Give Thanks and Praise Jamaica 😃🥰 2022

This was at the best hostel we stayed at. In the hills looking over Montego Bay. It was beautiful, they had nature inside and it was cheap. Will write a post about the different places we lived in sometime :P..

      I love him I love him I need him 💜💜💜
I will never ever ever leave him. 
He is the most perfect man I ever met!

I'll start share the pictures, because I took 740 on my camera and like 300 on my phone :P.. Haha yet I almost never took any pictures... I was there 3.5 months :D. Haha I bought 4 tickets to be able to go home to Sweden again, but just one I was able to go pan 😂 And I lived at hostels and hotells, every time but the last three weeks. Plus the food in Jamaica is more expensive than in Sweden, and they get like a third of the income we get here! So I spent alot of money, but it was a once in a life time experiense, so I'm good ☺ 

 It is a really horrible country now days. Especially if you don't live in Kingston or at a Hotell! Because in Kingston you have everytging you want, most things could also be found in Ocho Rios, Montego Bay and Negril. Because that's where most tourists are. The roads are crazyly bad, most people drive in the middle of the road, not on their side, so that you  will almost have to get of the narrow roads every time you face another car. They have so many bigg holes on them also that you have to avvoid. No light what so ever. Imagine how it feels to drive up the mountains. The road is not straight but turn, both ways more time. It could be kinda scary because imagine the road takes a sharp left, so that you can not see if anybody is coming. The road is as wide, to be for a single lane trafik one way and most of them don't even sound with their horn to inform you that they are coming. In 2020 WHO  say that 444 persons died on the roads in JA. In Sweden 2019, 273 people died. It is also completely crazy how they build new roads, instead of fixing the old ones, thinking about one place from Falmouth up to Albert Town. And the road to Port Antonio is really bad.
   But they have, the Japanese, Chiles or someone. Have built good and proper till roads, between Kingston, Montego Bay, Ocho Rios, Spanish Town and May Penn. There you have to stop and pay them in every city...
   Ohh it's also crazy how you drive one direction on a street in May Pen every day, exept one, when they change direction :S, or something like that. 
In Albert Town every resturant serve fried chicken and rice, every day  exept one day during the week when some of them serve jerked chicken. The food taste way better in Kingston and in Ocho Rios and Montego Bay, they have a Indian resturant 💜💜. We went there and me and Matthew ate Palak Paneer. It's really tasty, and vegetarian. So he thanked me for shopping him that vegetarian food taste better than meat.

The temperature is really awful, I swear it must have gone up by ten degrees celcius now days! I was there in 2007,2008,2010 and 2011 and back then it was a nice temperature. Like 32 degrees, completely managable. But this time it was like 40 celcius, in the shade! I mean no wonder I could not be outside, if I wasn't in the ocean or rivers! I couldn't even stand up for more than 20 minutes! Gosh I really dissliked living up in the mountains, because they did not have any nice food! Well canned Mackrill tasted the best... And the mosqitos really murdered me. I mean every day I must have gotten 20 bites!! (And I was laying mostly in a mosqito net) :S But in Negril they do not have any Mosqitos... I've heard that the government dem released more to be able  
I have been in every parish in Jamaica :D, all 13! Ohh no, a lie mi did tell cah mi neva did deah St.Thomas, if Bullbay beach is in St.Catherine, which it probably is.. Yes it is. It suck that I have lost like 2000 of the pictures I've taken previouse years, mi nah go back a Cassava, Dun Kirk, Mountain View etc... I don't have time for that now anyway, maby when I'm older. Haha I never saw an old white person in the ghettoes. Truth is that most Jamaicans would not even step foot there. Especially now, because it has gotten worse since I was there last. The whole Jamaica has unfortunately became a bigg dumpster! It is absolutely discusting to walk in all areas people live, because they throw garbage on the ground! I mean, bottles, food boxes, everything there is! Terrible 

 It looks like the computer never imported all the pictures and I erased them from the memory card! My mistake... But maby they could be found in the trashcan, oh no because they never did import.. Jah kno... I have alot on my phone..
The baby is not Matthews...

