I have changed my mind...
The things that interested me in the past don't mean anything to me anymore.
I don't love Jamaican artists again.
Some jamaican music doesn't sound good in my ears again.
I barely listen to any music.
Especially not gangsters that sing about guns, sex, or degrading things...
I'm not a Rastafarian.
I don't even like weed anymore.
My hair doesn't have dreadlocks.
And I do not speak Patois.
Right now I'm trying to find myself again.
With this medication, it feels impossible.
So I'm observing my old "crazy" videos.
I had fun making them. But I used way to much Lyft last summer, that´s why I had hiccups..
What do you expect, when you lock a person up? I had absolutely nothing to do and also in prison they very often use Nicotine. Anything to make the time pass.
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