Ella soon aguh FREE


It's patetic how the avarage Jo in society a gwaan. U ago try get mi money, for two grams of weed??? KSMT Don't you understand that it will cost you alot more to prosecute me? It wasn't even mine. I had never seen that, untill the police man dem ask me whats this. Maby them put it there themselves!

If it's not one thing, it's the next. Can't you just understand that you are pathetic little loosers, lacking a life?! I am way better than you, I have never commited a crime. But the idiots that kidnapped and stole my Child, based entirely on lies. Should be sent to jail.

The evil woman that call herself my mother, and her horrible and evil poor excuse for a man. That have beaten me all my life. They have commited plenty crimes. So send them to jail and do your job! I have never ever done anything bad. Because a no mi dat. I am a child of God. So bun the wicked society and stop bothering me. Bless.


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