I'll continue tomorrow r sittin
But the nature in Jamaica is very beautiful. Been there for over a year now :). Living with Jamaicans, so I think I have a good idea about the country. The men/yutes are wonderful and the music is great, but nowdays artists like Skeng and Intense etc sound so bad. In 2011, 1.125 people where murdered in Jamaica. In 2022, 1055 murders have been commited, but it's 4 months left on this year. Every city you go to have commercial with caskets etc on the road... Death is like a bigg buisness in Jamaica :S. In 2021 113 people in Sweden was killed, same year 982 people in Jamaica... In 2011 we had 81 murders here, there they had 1.125... The increase here is probably due to the fact that we have taken in so many immigrants, and that most of them live under worse conditions than Swedes? Then I guess artist like Haval etc put violence in childrens minds.... In Jamaica they have alot of music promoting violence :S. So it's great me and Matthew mostly listen to Bob Marley. He listen to him every day, I used to do that 2007, but not now. I barely listen to music again. But I still like Mortimer and Jesse Royal.. Queen Elisabeth died the 8 of September 2022. Jamaica is independed on paper, since 1962. But she still has been the head of state, making decissions for the country! So now a white man named Chareles III is the head of state in Jamaica instead of her :S... They only make decissions to make it better for them, they use Jamaica as they please! It is colder in the mountains and places like Manchester have a better temperature but Falmouth is absolutely awful! Silver Sands is great still. Because at the beach the wind blows and you could cool down in the water. However the fish in Jamaica taste horrible, it is served with the head,bones, tail and skin :S. It taste salt and flavourless.. I am so discusted when I see the dead fish, so I can barely manage t0 eat anything.. They look very pretty, when they are alive and have every colour you could think off :)... The vegetarian options is rare, especially in the rural areas. But in Port Antonio and the bigger cities you could eat Rastaman food (L). I haven't been on Blue Mountains yet and there I suppose they have a great temperature and normal food, since alot of Rastas live there... Most Jamaicans unfotunately do not really eat vegetables.. Sure they could sometimes eat Akee or Callaloo, but the poorer people only eat chicken and rice every bloodclaat day! Yuck! Or some of them can't even afford that but don't eat anything or Noodles :S. Some work really hard, but like I said tha salary is not sufficient. A doctor in Jamaica could earn 425 000 a year, a doctor in Sweden earn 998 400 a year... The rent when we rented a house in Falmouth (from a person) was 120 000 jmd a month. I pay 135 957,40 jmd here in Sweden! Still there you did not have an electric stove, you had to use a gas stove .S. The water from the washing Machine wen t on the grass! It came in one cockroach and a crab crawling on the ground. And two cats :)... But let me tell you about when I lived in ALbert Town. They had cockroaches, rats and a ton of mostqitos, inside every day! They don't have any pavement, but one road with alot of traffic all the time. So I couldn't even walk around! And if I did some cars stopped and spoke to me. Oh and in those rural places some called me whitie like every time :S. As if I would ever call them nigger? Up there, the people don't have sense. But hey I love people from Kingston and Spanishtown, because they are normal and nice Jamaicans... all thoe the food One time we drove to Nine Miles, where Bob Marely was borned and is burried. I lived just beside his grave. There they played Bob Marely's music non stop. It was a nice place, all thoe the hotel and food was expensive and the road that led there was shit.. I'll fix this text and put in pictures as soon as I can...

IF they have water in the pipes inside, they can not even drink it! (Like in America, which is the worst industrialized country I ever been to). My man had to drive to the other side of town, to get river water or mountain water... But you can not drink that (without boiling it) and without electricity or if you have to start a coal fire. It is hard. I mean I really feel bad for the people who have to live, in those horrible conditions! It's like why do you have governments? 
This tasted alright. They have very many juices, in the stores. Swedish people think that you atleased have to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you don't want to become malnurished. There they eat very much less, cookies, chips, white bread and soda. If they can afford it 🤧. So most of them are underweight, but the rest are overweight because of eating at burgerking and unhealthy. It's like they look at America for a role model, so they even put baking soda in the waffles and pankakes 🥶..

I don't ever want to live in Jamaica!
This was in Mandeville, we stayed there for like a week and I love that town. Because it is cooler, since it's up in the mountains. Yet they have big grocerystores with vegetarian food. But it is expensive. One piece of vegetarisk lasagne kostade typ 70kr. In Sweden one piece cost like 30kr! And I love YSfalls, in St
Elisabeth. That's close by...


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