believe me. How could you think you can possibly get life, consuming what is dead 😔

I understand your thought, but I've tried to eat meat several times. It no taste nice at all. Plus I only ate vegetarian and fish with Elise and gained 15 kilos and she weighed 3756grammes when she was borned. I know of meat eaters that give birth to a child that just weigh 2409g...

Meat is not necessery or beneficial in any way man. That is just what the average Joe thinks, since they are wolf in sheep clothing. I'm a sheep dressed like a wolf instead. 

Listen beans have like 14grammes of protein per 100g. Chicken have like 23g... Humans nowdays tend to over eat protein, because they are fooled by bigg cooperations that you need meat to become strong. That's why we have so many diseases. Plus you know how much sicknesses spread thanks to meat eaters? Even Malaria spread thanks to ppl eating blood! Then you could also include all the carbondioxide the production of meat releases to the air we are supposed to breath! Plants give oxygen! So which one you think you die of? What kills you or gives you life?!

When I worked out the most I barely never ate fish. I drank hempprotein and peaprotein, plus ate eggs. Hemp have like 44grammes of protein per 100. So it have double the amount of protein than meat does! I swear, I've been working out 3 times a week I could push 280lbs with my legs 2*12 reps! The most weight I gained then was 74kilos. That's the same weight I had when I gave birth last time.

My sister is 54 years old, she have been eating vegetarian since she was 18 and she is way stronger and more fit than she that eat meat and is overweight.

I know this Matthew. This is not just what I think. I have bagga experience with this. 16 years, so how could you think that I don't know what I am doing? I swear that I have been living more active than all persons in my surroundings. I lived like you, but my arms was not as strong as yours and my stamina wasnt as great. Because I did not exersise those musscles!

But you need to eat legumes, not just sallad and vegetables. Because the latter have very little protein, just like potatoe and rice... Greenkale have alot of protein. And if you eat plant based you also get all of the vitamins and nutrients a human body need for a healthy life!

Why do you think that people get diseases like cancer? Yes, it's because of they not eating vegetables but meat, chicken is meat same way 😶. Can't believe I've ate that. So freaking disgusting. Goat taste awful. Cow is horrible. But pigg taste better.. Ris med korvstroganoff 🤍. That taste nice!

And vegetables, like chilies, sweet pepper, sallad, cucumber, fefferoni, garlic, dates, bananas ETC. Taste wonderful! Mi nah lie. Plus it prevents cancer. Nutts and salmon taste nice too...

See if everybody would eat from nature, like how God told man to eat. Nobody would get a disease or become angry. But see stupid and lazy humans kill animals, that have spent some years eating vegetables alone and then some of unuh actually think that the benefits from eating meat actually come from the meat! Hello, only plants have nutrients and vitamins in them. Meat is built of that, so you get less and second hand benefits by eating it.

If you know which vegetables to eat, there is absolutely nothing bad about it. I was pregnant in Hot Hot Jamaica and I did not eat enough to get the carbs that I or my brain needed as fuel. That I know of. I almost felt like puking every time I was forced to eat chicken! 🤢. That taste awful! I will never again eat such shit...

You need vegetables to heal your cells. As I told you I've read about a woman with a belly cancer as bigg as a basketball and she cured it herself by eating stricktly raw vegan! I've seen young children who only eat plants that are stronger than adults. Plenty of athleates that are winning eat plant based...

I've told you this so many times. Why don't you believe me? Read what Gary Gary say, third comment...

Germanys strongest man:

Also vegan... When I was the strongest and lived most active in my life, I also ate vegan... What's hard to believe?



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