because Sean loves him. I think that they are best friends. What type of fuckery is it, to.. I forgot what I was saying at the moment, because I got interupted, but a next thought. It is crazy, for me with oeople who claim dem a don dadda. Or any occupation, because I don't see why you are limiting yourself. I am a filosofer ans(ANS) writer primarily. But I am also a fotografer and painter. Because I love paintings. I is not really sure of what I want. I know that I fully love Movado. I know that I fully love Adidjah. and I love my father. God God. Our two sons. See, yesterday I told, oh. Me and my daddy was born on earth. No, I'm refering to on the sun. Me daddy is Ryan Douglas. Because he. And then I would have to concider, the fact that I could remember wrong. That's why I take so much time, because I have to weigh the different scenarios, in my mind. Back to the story. I am possitivly clear, that I am the smartest. Then I assume that I have some parents in the sky. Since the child, most often become smarter, then it's parents. I can't really know how bigg the universe is, since I have not made that. I made the Sun and they all worship me, so I must assume, that I am special. Movado say that he is special and man-when I search my brain for facts, he is extremely beautiful. The problem is that I created myself, because I was a "basill"(svenska använde jag där). Som blev större och gjorde en man, till mig. Han hette Gage. Jorden blev splittrad, alltsÃ¥ Africa(pangea) blev splittrat. PÃ¥ grund utav ett svartsjuke drama. Precis som att Port Royal I jamaica, sjönk. Skriver min historia, just nu, so bare with me. Fuck it, I have to drink coffey, because I have made my body, (created a wish for coffee in it) I'm trying to make sense of my every thought to help you, think as smart as me) A human is a hunan. You have never been a monkey. You was never a bacill, But I was an atom, at first. That then shared myself, and became bigger. You men, have to listen to ne and stop your fighting. Because you all are a part of me. Now I will go and drink my coffee. (I used a g, infront of o, because I wanted to say go, but I would rather use vo, at this moment. Since I don't want anything to do with a G aka gangster. Lata, lata. Later, later. Law and order is good and great. Wrong leadershership, is awful. Punkt. One coffee down. Then I spoke to my dad and texted my mom. I do not want any food. Because it is a dealdly sin, to eat too much. I am mager, because that is very beautiful. If you are fat, you would have to sweat, like I have. To make tourself slim.Here I never hessitated to use a t, since I was desribing you and you kill. Not InI ❤
see my most beautiful creation. She is so fine, like that. When she just have came from death 﫶. I love to be dead, because I could never die, just transform myself. You however, tou cause yourself to die. Because you are living wrong. Also, you are, just like an ant. Somebody that is so easily lead. Because every automn in your body, exist of me. So ultimately, it is me deciding. Weather or not, you live or die. Meaning, that you choose to think, in the wrong way. That is how you read, what the media is saying. Stop letting them controll you. Sure, Every artist can gwaan. That means, that every artist can continue to sing (speaking Patois aka Jamaican). That also means that the only oeople I want on this earth, is painters, singers, filosofers and preists. Gay couples should not be allowed to marry in a church! What a disgrace. The marrige is a holy communion, by husband and wife. Hence, the churches are built, to honor God. I think that we all could agree on that fact. That means that, the preists who falslt marry a two sexes couple. Shall die. He have choosen it himself, after not reading the bible corectly! I am a muslim, I am a christian and a jew. i am all 3 of it. That is why I am picking a little bit of each religion, to make the best solution.
This, photo was taken in september 2004. I don't know when, since I was in a coma.. See behind me, is a picture of me, with brown hair. I loved that. Because it was the hight of my life, back then.. You have to study everything carefully. That is the solution, to eternal life. thoe I will kill you I swear. Hence move you ratty, to christ. Every time uzimi  You that lock a God, in a prispncell. Actually does no harm. Since he could have killed so many people. Hence, getting their soyl, inside his body.. You are going down. Underneath, the earth. Inside the lava. SINCE you have choosen, to commit deadly sins. If you never understood, what you where doung. There is no problem. BUT IF YOU KNEW RIGHT FROM WRONG AND STILL CHOOSE WRONG. It is best for yoursake, to get purifyed, in death. But oh you will suffer. Tremendisly much. Untill God Satan, have forgiven toyr sins. I love all Gods. I don't want to choose. A shaggy and me reason correct in that matter Det har tagit mig trettioÃ¥tta Ã¥r att, kunna insett sanningen. Efter att jag har levt i den här ologiska skiten! För hur rättvist vore det om jag lät er söda ersjävla, eller mina djur! What a beautiful and great song... This is great. My bigg brother..
Favorit spot in the entire world... Mi deh. Kag har inga problem. Jag rör mig, nästan lika snabbt som blixten om jag vill. Problemet är att K är ett tusen. Det vill säga, jag rör mig för snabbt, för att ni ska kunna uppfatta. Alla mina rörelser.. Det innebär tyvärr att ni tror att jag rör mig för snabbt.. Det i sin tur gör så att ni, som är helt efterblivna. TROR att jag utsätter min dotter för faror! Jag fattar inte vilken typ av sjukdom ni lider utav?! Hur kn ni bli så dumma? Det finns en blixt, och hag kan föeflytta mig snabbare än ni klarar av att göra det. Det är imte förhastade beslut. Jag kan flyga också, utan att ta ett plan eller använda mig utav häxkonster, som de där efterblivna hororna.
Det här är en kyrka där de utför ritualer. Ser ni tygdockorna, Dom är till för att stoppa nÃ¥lar i och jag tänker inte, nÃ¥gonsin hÃ¥lla pÃ¥ med sÃ¥dana dummheter. Jag är vuxen och klär mig som sÃ¥dan! Men jag är inte en trÃ¥kmÃ¥ns, som de där andra vuxna. Aldrig i livet. Sanningen är att Sverige är softast. Det är bäst temperatur här... Jag svär. Även om jag aldrig varit i de atiatiska länderna eller Ryssland . Pappa har varit där dock. Fattar inte hur han vÃ¥gade.. Insanity, is sanity..
I am indestructable u kno..


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