Bloodclaat 😁

 InI love this mix!! So me 🥰😘

I love myself, and InI love we life. Because today InI met a Greek doctor. He was the best doctor I ever met. Sure I met him this summer also a short while, but I was really furiouse, dem time deh. We really had the best conversation and he made clear what his thought was. He say that the doctor who thinks that I'm bipolar just because there is a difference in my mood, are wrong. Because I'm "braindamaged" since my accident, so that is why my moodswings can be very different. He listened to me and agreed that I did not have to be hospitalized. I am at home right now, untill tomorrow at five, when I will eat dinner at the hospital and then on wednesday I'm going to meet with the doctor and I hope he will send me home forever. Today he said that the conversation I had with the Greek doctor mattered, when he was going to make his decision. Well, they are really REALLY the biggest pussycleet fools that have kept me this long, for no reason at all! I am this way, glad somebody finally listened to me!

I do not do any drugs and I do not smoke weed. To celebrate my soon to be freedom I bought energy drink BCCAA and Zyn Citrus! (Mini patches that are not strong at all but taste wonderfully nice)... I'm here listening to this, cleaning, waiting on my Greek man. See Greek has been my favorite European country since I was 19 :). It is way closer than Jamaica and have wonderful Feta-cheese :P Hahahaha. Maby I can walk there soon :)...

I'm so much fun man... Big up Jah Jah RastafarI 💖💛💚❤ 

I am a ticking bomb, that's how I would describe Iself 😃. I well could record myself through this computer, because I forgot the phone charger at the hospital, because they lock them up in a little room so that we should not hang ourself :S... Sick sick are they!! Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

(I'm not done with that painting, but see I never use to have time to focus.
I choose to live my life instead :P. But I well could finish it today but Addi is coming so...)
Evah faithful and true InI zimi!
Fixing everything Wonderful!!
I´m not lazy
Great tune!!

InI put on the jacket and went to Addi ❤

Vegetarian sushi 💚💚💚 
💋so niiiceee❤❤❤❤

This wine InI drank to the sushi, tasted perfect. Thank you for today Addi ❣💯.


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