I feel very sorry for, most of the inhabitants in this world ”still”. Because I concider their life to be pathetic. Honestly.
To me, it is very stupid to live as a slave, for a system that don’t provide a happy life...
Come on, lets face it. Nobody in these societies are genuinly glader than perfect. Oh no that person is concidered sick. ”Really now”. Stupid mother fucker.
Some of us actually manage to break free and live a better and wonderful life. I say that. Because hey, it is not normal to cry and have unwanted feelings. You have Bern brainwashed all of your life.
It is completely unnecessery to have any bad emotions. So that is not a life I am willing to partake in.
I am swedish, but I sure as hell do not concider myself a Swede. I am NOT boring at all, like those bastards infact are.
InI do not have to work for these sick communities that have emerged upon this globe. Because I’m blessed. Thanks to God. I’ve died and been resurected, all when I did not have any desire, to go back to Tell-us.
To me, your life is a very pathetic waste of time... You live, untill you die fysically. Not me. I am alive, all the wile. Saying that is not the same as calling myself God. But Im imortal also. Yes I 💋. One Love ❤️ ☀️☘️.
It is so very stupid. That you live life as you want. Your only freedom is to work as a slave for Babylon. An evil, misgreviouse and perfect way, to waste your life.. You have forgotten God. Who is the only reason you are existing. Stupid sellout. I truly feel sorry for them that do not think. Or them that reason in a way others tell you to think. There is a whole life you are missing out on ”mi a tell yuh”.
Lets face it, you are working for somebody else. And think that you are providing for this society.
Yes you do, but this type of society do not work in favour for anybody. Living in a lie, set up by these societies. Yet you think that you make life better for the people around you. All when everything you are doing, is to infact making everyones life worse...
It is not good to give your money to Africa and steal their food. Leave them starving. I can not believe how you all can willingly, eat their fruits, God put there... You are soo selfish. You don't even grow fruits and vegetables for yourself... Se jag giver er alla träd och buskar med frukt. Detta skola i hava till föda. Dvs. Everybody shall be vegetarians. God tell you do not kill. That equal, do not eat what is dead 💀. Something dead can not give you a heathy and happy life, in ecstasy. Dvs ett liv i extas, det är möjligt att uppnå utan att du knarkar och tar en drog! Det är själviska människor som säljer alkohol, den drogen förstör mest liv. Jag skulle aldrig dricka sprit, för jag är inte dum i huvudet. Däremot skulle jag röka Marijuana. Då det är en växt Gud skapat. Fabriker och asfalterade vägar med fordon, har människor skapat. Vilket tillvägagångssätt sätt tror du ger ett friskt liv? Guds vägar är svaret. Pappskalle. Eller man kanske skulle kalla er papperskallar, eftersom ni ignorerar den egentliga verkligheten och följer skrifter andra människor skrivit. Jag är hur trött som helst på idioter. Så fucking lämna mig ifred och låt mig leva som jag vill. Så har Gud bestämt. Vem fan är du? Lilla nolla. I am number one in my life. Because I am not a retard, believing their lies.
It is interesting how they, some in this society, actually lock other individuals up... All when we havent commited any crime!
I did not hurt myself or anybody in anyway, so of course I ”bex” about having to eat their medicin, to slow my thought process up! Only because they the others, are not as smart as me.
They think that they are doing something good, when they prevent others from existing, in their natural state of being. They feel as if any sickness exist. I begg ro differ.
This society is SOO worthless and are runned by pathetic loosers. I must really be special, since they do everything in their power, to completely destroy my life. They have stolen my daughter, because they claim Im not sober. ”Suck yuh muma”.
When InI left this place for three hours I went home and opened a letter sent by the police… Stupid little pussies. Mi deah drink mi coffey now. But Babylon a try frame me and make me pay dem. Poor little creatures. Dem say Im smoking weed because they claim to have found two grams of weed in my closet. They asked me to leave a urine sample. But I refused. So they took my blood 🩸 and all thoe it was free of narcotics, dem a try frame me for something InI never did. They don’t have a life. But are living to did. Pathetic. I hate all the little loosers in this society. They dont have a clue about what they are doing. Or who dem a ramp wid.
Who the fuck would want to partake in stupidity?
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