My healthy body image 🖤

  •  Soon will write this :) It's just some music I would have to hear first :)
  • Now this topic is a bit controverZial and can leave others upset,                                                                  if they don't read my full reasoning.
  • I can't understand how ones opinion, can have anyone upset still?
  • We have our own minds, don't it.
  • This boy is SOO fine, all in reality 😀...
  • Dat a all mi ago gi seh.. He is a badman n mi no too too rate dat, u zeet 😁

I love it. I agree with what you are singing. Could have wrote the exact same thing. 
InI perfect still.

I could go on and on forever, because Jamaica is really a passion of mine, u zeet.
They ARE soo beautiful. Inside out, untill I would cry thinking of it...
"Press press" enuh...

The things they talk about in Jamaica, is stricktly greatness. 
Even if they are describing horrible events.
They only see the good things in everything.
Because they are living life, fully.
Not like you who are living dead.

In reality their society is horrible. So they are forced to be genuine and loving towards eachother.. 
(Oh I was supposed to write about my ideal body. Right), but Jamaicans fit perfectly in that, 
because they are natural over there.
Many of them are thin, with lane musscle and beautiful skin.
(Because they live active without eating too much)!

But some is fat, just like in other places of  this world. 
That still don't make it ok or healthy to be overweight. Or a little bit fat!
It is not natural and nothing that are inherited. It is your living determening how fat&slim you are.
What type of food you eat will effect you, in all ways. 

Or your lazyness.
Not doctors. Free up your mind.
(This is beautiful and had me crying many times. The lyrics SHOT. Bless Artist Jason)

An unhealthy living is horrible, according to me and nature.
Because, all if I just gain a couple of pounds. My body temprature become warmer, hence I start to sweat, and not smell nice. I love to be able to live and move around freely.
Without being tierd. So I don't want to eat too much food, like most other people unfortunately do.
Selfish yes..
I love You...
What a PERFECT man...
He is the icon image, "of wah mi a chat seh" (of what I am talking about).
U zeet 

Now I have a brain, that prevents my activities around here. 
Since I concider it boring to be outside, in Sweden.
You don't have any nice vibes or understand how to think, like I do.
You are tooo judgemental for my likings.

You consider yourself as a thinking individual.
Still just acting normal dvs boring.
Look on what you are doing and question why you are doing it.

 You would infact realize that there is no reason, to act like you are doing. If you where thinking.
Learnt in behaviours are not optimal, just because others are doing it.
Please, what gives you a healthy and long life without diceases, is when you are slim.
Mi ready right back.

Because honestly. I find it very unattractive to be fat or overweight.
And I have reasons behind my reasoning, like everyone else.

I think it looks discusting with all type of fat.
There is nothing inheritary, or how it spell...
Am I not allowed to think?

Howcome fat people, could bash me about being skinny and not vice versa. Why is that?
Yes I am SLIM because of what I am eating. Natural foods. Frm I-tall zeen :D
And you are ugly and fat because of what you are eating.
That´s just what I think!
Plenty people thinks otherwise.
I'm not hateful but entitled to my opinion.
I think that it's crazy that it's ok to be fat and sick, in this society.
That's because of your lazyness.
And that is just my personal opinion.

Doctors and nurses maintain sick peoples lives.
Crazy dem crazy.
Why in this world don't you let people die in peace?!
No you want to earn money for yourself, so that you work on "maintaining others life".
You let other people suffer and live in pain!
Only to get a better life yourself.

You should be ashamed of yourself, for making the people that should have been dead living, 
and at the same time killing the living. Even yourself, (in the long run).

I have personally been admitted to a hospital for 13 months and I'm still angry about that!
Some might say that they saved my life.
I say that they tried to kill me, letting me suffer on this earth. 
They gave me drugs and told me I had to eat them all my life!
Shit. They are truly evil.
While God tried to make me a living again!
Stupid fucks

How could you not understand that those who are ment to be living are living without of "getting help"?
It is nor natural and normal to eat factory made pills you call medicins, or foods for that matter.
How can you think that it is ok to freely eat the fruits of nature, that you filled with poisons?
(to kill the little animals, as if a big person would be entitled to end a smaller ones life?!
Oh God you are killing infants too!

That mean that you infact contribute to the death of the nature you´re living in.
Destroying the earth!!
Instead of contributing to everybodies happy and healthy life 
and that is not what a smart individual would do.

You are driving around in vehicles as if that would be a intelligent solution to your transportation problem. Why don't you walk on the feet God gave you?!

That has also been the reason, why I don't travel back to Jamaica. Earlier I took the plane because it's too far to swim and there is no option to take a boat there, from Sweden.
I also knew that the planes would fly there without me.

Then i started to protest because I realized that I was one of everybody and if all of us stopped flying we would not have problems with the airpolutions.

Now I see that people are continuesely traveling and wont stop it. Because most people are selfish.
Untill Rasta can rule the world, people will die still.
And most are both stupid and selfish, so I guess we will all die.

You don't think what so ever.
Fuck the whole a dem

RastafarI followers will live on forever more, but the rest will not be able to join us.
Because you don't deserve to. If you kill others, you yourself will die. And that's a reality.
You must be sinFREE

That's what God told me, in heaven.

Bun Money
A nature fi rule this world!

Ni borde skämmas som skadar andra i denna värld.
Ni kommer att dö. Utav åldern eller vad som helst. 
Hur kan det vara så accepterat och ses som ett utav livets faktum?
Alla vi som är Rastas prisar naturen och kommer leva för alltid. 
Det är inte något jag tror, utan vet.
Gör gott mot andra. Döda ingen, så kommer det gå bättre för dig och ditt egna liv.

Ni säljer cigaretter, droger och mediciner.
Ni tror att alkohol är ok att dricka.

Vill inte ha något med er att göra.
För jag är inte destruktiv!

Ni har byggt ett system som kontrollerar HELA människors liv. På alla plan. 
Ni bestämmer vad vi ska sysselsätta oss med och ägna oss åt.
Dagarna blir uträknade utav någon annan!
Ni låter lagar och polisen bestämma över er, utan att förstå att de kontrollerar hur ni tänker?!
Varför i hela friden gör ni så?

Det är inte lätt att vara smart.
I tried my best to talk about other things than I love....
But I'm Slim Lady, so it's kind of hard not coming back to my love in nature .

InI a say.
hahahaha I have been walking around, running up and down, listening to this in my headphones. Looking on everybody and feeling really sorry for how they are obliviouse to the truth...

Hahaha lol. You don't understand how this is very funny?!
He is a clever artist... Controversial, but that's just fine and nicer than nice.

Realize where the truth comes from.
You don't have to go to school to learn about reality!
Freedom is a must...
Such a beautiful man
Why should I go outside, when ini have everything I need, here with me?
Bless pretty I wish everybody could understand and accept peoples natural differences...
Start to live life and smile. Blessed ❤💖
I just love everything about Cronixx and this preformance.


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