I absolutely adore this song!

Such great memories and so very nice vibes in the tune ya..

Hope it can wake me up, with my second cup of coffey. Honestly, this have to be the best song ever made. I mean I’ve heard it since I was 16 and it is still great. It never runs old! What a perfect day with nicotine shewinggum and this nice song. I soon wake up!

See I do what I want, at all times for my benefit. But people are jelouse of my perfect life, so they do anything they can, to destroy it… True

This song is strictly greatness. Every little sound is perfectly put together. InI could listen to this song every day. But I just got a rapport from the phone saying that I have been listening to music to loud for a week now. Well yeah. InI too too love music. A life without music, men and god is completely pointless.

I wish that everybody would have my brain, because I actually use the whole of it. Not like most people who only use a small procent, what they have been thought to think. I can’t believe how some humans that just studied in school, believe that they know anything. Mr press button, read what they are told is the truth..

Me personally would have changed some of the sounds, but it is great same way. I love trance.. Today I got permission to leave this place two hours. I must get my phone and returnera this one.. great Give Thanks and Praise. I want to drink a cider also, but they might test me, when I come back, so thats not such a great idea :). You should use Music as an upliftment of your thoughts. InI can teach you how to fly, without using any drug what so ever. But yeah ”drugs” like Marijuana and Ecstasy sure help you to fly away. It makes you reach a higher level of consiousness. But Ecstasy well could kill you and is harmful, to your brain. Since it use up all of your natural serotonin. So after you will not have any joy left. That is not the case with weed, because it make you uplifted for three weeks atleased. Marijuana is the best medicin God made. Factory made pills, come from the devil, so you mustn’t use it! 

Love this…



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