Poor people
Fentanyl is such a dangerouse drug. I remember a man coming to our house, wanting to buy it. My ex gave him some, but the man was saying that he wanted more. So he got more and the next day somebody found him dead in his apartment. I don't even remember the guys name, oh yeah it was Connie.. He was maby 48 years..
It's so crazy, I've met maby 7 people between 24 n 45. That has died, from drugs and one jumped infront of the train 😔. Jury was very nice and pretty. He thought me one thing 🙂. He came from Venezuela or something like that 😋. I got the feeling that he was lonely and felt bad about me going home with Ravi every day... Leffe we was home to and Hung around more times, but he took the train to Stockholm, bought Heroin and died on the train back. Then this guy Danny who was kinda overweight. Went to the hospital every day to get his drugs, then he went home and prepared a meal. He died over his food.. Ravi has fallen asleep in his food every week, so I woke him up...
I really wonder why people leave other persons? That don't make no sense, because that's the reason why people continue doing drugs. Is because others leave them and they don't feel any love.
Watching this now. Haha it's crazy that they say that that boy had mania and was skitzofrenic. Because they have told me I was manic and I sure as hell did not scream or hear any voices... Rickard Flodin, the doctor of the lock up is a fucking lunatic...
Death is real.
The entire mental part on the hospital is ludacris.. It's completely crazy that they give people drugs, so that they can not live a normal life. And it is bullshit that the government pay for it. It cost 100kr a day and you are in there several months. I assume that all the food you eat do not cost more than 50, and it's crazy that we have to pay for the medicin they decide to give you. I don't do drugs, so it's humiliating that they force you to take the medicin. Last year was destroyed because I had to take it. I couldn't even stand up and do anything, because those drugs just made me sleep.
It's like they don't have anything real to do in their lives, so they try to destroy others... It's horrible. Remember that it is a persons opinion that decide weather you are sick or not. Last summer after I was locked up four 3 months, my ex husband came to the hospital and told them that I was completely normal. He chatted to me all along and thought it was crazy that they locked me up.
So after some weeks they let me go home!
I have never been manic, still they have locked me up 3 times because they claimed I was! So I brought them to court but that don't matter because the court listen to the 'educated' doctor and don't care what I say.
I was psycotic after being abused 3 years and smoking a whole lot of weed every day. But that was in 2016, that don't say that I would become sick 3 years later when I used it! But Marijuana is illegal in Sweden, so they will do anything to punish you..
This society is so surreal.
Jag visste inte att det fanns kapslar med Heroin. Eller att det var ett problem i Afrika. I Jamaica har jag hört att polisen brukar stoppa båtar, med Methamfetamin och Kokain. Som de sedan beslagtar, men de rapporterar bara halva mängden och säljer hälften till langare som distruberar drogerna till människorna i ghettot. Jag har aldrig träffat en jamaican som använder någon drog, men jag har träffat extremt många svenskar som gör det..
Svenskar som åker till Danmark för att lagligt kunna ta Heroin..
Ta inte droger. Lyssna på dem som har gjort det innan. Det ger absolut ingenting positivt, utan ger massor av problem. Inte bara att du får problem med hela samhället, du kommer inte längre räknas som människa och ha samma rättigheter som andra. Du kan inte ens vistas på samma plats som andra längre. Även om du inte nödvändigtvis dör när du börjar, så kommer du att dö så småning om. Jag känner många som dött till följd utav droger/mediciner och de som lever, har åkt in på sjukhus många gånger och de har inget liv.
Dom kan inte göra som dom vill här i livet. På grund av att drogerna får hela deras dagar att cirkulera kring droger. Pengarna tar slut, de får sparken från jobbet och existensminimum som socialen delar ut räcker inte långt. Men visst det räcker till att knarka, om du inte handlar mat eller något annat.
Jag önskar att jag kunde prata med någon som kanske precis börjat använda benso, Ecstasy eller Amfetamin. För det är så enkelt att sluta, det är bara ett val du gör. För om du inte slutar kommer du att dö av överdos eller börja injicera. För det blir billigare så och effekten kommer att avta, så man väljer att skjuta I sig. Öh injicera...
Jag lovar att du kommer förstöra ditt liv om du börjar knarka. I've been there, done that. Den enda som räddade mig var Gud, ingen annan visste vad jag gjorde.
Jag har sett, med mina egna ögon hur människor lever i missär. Varje dag.
Borde gå och intervjua dom, för att visa hur människor i stan håller på med droger.
Men jag måste duscha och tvätta håret då och jag borde packa och tvätta. Så jag pallar inte idag varjefall. Kanske, men gården stänger om 2,5 timmar... Vet inte ens om Sanna lever längre. Sist jag träffade henne var på ett härbärge typ 2018... Men visst sist jag var där pratade jag med Mackan. Han jobbade på radion, men sen började han injicera Amfetamin och då fick han sparken. Sen gick allt åt helvete.
Fentanyl is kinda scary, because you only have to get like 50 corns of salt, to actually OD and die 🤧. Fentanyl is 100 times as toxic as Morphine. 1 pound of Fentanyl is about 50 pounds of Heroin. So it's crazy. Doctors created it to like treat patients they operate on.. So ofcourse it's sold on the black market. It is easy to buy it cheap online, from like China. But I'm not telling anyone to do it, because you will die. That's for sure, so I don't understand why they produce and sell these things. It's all about money I guess..
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