Aidonia, AI, Gage n reality...
I haven't looked at the AI thing, in like 6 years. Since I only saw it as destruction and scary human stupidity. So I "vexed" and looked away.
Aidonia or I think his real name is Sheldon Atiana Lawrence, married a couple of years ago and got a baby. That unfortunately died recently. So I'm very glad to hear this song. He really changed for the better. His old music, where typical popular music in Jamaica. About Gagster ways...
However I have seen a couple of videos today, that confirms what I was thinking, back then. So I'll share them, after the cake 😃.
Gage Almighty aka Ryan Douglas.. Lyrics. I mean you wright great. Can't comment now.
Ok, I will not even comment on this today...
I mean I can't be the only child, that watched Terminator in the 90's..
Sofia 'seems' nicer now than back then, but the new robot show you how he is thinking like a psycho... They don't have any emotions, so how could you possibly choose to create them? Human stupidity never seases to amaze me.
How could you be so stupid, to actually believe that humans are making progress and not destruction?
In Jamaica they have wonderful names. Like who would have thought that a name could be Bazzle, Taggian or Cleon? My back is hurting, so I'll just try sleeping for a while.. I want pankcakes, as soon as my belly have any room 🤣
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