Jamaica end of May 2022
Nice apartment we got, just arrived here in Manchester Mandeville.. This is really country side. After some days here I wish to go to Kingston and Portland. I'm so very exited to go everywhere really. After this trip it's like I've been to all of Jamaica 😃😍.
This place look very nice all thoe I would have changed some things if I lived here..
Just outside our bedroom window, they have a pool. So I heard how she was sitting on a plastic madrass, in the water, last night. It's a husband and wife that lives in this house. Maby their daughter still lives here to...
I don't know why you would want to sit there. Today when we wake up I wish that we would go to YSfalls! That is the most beautiful place on this earth. I have lost my previouse pictures of that place, so I can take new ones 😍. We should probably pick up his kids first, because they got really sad when they where not alowed to go with us. They live 60 minutes away. "Babies having babies dis mtha fukin place is crazy".
We have hotwater 💙
Jah kno. It was because of Shilas tears I told Matthew we have to bring them to Montego Bay. Everything went great those two days. The only thing I didn't like was that she expected me to wipe her ass after I took her to the toilet at the beach. But I gave her paper and told her what to do... She just turned 4, so I had to lift her up to the toilet seat and to wash her hands and get soap. I love how hygenic jamaican people are..
I love their house, but it is too crowded with his ex and her new baby 😐. They broke up years ago but she still doesn't have another place to go. It's kinda sick how Matthew has been providing for him several years. (In Jamaica they say him to her, hers, he and his) They are just marvelouse 🥰.
So we was 4 people sleeping in that room and it was cosy. Tascha and her baby sleep in the next room. They have a toilet and a bucket so you could flush it with rainwater. They also bought a big tank of water so that we could use the washingmachine. They don't have running water or electricity so don't ask me how they do it.
Mi aguh back a mi bed nuh n close mi yey dem.. Jah RastafarI 💙💙💙
that's our new home :).. We slept here 3 days and will stay 4 more I think... Yesterday we went to the most beautiful place on this earth, I swear. It was in Ocho Rios. More beautiful than Duns River Falls. It was these waterfalls and Rivers we climed and jumped down cliffs etc. I took alot of pictures with the camera, so I'll put them up later...
This is my idea of a perfect man. Like his hight, his musscles, his colour, his hair, his eyes, the way he talk and the way he acts. Are just perfect. Mi luv im.
Aloevera... From outside.Aloevera... From outside. He drank two glasses one day and two the next day. That helped him to get ridd of the fever...
We couldn't sleep so good last night, because Shilah and Michael came and slept in our bed. Shilah is very close to me all the time and tell us every day that she don't want to go home to her "madda yaad". She have called me mommy 3 times...
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