15/2 Blessed Day 🫢🏼 If I could talk to Vybz Kartel, I would tell him:

I went up relatively early and ate this:
See I had to wake my belly up, in order to be able to eat something more. Because I was feeling sick, without any energy to make more breakfast. So I ate this and watched this documentary, in English. It was very good because it used proper words to describe what I found out, in my early twenties. After that I ate this:
(I don't use to eat white bread and the dried dates have coconut oil/shea butter and peanuts stuck on them)

See I read the bible, back then. Thought and read what scientists/dietitian n doctors say... The truth then became very obviouse. I can't believe how some people actually would buy a 'food', that has been created by a human! 

Isn't it VERY obviouse, that all food made for us to eat. Could be found in nature? 
   I can't believe how some don't see a difference, between something manufactured and natural! 
   It is so extremely sad, to go to the store, seeing a group of 10 year olds, buying candy and icecream. As if that would be normal thing to do! 
   That shit do not even exist, because it has been artifically made... I mean, where the **** are their parents? How come even some of them, buy fast food? I'm not asking myself these questions, because I know the answer but I'm asking you. So that you could think about your acctions. 

 The way you are eating/living create all type of diseases and cause you to die. Both fysically, mentally and spiritually. That's nothing I have made up, nore God.. Diabetes etc is a disease created by YOU and your choices in life. Sure one could argue that it's this society forcing us to eat quick foods and sugar. But as I've said. I stopped eating meat, candy and manufactured products when I turned 21... 

How could anybody even concider listening to somebody other than God? The bible is not God. The bible has been written by humans, that have listened to God. But then the texts have been changed to fit the narrative, of the elite. I can't believe how stupid people are... God is not a man. God is not female, or a human by the way. πŸ˜† 'He' is 100% energy, that every cell or living thing, is also made off. 

Adidja Palmer, I have met God. So I have seen that 'he' exists and christian people are correct, when they say that the holy spirit, lives inside of everybody. However, it's not alot of us that are listening to 'him'. Most actually, do what they or other humans want! Following selfish desires. Like those fools that go around killing others, because they want to.. Oh and I though about that thing I heard you say yesterday, that you wonder if the devil have a bankaccount and how the selling of ones soul, go about?
   I know that we both knows perfectly well, that a person who lives for their own sake, or material wishes. Is living for the devil. While a person that is living for everybody elses sake, unselfishingly, is living for God. 

Kiss My Teeth. I think that I would like to hit you. Because I know that you are smart and I know that you can influence alot of people. That's why it is important that u tap gwaan wid fuckry. And stop acting stupid, living to get an income! 
   That is to live for the selsish human aka the devil! That's the most common way to WASTE your life, when you're living in vain!

Give Thanks, for REAL food:
It is not expensive to buy fruit. The oranges cost 10kr. The avokado 30kr. The bananas 30kr. The grapes 20 and the tomatoes 20... So for around 100kr I got alot of fruit, that will last a long time. One unhealthy finished meal would cost around 80kr, and that would not even be sufficiant nutrition for one day!

I hate how some people claim that fructose and sugar, is the same. One provide you with vitamins and health benefitted energy, while the artificially made sugar has absolutely nothing that your body needs.. I need to eat an avocado now, to get the energy and healthy fat, my body needs in order to move around.. See yuh
A nyaam this n guh pan di rd:

I fixed what I wanted. But I need to tie it lower, so I can enjoy the flower better, sitting at the table...
Females could understand how I feel, because it's like when you feel pain, when the egg releases, once a month. The difference is that the pain is located all over my belly, constantly. it also burn under every piece of my panties, both in the front and back... 
Plus my back is tense... All the time.
I walked for around 40 minutes, put up the flower and ate this. Because I just needed fast energy. It consist of water mostly and 19% strawberries, after that comes sugar. So it's less than 19% anyway.. Should call them and ask how much it is really..

Ate it with cream, because that is my favorite thing. My other food barely have any fat and I just needed something fast, because I'm soo tired. So I'll go and sleep now. Will wake up soon and make a sallad and I need to wash the plates, because my bench is full...

Hungry... How nice with an aloe vera. I bought it the other day and I did not drink it, since I was in Jamaica. However there the drink was warm, alot of times and here we drink it cold! That taste better... I dislike heat now! The only temperature that's nice in JA, is when you are in the water. It is waaay to warm, to be on the ground...
So beautiful.
Give Thanks. There is absolutely no chance that I could have done this without God...

 OMG how stupid:


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