Look at this guy...
Now Matthew have this idea that he have to eat chicken and fish to get the energy to do the hard work he is doing. I have seen so many strong people that eat only plantbased. Arnold Swatchenegger is one (I don't know how he spell his last name). And me myself and I have worked out and gained muscles, eating only vegetables, legumes and nuts...
It's is so good many strong vegans have posted their success on youtube, because most people will not believe it :S, living in a society where the people are fooled to think that meat leads to optimal health.
I would even go so far to blame most of the violence, anger and problems caused by the meat eating people. Don't you understand that carnivores eat dead flesh, that has been dead for weeks? How can you not see that that would cause inflammation and problems, in all biodies? Meat eaters are amgrier, that's the conclusion my life has thought me.
We need to consume energy and nutrients to survive, with optimal health. I know this after eating plantbased for 16 years and eating meat for 21 years...
I got decficient in iron at one time when I was vegetarian. Because I drank milk and ate yougurth. When I stopped doing that my Iron has always been good. See the Iron in meat is different than the Iron found in plants. Milk prevents the body from absorbing iron from vegetables...
Eat beans, lentils, peas or tofu if you want alot of iron. Even nuts, seeds, dried fruit and leafy greens.have iron. Oh worth mentioning is also that you shouldnt have coffey or tea, while you're eating your meal. If you want to be able to absorb the nutrients properly. I drank my tea like an hour before I ate the porrige with seeds and fruit. The 'milk' I used was coconut...
Now this video below obviously shows fools. People who believes that they have to eat 10,000 calories a day. I mean just look on them and the oposite strong man that eat plants.🤬.
I have eyes so I can see that the later is very healthy, while the meat and junkfood eaters are fat, way to bulky, not natural and looks disgusting. I am quite sure that they will die of alot of different sicknesses. When I ate meat I became sick more than two times a year. Eating vegetarian I been sick maby twice in 16 years.
Now I will go and make my "famous" porridge, but I will make it with berries. Too bad I didn't take them out of the freezer yesterday. Because now I will have to put them in the microwave. I don't think that that is a optimal healthy way to prepare it. I'll take them out now. They where out for like an hour and is not too cold now "suh ting gud" 😀..
I have frozen strawberries, but I ate strawberries yesterday, So I'll take raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and redberries I don't know the translation..
I made myself a cup of tea first, because I'm not hungry yet.
I rest my case.
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